Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1440

Chapter 1440

Chapter 1440 Family Computer Concept

Last year, the total sales of computers nationwide were about 200,000 units, and the main sales targets were government and corporate users.

200,000 computers, this number seems to be a lot, after all, this is the early 90s, but you must know that the sales targets are all governments and enterprises.

It's not that there are very few people who have computers at home, but they don't.

Jiang Xiaobai does not have a computer at home, because it feels useless at all.

Internet speed...hehe. At this time, there are no Internet cafes, not to mention any personal home computers.

But in Zhongguancun, computers have begun to become popular, and many computer accessories and the like have appeared.

Of course, there is still a long way to go from home computers, but signs have already appeared.

"Agree." Jiang Xiaobai signed his name again.

The fourth group, the leader of Heyang, did not propose a new direction. Instead, they made further expansion for the existing real estate industry, electrical appliances industry, and beverage industry.

For example, the extended products of the beverage industry have increased various types, not only making herbal tea, but also instant noodles that have become popular recently.

The types of home appliances in the electrical appliance industry, brand planning, etc., belong to the deep digging of existing industries. On the basis of existing industries, it will further expand its influence and increase sales.

"It's a little too close."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered, Heyang, the big idea king, compared with Internet bigwigs and insurance, the future generations of the real estate industry have a slightly short-sighted vision, and they still have limited views on the market prospects.

But this is also normal, Heyang nicknamed "The King of Ideas." It started with marketing, and the concept has not yet changed.

It is understandable that the eyesight is somewhat limited.

"But I also know how to use my strengths." Jiang Xiaobai signed his name on the document and also agreed to Heyang's plan.

Three hundred and sixty lines are the top picks. Since Heyang wants to work intensively in the existing industry, it is also the author of Heyang.

I have always thought to see if Heyang can transform.

Relying on marketing alone is not a long-term solution, let alone marketing to other companies.

Only by seeing a certain industry is the foundation of an entrepreneur's success. Heyang is not up to date, and Jiang Xiaobai can't help it.

will not go to the ears to teach the life and life, everyone is not a child anymore,

What's more, this group of people has been digging into the wall. Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have this idle time. If he stays, he will be his own.

The last group is the Edward Adam Davis group. Adam proposed a hypermarket plan.

Jiang Xiaobai probably took a look. The hypermarket is a supermarket, a large supermarket.

Currently Wanke is also doing it, but it's doing it in a normal way and it's not a system. Fortunately, at this time, everything can make money.

But foreign Wal-Mart and Carrefour supermarkets have become multinational conglomerates, and they have a lot to do in a domestic market with more than one billion people.

Jiang Xiaobai signed his name and agreed.

I agree to the intentions of each group, and then I will see what surprises their official plan can bring to me.

Holding the plan, he called Zhao Xiaojin and strolled to the strategic development department.

In fact, after sending the letter of intent to Jiang Xiaobai, the strategic development department did not stop and continued to work according to their own plan.

It's just that sometimes I still feel a little worried, worried that if the plan gets stuck with Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai disagrees with their plan direction.

A lot of the early work was done in vain, and re-planning the industry direction would waste a lot of time.

Each group is very worried. Except for Heyang's planning direction, the other groups are not worried because their plans overlap with other groups' planning directions.

Although they don't know each other's plan, each team feels that their plan is bold.

If this can be similar, it would be strange.

They are mainly because the planned direction is too bold, all of which are regarded as future industries. This is what they see with their own eyes.

There are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people. They are very confident in the industry they choose and are very optimistic about the prospects.

But this does not mean that Jiang Xiaobai will also be optimistic about the industries they choose.

Throughout the development history of Huaqing Holdings, entering every industry is a popular industry that can be profitable right now.

It was the first to make canned food, and later the pig farm, extended to the feed factory, and then clothing, beverages, and real estate, which are all the most popular industries.

The only exceptions are two companies, one is Huaqing Electric, and the other is a property company.

Yes, it's the property company. Everyone doesn't pay much attention to it now, but there are prospects for development in the future.

is an extension of the real estate industry, and the two complement each other.

Except for these two industries, none of them have embarked on the future. As for satellite companies, the significance of launching satellites is far greater than the purpose of profitability.

So everyone is very worried, I don't know if Jiang Xiaobai will agree to their bold plans.

Only Heyang worries differently, he is worried about whether his plan will be the same as some people's plan.

After all, my plan is somewhat simple. It is not to enter a new industry, but to continue to dig in the existing industry.

Maybe others will also make such a plan, it will conflict.

The other is worrying that his plan will be simple, or there will be no conflict, and it will be cut off by Jiang Xiaobai.

Anyway, everyone was a little worried, but they didn't stop. They were all elites. There was no reason to worry, but they stopped and waited for Jiang Xiaobai to give the result before proceeding to the next step.

Even if they were hacked, the work carried out during this period is also helpful to their future entrepreneurship.

Of course, they can't use it directly because they don't have such huge financial support.

For example, the automobile industry and the computer industry are not good choices for entrepreneurs in the first place.

Because the funds, connections, and technology involved are not something a start-up entrepreneur can afford.

Just when everyone's thoughts were different, Jiang Xiaobai arrived.

Wandered around the offices, and went in to say hello.


"Good boss." Everyone greeted each other.

"Okay, you guys keep busy, just talk to the logistics staff if you have any needs." Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile.

Walking around in the strategic development department, he is very satisfied to see that everyone has not stopped the work at hand and wasted time waiting for the results on his side.

This is the work attitude that elites should have.

(End of this chapter)