Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1564

Chapter 1564

Chapter 1564

October 23, 1992, sunny, the weather was pretty good...

After Huaqing Holding Company went to work, the middle-level leaders and senior leaders received the notice and had a meeting in the conference room at 9:30.

At 9:25, Jiang Xiaobai arrived in the conference room five minutes earlier, and everyone was basically there.

Jiang Xiaobai and Shi Sheng looked at each other, Shi Sheng nodded, indicating that he was ready.

Then Jiang Xiaobai showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and Shi Sheng's face showed a touch of bitterness.

"Okay, everyone is almost here, let's start the meeting now." Jiang Xiaobai gave a light cough. It was just a meeting of middle and high-level leaders in the company, so no one hosted it either.

Jiang Xiaobai had a meeting directly: First of all, I was on a business trip for a long time some time ago, and I didn't take care of many things in the company. Every department will report on their work, starting from the sales side...

"Okay, since the first half of the year, the sales department of the company's headquarters has conducted two trainings for the sales department of each company, a normal rotation training, and an intensive training, and invited relevant experts to give lectures.

The sales department of our headquarters, in accordance with the plan specified by the company at the beginning of the year, the principle of sales staff sinking to the front line.

In the first half of the year, 25 staff members were sent to the front line of various companies to do performance..."

"Excuse me." Jiang Xiaobai asked, "How is the performance of these 25 salesmen? Compared to the salesmen of several companies, what is their performance level?"

In an instant, the sales manager was misfired.

Jiang Xiaobai knew what was going on without asking any more, and he said directly, Would you like to train others at your level?

I'm not afraid that people will laugh out loud. How to talk about military skills on paper will not work in practical applications.

So what do you want to eat? Is it the level of a teacher? Then I need to go to school and invite two to come over and give lessons, okay? "

"Speak, okay?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned and looked at the sales person in charge.

The sales manager was sweaty and quickly stood up and bowed his head to apologize.

The heads of other departments were all shuddered in fright. This time they are going to be scolded like this.

There is a problem in the sales department, and there is also a small problem in their department.

"The purpose of using non-sales existence is to strengthen the company's marketing force and to check the marketing plans of each company.

When necessary, as the sales elite of various enterprises, add strength to win the battle and turn over the battle.

But now, all of you have been abandoned. You know that you are talking on paper and guiding others. I think all of them should be studied.

After the meeting, the sales department will not stay from top to bottom, including you, sink me into various companies, and will not be allowed to come back without any results. "

"Dong Jiang." Shi Sheng spoke, and wanted to persuade Jiang Xiaobai to see if the punishment was a bit too serious.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Shi Sheng.

"Dong Jiang, there are some problems with the performance of our sales staff, mainly because the contact time for the product is a bit short.

After all, after they go down, they don't have enough time to understand the product, and coupled with the fact that they are not familiar with the local people, there are indeed some difficulties in the work development..."

Shi Sheng was justifying the sales department, and the person in charge of the sales department almost cried unmoved.

These are relatives, Jiang Xiaobai sent them into eighteen layers of **** with just one sentence.

Let's go all the way, and come back after making a good performance. How long will it take? At that time, the sales department will survive in name only, and there will be no reuse after returning.

But just now he asked Jiang Xiaobai to reprimand him, and he didn't dare to explain. Now why a historical student is speaking, this is the benefactor.

"Old history, don't always find reasons for them. I think this group of people is lack of exercise. Forget it, I will talk about it later." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and continued to let the people in the next department report.

The sales person in charge gave Shi Sheng a look of gratitude, no matter what, at least Jiang Xiaobai let go.

As long as this matter is not dead, there will be a turn for the better, and there will be hope.

Shi Sheng was a little stunned, Jiang Xiaobai changed his decision so easily.

This matter was a little bit strange from the beginning. First of all, Jiang Xiaobai had been away for half a year, and when he came back to the meeting, he was a little dissatisfied with the various departments of the company.

shouldn't use such harsh means to scold him with all his head and face as soon as he comes up.

After all, there is a good saying, "There is hard work without credit."

But Jiang Xiaobai did just that, and looked very annoyed.

I just subconsciously spoke to persuade him, and did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to listen to him.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai's personality is also clear to him.

But the blame is here. Jiang Xiaobai agreed without even thinking about it. Although he said "I'll talk about it after the meeting." But for Jiang Xiaobai, saying such ambiguous words is an attitude in itself.

After the head of the sales department cast a grateful look, Shi Sheng's heart suddenly brightened, and he seemed to understand something.

If the guess is correct, Jiang Xiaobai should continue to challenge various departments.

It's not picking up faults, or picking bones in the egg. As long as they magnify some of their problems, they will not have the courage to face Jiang Xiaobai.

and Shi Sheng guessed right, Jiang Xiaobai listened to reports from one department to another.

Then basically two departments reported that one department was scolded, and even the heads of two departments of three departments were scolded.

What? "If you can do it, get out of it if you can't do it, make rectification within a time limit, and submit your resignation report if you can't do it..."

"It's a fool, it's all tall words, all flashy words, what I want is data, actual data, not gorgeous rhetoric, since you can write articles like this, then transfer to the secretariat to write a report for me. All right"

"Let your department coordinate the various enterprises. This is the result of your overall planning. It is a mess. If you ask you to go to the warehouse as a delivery person, you will be uplifted. It is estimated that you will have to send the goods wrong..."

"Be more mindful, that's it..."

Jiang Xiaobai almost scolded a dog-blood spray for almost two-thirds of the people in charge.

But all the people in charge have not been able to refute that Jiang Xiaobai is not the leader of the airborne, and Huaqing Holdings has developed and grown little by little under his leadership.

So in various departments, where they are not doing well, he knows everything that is not done well, and he can't get things done.

It's okay to open one eye and close one eye at ordinary times. If it really works, just a few words will leave everyone speechless.

In addition to his prestige in the company, everyone was scolded like the three grandsons, but no one dared to refute it. After all, he did not do well.

(End of this chapter)