Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1404

Chapter 1404

Chapter 1404 The problem of the pig farm

"Okay, let's talk about the first thing now."

Everyone was sitting in distress, and then waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to say business.

"In the morning, Secretary He took me to visit the pig farm. The pig farm did a good job.

He has a special agreement with the future plan for the development of pig farms, since there was only one pig farm.

Developed to the present, there are two venues, and a leased sub-area, a total of three venues.

There is also a slaughterhouse, as well as a water splitting and packing field..."

Everyone knows these things. Indeed, in the past two years, the development of pig farms has been good.

Except for the dividends, the pork distributed to everyone every year can't be eaten for a year.

"But when we built a pig farm before, everyone knew that our pig farm is different from other pig farms.

We raise pigs with integrated ecological recycling, not the naked raising of other pig farms..."

Yes, raising naked, this is a word invented by Jiang Xiaobai.

Nude breeding means that regardless of sewage discharge or the like, it is a pig farm that discharges sewage at will.

Why does our village choose to raise pigs with integrated ecological recycling? That is because our pig farm is built in the village.

Unlike others, pig farms are built in the suburbs, or in places with no one.

Anyone who raises one or two pigs will feel the smelly surroundings. If the pig farm raises thousands of pigs, then our Jianhua Village may be contaminated.

The whole village smells so bad that no one can live. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone in the conference room nodded.

This is something that many people have not considered before. It seems that the smell of the pig farm is a bit normal, and it is not too smelly.

It's pretty good, there is no problem, they think this is what it should be, and they really haven't considered the role of integrated ecological cycle pig raising.

"But I came back this time and found something was wrong. The pig farm in Jianhua Village has a bigger taste than before.

Originally, the breeding area in the pig farm can smell the smell, but the office area is not smelling, or the smell is particularly light, but now it is different. "

Many people in the conference room nodded in agreement. If they don't say it, they haven't realized it yet.

Now that I think about it, it seems that this is the case. The smell of the pig farm has indeed become a lot bigger. If it is windy, there will be a faint smell of pig dung in the whole village.

But everyone has not paid attention to this matter, or if they noticed it, they will not care. After all, the dividends of pig farms are now a lot of money every year.

"Especially another newly-built pig farm, although it is a bit away from the village, it seems that there is no taste if you don't go there for the time being, but this continues.

Maybe within a few years, the two pig farms will pollute the environment in the village..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, looking at He Guanghua, He Guanghua lowered his head.

"Even the new pig farms have not built an integrated ecological recycling pig farm, and they directly discharge sewage. Why don't you smell it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking at several village officials.

He Guanghua, several village cadres bowed their heads and said nothing, and everyone in the meeting room bowed their heads and said nothing.

"Everyone." Jiang Xiaobai didn't hold on to He Guanghua's pigtail too much. In fact, he could exempt He Guanghua's identity as the person in charge of the pig farm.

The position of the village party secretary is elected, and can only be elected when the term is changed.

But pig farms are different. They are not the assets of the village collective, but the assets of all the villagers.

The two sound like the same, but all villagers' assets and village assets are completely different concepts.

The property rights of village assets belong to the village. The village party secretary deserves to be managed and can be used for village expenditures.

But the assets of the villagers are different. Now the shares of the pig farm are owned by the major shareholder Huaqing Holding Company and the small shareholders of all villagers.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai speaks a word and convenes a general meeting of shareholders, He Guanghua's identity as the person in charge of the pig farm can be removed in minutes.

This was also when it was first established. Jiang Xiaobai was afraid that in case of a change in the future, he would not listen to greetings. He wanted to use the pig farm as his capital for promotion, or to make efforts for his own profit-making work.

Otherwise, the village was directly asked to pay for the money, and then the pig farm made the money, and then the village was asked to distribute the money to all the villagers.

can also be regarded as dividends, but if one is to buy shares in the name of the collective, it will be subject to collective control.

Compared with the hope that all villagers will be able to elect a responsible and selfless village leader in every election, Jiang Xiaobai still believes that a good system will bring more long-term convenience to everyone.

What's more, even if you choose a responsible, selfless person, who knows that it will not change in the face of monetary benefits.

"We are now earning money, and we have no worries about eating and drinking. But in the future, our ancestors will live here for generations.

Are we going to relocate? I still want to leave a foul-smelling ravine for the younger generation. Others are the predecessors who planted trees to enjoy the shade, and the predecessors dig wells and eat water, so let's kill chickens to get eggs and eat for food.

Use this environment in advance in exchange for their own interests.

Furthermore, the village is developing so well now, and we have given up. Are you willing? "

Jiang Xiaobai stood up and asked loudly.


"Not willing to..." everyone responded loudly.

"So we are going to start rectification now. Both pig farms must rectify, dig fish ponds, raise emperor bamboo grass, and establish a sewage discharge system.

I know that these will cost money and will slow the progress of the pig farm. At the end of this year, everyone's dividends will be less, but in order to leave a good environment for ourselves and the younger generation, I hope to rectify it. "

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he waited for everyone to express their opinions.

"Director Xiaobai, you have the final say, you can do it as you say it. I listen to you, and we all listen to you..."

"Yes, we all listen to you. We are reluctant to bear this village. Let me first express my opinion. I don't want a penny for this year's dividends. I will use it for rectification."

"Yes, Director Xiaobai, I don't need any money anymore. I am reluctant to move out for rectification. My family has lived in this place for generations, and my family's ancestral grave is also here..."

"Director Xiaobai, do what you say, we have no opinion at all..."

One or two, slowly all the villagers in the meeting room stood up, and none of them disagreed.

Jiang Xiaobai swears that he did not arrange any leading actors to drive everyone's emotions, and bewitched everyone to agree.

But everyone expressed their views and unanimously approved Jiang Xiaobai's proposal, and no one opposed it.

(End of this chapter)