Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1438

Chapter 1438

Chapter 1438

wrote down the notes, and then Liu Chuanqi walked in with his son.

I'm kidding, it's all the money. If the son doesn't go in, or if he goes in a circle and comes out, he may just avoid the most trivial problems.

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai was angered. Didn't he lose his wife and break the army?

Since this is already the case, I don't believe you, and supervises my son to surrender.

"Haha." Liu Hui wanted to understand his father's mind. It was really his father and his father, but he didn't want to go wrong.

The **** is a bastard, but he also understands a truth. If the family is finished, he will be finished.

So since you have half your possessions, you have to surrender honestly.

"What are you two?"

"I came from the head." Liu Huixiang said straightforwardly.

Then I said all the **** things I did in recent years.

Assembling gangs and hitting people, as well as molesting girls, several cases have been accounted for.

The staff are stunned. It is not a new case this year. It is difficult to handle cases without monitoring at this time. They have not investigated many cases and even surrendered.

It's not a homicide case. The police have been investigating it all day long.

For this kind of thing, say it is big or not, say it is small.

For novels, you can be a tainted witness, but for the bigger picture, it is enough to sentence you to several years. Especially when it comes to molesting women, it was enough to shoot them directly during the last ten years of severe crackdowns.

But after that, no one has delved into this matter.

Besides, there are no victims...

The staff encountered such a situation for the first time. Liu Chuanqi who looked at one side was familiar, and asked directly: "Are you his?"

"I am his father, neglected to discipline, let this beast do such a thing, I took him to surrender." Liu Chuanqi said.

reminded his son again: I remember that you didn't say that once you rode a motorcycle and hit someone and ran away. What happened later? This was a hit-and-run escape, right?

Liu recalled with a black face and nodded: "Yes, there was such a thing. Later, I went to the hospital and saw other people. It was just a minor problem. I was discharged long ago."

This is really my father, it's only half of the family property, but tiger poison still doesn't eat its seeds! As for?

"Small problem, how big is it, is it broken? Minor injury or serious injury?" Liu Chuanqi said.

"Minor injury." Liu Huixiang gritted his teeth and said.

The staff on the side felt a little confused, this should not be the biological father and son, it should be the stepfather.

Forget it, let's report to the leader.

Soon a leader came over, who knew Liu Legend.

But I don't know which one Liu Chuanqi is singing.

But Liu Chuanqi insisted, no, it was Liu Chuanqi who did not insist. Since he had already come from the head, he would not just let him go out.

"Leader, I have caused you trouble. I have been busy with work for the past two years and have no time to discipline the children. I did not expect that this rebellious man would violate the law and commit a crime. This is my problem.

Sent here today, I just hope that we will be fair and just, ruthlessly clean him up, reform him..." Liu Chuanqi looked selfless and heartbroken.

As for the heartache because of the son's failure, or because the rebellious son took away half of his family business, I don't know.

"Well, Boss Liu is really righteous. All of us should learn from Boss Liu. This is the true love of children. If you make a mistake, you are not afraid. Just correct it..."

After a few greetings, Liu Chuanqi left now. He is still very popular. Many people admire him while being surprised.

After all, I can send my son to surrender, even if it is their staff, some of them may not be able to do it.

It was nearly impossible to present him with a pennant that "understands justice and destroys relatives".

Liu recalled that he touched the handwriting in his pocket. This thing must be preserved by himself. This is the capital for himself to settle down in the future.

And Liu Chuanqi still has to go home to deal with his wife, but this time he will use thunder means, it is inevitable that the husband will not be filial.

Haha, this stinky lady, you know how to play mahjong all day long. I don't know what to do if I don't clean up.

You have to fight for the first time. If it doesn't work, get divorced, and then go find your own cute.

Jiang Xiaobai only learned the news after this. I heard that Liu Chuanqi was divorced recently, and the Liu family was very popular in Datong City.

Because Liu Chuanqi is an upright person, his son was sent in for reformation when he made mistakes, and his wife played mahjong all day long, but she didn't have the power to be an example and got divorced.

This kind of character, everyone who doesn't believe it, many people are willing to cooperate with the Liu family.

The case that Liu recalled is still being processed, but it has started at least three years, mainly because there are no victims in many cases.

Victims are not easy to find. Although there are many explanations, there are few verifications.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that Liu Chuanqi would be fulfilled.

This old thing took this opportunity to make a wave of fame.

And after the divorce, you can still be with his enchanting cutie.

"Well, misfortune lies in the blessing, and the blessing lies in the misfortune." Jiang Xiaobai sighed, this kind of thing is really unclear.

Maybe this is a good thing for Liu Chuanqi, even this **** doesn't call to thank himself.

Just think about it. After Liu Huixiang came out of it, the Liu family was competing for the family property. That was a real good show.

"Does this Legend Liu have any thoughts of revenge?" Jiang Xiaobai asked uneasy.

Li Longquan shook his head and said: "I haven't noticed it yet, I will pay attention."

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and waved his hand and said, feeling much better.

"Boom boom boom." Zhao Xiaojin knocked on the door and walked in.

"Dong Jiang, I have arranged a meeting in the conference room at three o'clock in the afternoon to discuss the issue of the length of overtime you mentioned last time." Zhao Xiaojintong knows.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded to indicate that he knew it. After moving his body, he continued to look down at the industry direction of the strategic development plan sent by the strategic development department.

First is a group of Chen Dongsheng, Tian Yuan, Mao Zhenghua and others' plans.

They believe that now is the time to enter the auto market and plan for the auto industry.

The specific plan is not written in detail, but after analyzing the current market, I think the car market will be very good in the future.

One million, three million, or even ten million are possible.

The annual sales volume may remain at a million units, which is quite impressive.

Family cars, many people may have cars in the future. The concept of this family car was proposed by Chen Dongsheng.

(End of this chapter)