Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566

Everyone in the conference room had already thought about it. If Jiang Xiaobai asked them if they agreed, they would fight with silence.

We are like this anyway. We have no reason to oppose it, but it does not affect our support.

What can you do to us if we don't speak, if you call it by name, but let us speak, then we disagree.

Tell out the reason for the delay at that time.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the expressions on the faces of everyone in the conference room, and immediately understood what they were thinking.

"Haha." Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, he could see this group of **** now.

I want to fight myself with silence, but I don't know what to think, fight. Each of them is not good enough now, and their temper is not small.

"Okay, now a show of hands..." Jiang Xiaobai dragged his voice.

Everyone looked at each other, communicated with their eyes, and reached a consensus.

The historian on the side opened his mouth and wanted to say something. He felt that Jiang Xiaobai's method today was a bit too rough.

Normally, shouldn't it be Jiang Xiaobai who convinced everyone after he made this proposal?

Although it is impossible to persuade them all, but with Jiang Xiaobai's eloquence, it shouldn't be difficult to get the support of some people, and only some people will oppose it.

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai will use his prestige to force this proposal in the company, and there will be no problem at that time.

But now? This group of people is obviously not in the right mood.

There was no objection because he had just received the scolding, and it did not mean he supported it. He could see this. He didn't believe that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't see it.

Although Jiang Xiaobai is young, he has been up and down for more than ten years, and has developed a small workshop to today's multinational company.

Seeing the problem more transparently than yourself, how can you not understand this truth?

But if you understand, why did Jiang Xiaobai do this?

Shi Sheng didn't understand, so he didn't say anything, so he heard Jiang Xiaobai continue to say: Who is against raising his hand and telling the reason.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai said this, everyone in the conference room was obviously a little dazed.

Isn't someone who supports and who raises their hands? Why does this become the opposition who raised their hands?

How can you raise your hand? Doesn't the one who raised his hand become a bird?

Everyone looked at each other, don't look at it, just changed the form, but it is such a simple change, it is completely different.

Do not raise their hands to support, they dare! But raise your hand to object, who dares to do this?

One is to follow the waves, just keep your head down and not make a sound. And the other was under Jiang Xiaobai's majestic gaze, he wanted to be the first bird to oppose Jiang Xiaobai's order.

"No one raises their hands, right? I'll give you one minute. If there is no objection, it means that all of you will pass Mr. Shi's proposal on the relocation of the company." Jiang Xiaobai said word by word.

Shi Sheng was a little speechless on the side, this Jiang Xiaobai's trick is really...too unexpected.

The people in the conference room looked at each other, the hands on their laps and the hands on the conference table were shaking slightly.

I want to raise my hand, but I dare not...After all, raising my hand is not not raising my hand.

It's impossible to maintain such a tacit understanding. If you raise your hand and others don't, it's not just letting yourself go out alone.

At that time, facing Jiang Xiaobai's anger on his own, he didn't say anything if things were not done, and he would end up at that time.

Maybe you don't need to leave your home, but it is estimated that you have to give up your career.

The job of Huaqing Holding Company is very good for many people. After all, the treatment of Huaqing Holding Company is quite good.

And they have achieved leadership positions in Huaqing Holding Company, if they are fired.

Then it will be difficult to find a job, or that it is impossible to find such a satisfactory job.

The meeting room is quiet, only the clock on the wall goes by every second.

"Okay, one minute is up, no one objected, right?" Jiang Xiaobai asked one last time, but no one said anything.

"Okay, then I now announce that the decision on the relocation of the headquarters proposed by President Shi has been decided by the company's senior and middle-level meetings, and the decision has been unanimously passed."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Xiaojin on the side.

"Secretary Zhao, you should record it in the meeting minutes."

"Okay, Jiang Dong." Zhao Xiaojin nodded, and she was calmed by Jiang Xiaobai's simple and rude means.

She knew about this earlier. After all, as Jiang Xiaobai's assistant secretary, as long as Jiang Xiaobai did not deliberately, there was very little news that could be kept from her.

In fact, she is also very entangled in this matter, because her family is also in Longcheng.

If you leave, you will be far from home, and it will be difficult to come back later.

My parents have been thinking about finding a boyfriend in Longcheng, and then they will marry in Longcheng, closer to home.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Shi Sheng again: "Mr. Shi, when you turn back, you will hand in the official report, and I will sign and seal it."

"Okay, Jiang Dong." Shi Sheng nodded. It went so well that he couldn't believe it now.

I originally thought that this morning, it would be possible to pass after a difficult peak.

As a result, now, it can be said that basically it passed without any twists and turns.

"Okay, the meeting is over." Jiang Xiaobai got up and announced, and then walked out of the meeting room.

Shi Sheng quickly got up to follow, and followed Jiang Xiaobai to the office.

"Dong Jiang, is it too simple and rude for us to do this, so everyone may feel...I am mainly afraid that something will happen again.

After all, everyone is now..." Shi Sheng did not say what was behind, but he added in his heart: "Because of your lust, no one dared to object. "

"Okay, I know what you want to say, but I was actually planning to talk to them.

But you don't look at their current virtues one by one. They have been in the headquarters for a long time.

I like to relax and lose my enterprising spirit. I guess you can see that I was angry today. Part of it was to use the topic to relocate the company, but a large part of it was really disappointed in them.

How long has this good day passed, and it has become so easy. If you like ease, then go to work in the system and find a Shimizu Yamen to read the newspaper and drink tea.

What came to the private sector to do, all of them looked stubborn and stood up to oppose if I had the backbone. I was able to take a high look and hide one by one, ready to fight with silence, and I didn't want to think about who I was, Jiang Xiaobai, against... "

Jiang Xiaobai said angrily. To be honest, he was really disappointed, so he temporarily changed his strategy and rudely pushed forward the proposal to relocate the headquarters.

Shi Sheng was silent, and he also understood.

(End of this chapter)