Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563 Memory Bias

"Hey. Who?" Just as Jiang Xiaobai sent Shi Sheng away, the phone on the desk rang.

Is the news of my return spread so quickly? As soon as my front foot arrived, someone knew about it on the back foot.

"I, Xiaobai, I saw the newspaper about our satellite launch." Mou Qizhong's voice rang on the phone.

"Old Mou." I wonder if I knew I was back. It turned out to be Mou Qizhong.

"I saw the newspaper about the satellite launch. I was busy when I came to work. I really didn't read the newspaper. This is a good thing. How is it written in the newspaper to praise us or demean us?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile, Zhao Xiaojin was in charge of Jiang Xiaobai's newspaper, but Zhao Xiaojin also came back with him.

I just went to work today and there is a lot of work to do, so Zhao Xiaojin has not delivered the newspaper.

But it was just delivered, Jiang Xiaobai didn't have time to see it temporarily, because there were too many things early in the morning.

"Praise us, the rhetoric is gorgeous..." Mou Qizhong said.

Regarding this point, Jiang Xiaobai was not surprised. This was originally a positive energy thing. Even if it was fabricated, the white could not be described as black.

What's more, during the few days in Moscoe, Jiang Xiaobai treated him honestly, joking, and touched the Huade Satellite Technology Company.

Living in the suite for nothing? Western food for nothing? Take the souvenir for nothing? Traveling in vain?

"However, Xiaobai, I want to ask you something?" Mou Qizhong thought for a while and said.

"What's the matter Lao Mou? Just ask, what are you doing so polite?" Jiang Xiaobai said casually, Zhao Xiaojin knocked on the door and came in.

Holding a stack of documents and some newspapers.

Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the desk, Zhao Xiaojin put the things down and went out.

Jiang Xiaobai put the phone in place, turned on the hands-free, and prepared to chat with Mou Qizhong while reading the newspaper that Mou Qizhong said.

On the phone, Mou Qizhong was silent for a while, but still asked his doubts: "When the rocket was launched at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, who ordered the ignition?"

"At that time, it was ordered to happened?" Jiang Xiaobai had already seen the newspaper, and he had seen the photos in the newspaper, which was very good.

The news was well reported. The title, photos, and content were all well selected. He opened several newspapers in succession.

Yes, there is no best, only better, civil and military first, Wu Wu second, all articles are well written.

The first photo that chose is all the same with insight, what is it called?

This means that the suites are not for free, Western food is not for free, souvenirs are not for free, and travel is not for fun.

"I remember that the ignition of this rocket was clearly ordered by the commander of the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

I have also discussed this issue with others. They said that this is not possible. They must be their professional commanders. Otherwise, it is prone to problems, so they did not agree.

But why is it that you are the one who ordered the fire in the newspaper now.

I asked the entourage, everyone is as I remembered, they were commanders of the fire.

But after reading the newspaper, some people said that they had a wrong memory. It was you who ordered the fire to launch the rocket.

I just don't understand, it's not going to be a **** in this broad daylight..."

Mou Qizhong talked about the doubts in his heart, Jiang Xiaobai almost didn't laugh.

I guess there are many question marks in this old Mou, right? If this were placed in later generations, Mou Qizhong would not have such doubts.

It is estimated that the PS will be suspected at the first time, and the posing will be suspected at the second time. It will not be like this at the first time. I suspected that there is a problem with my memory at the first time.

"Ah, you asked about this!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized, and then said: "Yes, I ordered the ignition!"

Jiang Xiaobai said affirmatively, and Mou Qizhong immediately asked on the phone: "Then I clearly remember..."

Mou Qizhong was interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai before he finished speaking.

Jiang Xiaobai asked mysteriously: "Lao Mou, have you ever heard of memory bias, the Mandela effect?"

"What memory bias? What Mandela effect?" Mou Qizhong was confused.

"A lot of people have had this experience. You remember that you experienced it one day, but when you mentioned it to others again.

You will find that your memory and other people's descriptions are very different, and sometimes you and your friends experience an event, the two people's descriptions after the event are quite different, and the explanation for yourself at this time is I remembered it wrong.

However, some people believe that it is not that there is a problem with their own memory, but that the entire space-time has been distorted due to some other reasons. In science, this phenomenon is called the Mandela effect..."

Jiang Xiaobai slowly spoke to Mou Qizhong, who was even more daunted.

What does this mean? Is this a memory problem or a Mandela effect?

"For example, last year there was a song with lyrics of fifty-six ethnic groups, fifty-six flowers...Have you heard of it?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask mysteriously.

"I've heard it. Last year's song, 56 ethnic groups, 56 flowers, 50 or 60 brothers and sisters belong to a family..." Mou Qizhong also sang to Jiang Xiaobai on the phone.

This is the song of the National Games last year. It is very famous in China and he has also heard it.

"Yes, but in fact I want to tell you that it is not 56 flowers of 56 nations, but 56 flowers of constellations..."

"Impossible." Mou Qizhong said flatly.

"If you don't believe me, ask others first, and finally check it..." Jiang Xiaobai suggested.

"Good me, let me see..." Mou Qizhong hung up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai thought about it, this time Mou Qizhong was fooled by him, and he was probably confused for two days.

Mou Qizhong was indeed curious, and first asked the people in the company, and everyone said in unison, "Fifty-six ethnic groups and fifty-six flowers."

Then Mou Qizhong went to check the music score, and the whole person was confused.

Then I contacted several well-known experts and professors in psychology to meet, and talked about memory bias, and talked about the Mandela effect.

However, at this time, foreign and domestic are not in line, and experts and professors have not heard of the Mandela effect.

Because the Mandela effect is not a well-known reference, it is just a folk study, not a well-known scientific research theory.

So Mou Qizhong was still at a loss. Mou Qizhong didn't sleep well that night. As for contacting several reporters to verify this, he didn't think of it at all.

After all, he was on the scene at the time, and he didn't notice other situations.

(End of this chapter)