Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1439

Chapter 1439

Chapter 1439 Family car concept

The "family car" was a purely conceptual thing in the 90s.

Because ordinary people simply cannot afford it, the cheapest car is 100,000 yuan.

Official data, in the early 1990s, the per capita disposable income of urban households was more than 1,000 yuan, while the per capita disposable income of rural households was around 700.

Calculated by the highest, more than one thousand yuan, how long can it take to buy a car,

The answer is one hundred years!

Cars at this time are still office supplies, and the largest purchasers are units, not families.

Only people who have made a fortune in the past two years with a net worth of millions of dollars will buy a car.

is just a rare occurrence. The term 10,000-yuan households is still very popular. Except in some places in the magic city, many people made money this year because of the stock purchase certificate, and the change abounds.

But in other places, ten thousand households are still the expectations and goals of many families for their future lives.

So the concept of family car proposed at this time, this Chen Dongsheng...

Jiang Xiaobai's appreciation in his eyes is undisguised. Entering the auto industry at this time is definitely a strategic idea.

In the plan, there is not too much detail on the development plan, but more analysis of some prospects.

"In 1978, my country's per capita disposable income was about 200 yuan. By 1991, my country's per capita disposable income was more than 1,000 yuan, less than 2,000 yuan.

In more than ten years, per capita disposable income has doubled tenfold. With the establishment of the mainstay status of the market economy and the rapid economic development, in another ten years, the per capita disposable income of our country will reach 20,000 yuan, so the disposable income of a family of four will reach 80,000 yuan. .

In 1978, disposable income was exactly the money of a bicycle, and by the next ten years, the per capita disposable income will reach the money of a car.

Plus the impact of inflation..."

Chen Dongsheng said these data. Jiang Xiaobai understood what Chen Dongsheng meant. At this time, he proposed the concept of "family car", which was a bit shocking. He wanted to use these data to convince Jiang Xiaobai to agree to the direction of the plan.

Jiang Xiaobai continued to look down.

"In the past two years, private cars have continued to increase in society. Coupled with the development of time and the maturity and improvement of various craftsmanship, the production cost of cars will further decline...At that time, the domestic production technology will also be With further maturity, the domestic labor advantage, the price of cars will fall further..."

If you don't say that all the heroes in the world are in my heart, Chen Dongsheng does have two brushes.

It is only in 1992, and we can see the future prospects of the automobile industry.

"Agree." Jiang Xiaobai wrote two large characters and then signed his name.

What is meant by coincidence, this is coincidence. Here Jiang Xiaobai also sent people to build a car park abroad, and Chen Dongsheng put forward a development plan here.

put a group of planning intent letters aside, and then opened the next two groups of planning intent letters.

The second group leader is Feng Lun, with several future leaders in the real estate industry, and the intention of the plan to Jiang Xiaobai is not a related plan in the real estate industry.

It is about entertainment, cinemas, commercial real estate, large shopping malls, amusement centers, including the acquisition of a TV station in Hong Kong, and then the establishment of an entertainment company.

Since there was no specific plan, it was just an intention. Jiang Xiaobai looked at it and signed his name, agreeing.

In the entertainment industry, Jiang Xiaobai analyzed that Feng Lun's fit point should be at the launch of the satellite at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

He did it at Mou Qizhong, and he should have known some news. Jiang Xiaobai insisted on launching broadcast communication satellites, which means he has the direction to develop into entertainment radio.

So along the line of entertainment radio, a series of development plans were proposed.

TV, movies, then to theaters, to shopping centers, to entertainment cities around movies, and finally commercial real estate, forming a closed business circle.

even extended publishing houses, fashion magazines and the like, including Jiang Xiaobai's clothing.

almost wrote a "man's outfit".

If there is a right time for entertainment, Jiang Xiaobai is also willing to do it, not to say that he takes the opportunity to contact celebrities.

At the position of Jiang Xiaobai, as long as he is rich, he can't get in touch with any kind of celebrity.

To do entertainment, first of all, I know some classic works of later generations. This is the most convenient. I know which movie I can make.

Second, many things are cultural collisions. When the third world war is impossible, wars between countries are nothing more than financial trade and cultural fields.

In the previous life, the domestic cultural field was severely invaded, affecting the values of the younger generation.

It's not that having to watch the anti-Japanese drama at home is called patriotism, but you can't like to be male or female all day long.

Idols have been attacked, indiscriminately, they should be forgiven for committing crimes, and there is no problem in insulting one's motherland.

When chasing stars, you must first understand that you are a Chinese, and then whose fans you are.

The cultural field of later generations has been invaded enough, and things like this are emerging one after another, such as popular niches, traffic stars, and all kinds of new words.

There are no actors, all of them are stars.

The children of this era, when they were young, they asked about their ideals after they grew up. They were always "I want to be a scientist, I want to be a policeman, I want to be..."

Some children in later generations, when asked about their ideals when they grow up, they are "I want to be a celebrity, I want to be an internet celebrity. I want to be a rich man, I want to be a rich man's mistress..."

Times are changing, culture can be passed on, progress can be made, and new innovations can be made in the new era, but the values of life should not be distorted.

So Jiang Xiaobai naturally has nothing to disagree with the cultural and entertainment plan, and even expects Feng Lun to surprise himself.

On the basis of traditional culture, the mainland should have innovations, instead of being shocked by Hong Kong and Taiwan culture in two years.

Putting aside the two plans of intent, Jiang Xiaobai picked up the third.

The leader of the three groups is Guo Fansen, who is also a future boss, and the Internet industry will do very well in the future.

However, what he proposed at this time was to do the computer industry. The most visited place in Beijing was Zhongguancun.

The most contacted product is the computer, but he does not have that big money to do it himself, but he keenly feels that the time for home computers is about to come.

Like Chen Dongsheng's family car, home computer also belongs to a new term at this time.

(End of this chapter)