Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405 Pig farm reform plan

"Okay, then this is the case. What is the secretary, you don't need to rest for a few nights, just show me a rectification plan in the pig farm and give it to me tomorrow, okay?"

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked at He Guanghua and the others with a smile but a smile.

He Guanghua nodded bitterly and said: "Okay, no problem."

The same goes for several other village officials, with bitter faces, and they understand what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that they had neglected their duties. Although Jiang Xiaobai didn't criticize them too much just now, he still wants to let them smell the pig dung to make them remember.

Otherwise, how could a rectification plan be so anxious that what the pig farm leaks is the smell of pig manure, not poisonous gas.

How can I be so anxious, I can't wait for one night.

Furthermore, it's anxious, and you don't have to emphasize that they should make plans on the pig farm, not in the brigade department.

It's just that the two of them can understand, even some people below can also understand. Jiang Xiaobai probably is not satisfied with these village cadres.

That's why I let them stay at the pig farm...

Let's go if you don't go there. It's just one night, and they didn't let them be on the pig farm all day, so everyone smiled happily, quite a bit of fun.

He Guanghua looked at the smiling people below with a dark face, a little helpless.

Who are these people? I'm still not the party secretary, or the village leader, thinking that if the director of Xiaobai is here, it will be lawless.

Just these few people who laughed especially jubilantly, wait, I will write it down to you now, when I will come out of the pig farm later, when the factory manager Xiaobai is gone, then I will take care of you again and let You know why the flowers are so red.

Wait, the happier you smile now, the worse you will cry in the future.

"Swipe." He Guanghua wrote down a few names in the notebook. Of course, they were all the people sitting at the front, and he couldn't see clearly afterwards.

You are lucky! He Guanghua murmured.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "The second thing is coming down. When it turned out, all our villagers were from the village.

Some contradictions can be resolved, and there is no such thing as bullying others all day.

But now everyone knows that there are too many people coming from outside, who come to do business, solicit goods, and temporarily come to help...In short, there are a lot of outsiders in the village, and when there are too many people, it will be messy and messy..."

It turned out that there was a person who entered the village who was not in the village. Everyone was staring. It was useless when the thief came. It was especially noticeable.

But now, too many people have come, and crooked nuts have come, so now I walk in the village, and every household is closed when they go out.

Unlike the original meeting, the village does not lock the door during the day. This is because there are so many outsiders who don't know everyone.

After losing things a few times, everyone learns to be smart.

"There are still people from outside, who have lived in the village for a long time, and have a slightly shorter time, such as Lao Tan from Tan Jiacai, but they have come to our village after all.

What kind of attitude should we treat others? Is it xenophobic? Or welcome with open arms? "

Everyone listened thoughtfully, Jiang Xiaobai continued: "At noon, I went to Tan Jiacai for dinner. Unexpectedly, I ran into conflicts between old Tan in our village and outside villages.

The city gate caught fire and hit the pond fish. Even I was almost driven out..."

Jiang Xiaobai was talking about someone whispering. Someone saw Jiang Xiaobai at Lao Tan at noon and knew why Jiang Xiaobai brought up this topic.

Wang Laowu didn't dare to sit forward, mainly because he got into trouble at noon. He thought that he was low-key and drilled behind, so that it would not be easy to be noticed by Jiang Xiaobai.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai mentioned it directly at the conference.

In fact, many people were surprised, including He Guanghua. He didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to take this matter so seriously.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look at He Guanghua and said, "He branch letter, you tell everyone about the noon matter."

"Okay." He Guanghua stood up, just about to speak, and then listened to Jiang Xiaobai shouting into the microphone: "Wang Lao Wu, is Wang Lao Wu coming? If he comes, stand up and cooperate.

If there is something missing from the party secretary, you can add it. "

Wang Laowu was sitting in the last row. Originally, Jiang Xiaobai lowered his head when he mentioned this, which was too shameful.

But I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to stand up and check for missing vacancies. What's the joke? This tells him how to behave in the future.

He really wanted to go directly under the stool, as if Wang Laowu hadn't come, but he didn't dare, because if Jiang Xiaobai would not come by himself for a meeting.

In the case of deliberate rollover, it is equivalent to two mistakes.

Standing up now, I will definitely lose face, and I will lose face in the future, but at the very least, I have proved that I have accepted the mistake and did not confront the director of Xiaobai.

Forget it, just stand up. Anyway, He Guanghua and the others still need to stay in the pig farm without sleeping at night. They haven't made any mistakes themselves, they are all like this.

I made a mistake, stand up in the meeting room, there is nothing, it doesn't matter.

Wang Laowu convinced himself...

"Swipe." The moment Wang Laowu stood up, hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at him, which really made him stand uneasy.

"Fifth, why are you sitting at the back?" Jiang Xiaobai greeted Wang Laowu, and someone gave Wang Laowu a microphone.

Wang Laowu shook the microphone in his hand and answered Jiang Xiaobai's question guiltily: "I made a mistake, I am embarrassed, and I have no face to sit in front."

"Haha." Jiang Xiaobai said: "Do you still have face and shame?"

"You have no face to sit in front, do you have face to sit?"

Jiang Xiaobai's words hurt a bit, but Jiang Xiaobai's way of speaking has long been used to the people in Jianhua Village. They pursed their lips and watched Wang Laowu smiling.

Wang Laowu went from red cheeks to the roots of his ears, and did not say a word. He lowered his head and held the microphone to accept criticism.

On the contrary, Wang Laowu is like this, Jiang Xiaobai is not interested in speaking, and signaled He Guanghua to start.

"Well, at noon today, Mr. Xiaobai and I came out of the pig farm and introduced Mr. Xiaobai to the current construction of our Jianhua Village.

Director Xiaobai heard that the village has changed so much and was very interested, so we went to Tan Jiacai..."

He Guanghua's eloquence is good, and he almost described the story in detail. Jiang Xiaobai feels that if this guy is not the party secretary and does not manage the pig farm, he can support himself as a storyteller.

I don't know how Huang Zhongfu found out, such a successor.

(End of this chapter)