Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1565

Chapter 1565

Chapter 1565 Relocation Plan

The various departments finally reported their work in fear, and the entire conference room was silent, and everyone bowed their heads and did not speak.

"Do you have anything else to report?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking around everyone, and finally fell on Shi Sheng.

The historical student understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant, and coughed slightly and said, "Dong Jiang, I have something to report."

It's no good if you don't report. Jiang Xiaobai has already paved the way. If he doesn't say anything, it won't make sense.

Yes, he understands why Jiang Xiaobai criticized everyone just now, just to pave the way for the relocation of the headquarters.

If under normal circumstances, there will definitely be many objections and many opinions.

This resolution may not be passed, but Jiang Xiaobai reprimanded like this just now and beat it all round.

The heads of various departments and middle-level leaders are not clean on their bodies. Maybe they will be punished in the next step.

How to oppose? If he opposes, will he be punished by Jiang Xiaobai as just said.

Yes, there was no penalty set just now. After Shi Sheng's persuasion, there was a turnaround, but this does not mean that it is all right.

"Okay, you say." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, calmly.

So Shi Sheng handed over the documents in his hand to the staff, and sent a copy to everyone.

Then he gave Jiang Xiaobai another copy.

"Everyone is holding a feasibility plan for the relocation of the headquarters of our Huaqing Holding Co., Ltd., which I have made. I analyzed the pros and cons after the relocation. Let's take a look and discuss..."

Shi Sheng introduced to everyone that, of course, it is not possible to just talk about the relocation of the headquarters, a feasible plan is indispensable.

In this plan, based on what Jiang Xiaobai said, relocation is beneficial to the company's development, and he summarized the benefits of relocation to the company.

"Relocation, relocation of headquarters, relocation..."

"Our company has been in Longcheng well, why should we relocate..."

"My family is in Longcheng, and the family building is also in Longcheng. How do I live when I relocate to another place..."

As soon as Shi Sheng's voice fell, the noisy voices of the crowd came to mind in the conference room, basically the voices of confusion and disagreement.

In fact, if you think about it, you can know that for them, many of them are from Dragon City, their headquarters are relocated to other places, and they need to leave their homes to live in other places. Of course, they don't want to.

It is Jiang Xiaobai himself. If he is not the boss of Huaqing Holding Company today, but is just a middle-level employee, he would definitely not want to.

After all, everyone is willing to do a job that "gets more money and less work and stays close to home".

"Okay, take a good look, everyone, President Shi, you can introduce it to everyone." Jiang Xiaobai said, and the meeting room quickly became quiet.

"Okay, Jiang Dong, I think the development of our Huaqing Holding Company has reached the time when we had to relocate.

Everyone in the business field knows that, like sailing against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance, because everyone is developing.

In the past two years, the domestic economic situation has continued to improve, and competitors in various industries have emerged like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Product quality, prices, labor costs, talent advantages, publicity, sales, transportation, geographical advantages, policies, etc., start to compete from all aspects.

We, Huaqing Holding Company, have taken some initiative and accumulated some experience, but this does not mean that we can sleep on our laurels.

On the contrary, if we do not work hard, this company will not catch up in a short time and surpass us.

Therefore, our Huaqing Holding Company wants to develop, not only on products and publicity, but also on other aspects. Only in this way can our company maintain its existing advantages and move closer..."

Shi Sheng is explaining the reasons for the company's relocation. The reasons are so strong that people cannot refute it.

After all, the geographical location of Longcheng is here. Compared with some coastal cities in the south, and some people with policy advantages, it is destined to be much worse.

Transportation, policies, ideas, talent advantages, all aspects are very poor.

The only point is that Huaqing Holdings started in the province, and the relationship with the province has been maintained fairly well. This was also the case before, because the things in Jianhua Village were gone.

So everyone thinks about it carefully. There is really no reason for Huaqing Holdings to stay in Longcheng.

"Okay, the above is what I want to say, Jiang Dong, I propose to relocate the company headquarters, and gradually relocate other companies in Longcheng in the future." Shi Sheng finally looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said seriously.

"Well, let's discuss it. If you have any opinions on this plan, it goes without saying that you support it, because President Shi has already listed many reasons in this plan.

If you have objections, just talk about the reasons for their objections..."

Jiang Xiaobai said that, the few people who originally wanted to speak didn't know what to say.

If Jiang Xiaobai doesn't say this, they can adopt the method of restraining and raising first, first praise the historical student's plan, and then say that this is a major issue, and it needs to be studied carefully. It can't be sloppy, and so on.

Drag a bit, in fact, it is against it!

But Jiang Xiaobai directly asked them to say the reason for their opposition. Without the previous preparation, just saying the excuse for procrastination would seem dry.

In addition, I just received the training, and the responsibilities of my department have not been cleared away. At this time, I was very wise and did not say anything.

Because many people knew in their hearts, Shi Sheng had thrown out the relocation of the headquarters at this meeting, and Jiang Dong did not seem to be surprised.

Obviously, the two people passed through the qi before, and they passed through each other. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shi Sheng to take out this big matter without Jiang Xiaobai's knowledge.

There are some rumors in the society. They have also heard about the relocation of the company's headquarters. Many people have guessed that it is to force the inspection team to leave.

Now that Shi Sheng has thrown out this plan, is it also to force relevant departments to withdraw from the inspection team?

Many people don't understand, because this report is a bit too truthful and a bit too detailed.

So now things are confusing and they don't understand.

"If you don't say anything, you won't have any opinions. Do you support it?" Jiang Xiaobai's gaze scanned everyone again.

In the conference room, there is still no one to speak, and it is impossible to support it.

They just don't know the situation clearly, they are ready to make a decision and then move. No one wants to be the first bird, it does not mean that everyone supports it.

(End of this chapter)