Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1406

Chapter 1406

Chapter 1406 The Spirit of Jianhua Village

He Guanghua finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Laowu.

"Do you have anything to add?"

"I didn't, sorry, I was wrong." Wang Laowu said honestly.

"Okay, sit down." Jiang Xiaobai didn't respond to Wang Laowu again.

opened his mouth and looked at the people and asked, "Everyone said, in this way, is anyone willing to come to our Jianhua Village?

No...It should be said that there is no one who dares to come to our Jianhua Village. No one is coming. Our Jianhua Village will develop itself behind closed doors. Is it possible?

Just leaning on all of you to have children, and now you are planning to have children..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone is happy, family planning is not implemented very well in Jianhua Village.

Basically, everyone will pay a fine for super-birth, and then give birth to a second child, and a third child.

No need to hide, because everyone is not bad for the fine, and the other is because Jianhua Village is well developed.

Many departments can also open one eye and close one eye slightly, but even if the execution is not good, it will be super life.

But the birth rate of Jianhua Village's population can't keep up with the growth rate of Jianhua Village.

Moreover, these people are born and grow up, it takes time.

And Jianhua Village needs to be developed now.

"What is the most important resource of a place, that is population, in other words labor force, if our Jianhua Village has no foreign population, then we can only barely mix food and clothing.

But if there is a foreign population, then our Jianhua Village can develop and develop very well. Of course, this is also a mutually beneficial process.

Outsiders like them have also made money in our village, and we have also used people to develop, but if we do too much, people are unwilling to come..."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he lit a cigarette and waited for everyone to discuss it for a while. This kind of thing can only make everyone think more seriously.

Understand what the relationship is between the two parties, and then we can know what should happen in the future.

When someone can't do it, there will be other people's supervision.

Because you will affect everyone's interests by doing so, everyone will not allow it.

"The director Xiaobai made sense. People come to work and live here. That would be considered half of us from Jianhua Village. This is really bad for them."

"Well, our Jianhua Village is not the kind of place to bully outsiders..."

"Yes, Director Xiaobai is right. From now on, we will build Hua Village..."

"People are here to help us develop, we can't treat them like that..."

Everyone was talking rushingly underneath, that is, some people have not changed their concepts at once, but they have also come to understand from the discussions of the people around them.

After Jiang Xiaobai smoked two cigarettes on the stage, he gently tapped the microphone, and slowly the discussion in the conference room stopped, and everyone's eyes focused on Jiang Xiaobai again.

"Everyone, I hope you can understand this matter. We are doing this for our own development.

is also a demonstration of the spiritual civilization of our people in Jianhua Village. I hope that things like bullying outsiders will not appear in Jianhua Village in the future. Wang Laowu's incident is the first and the last time.

I'm telling the ugly words in front, next time anyone let me find out that he is bullying outsiders, or whoever reacts to me.

Then don't blame me for turning my face and not acknowledging people. If you bully outsiders, you are damaging the interests of all villagers. "

Jiang Xiaobai directly set the tone for this matter.

"Whoever has different opinions now can't live without bullying. You can put it forward. I will bully and bully him first, and teach him how to behave."

He Guanghua and others looked at each other, Jiang Xiaobai was really overbearing.

Whoever wants to bully, stand up and let me bully.

Who dares to do this? This is to let some opinions hold back, that is, Jiang Xiaobai said this. If he said this, someone would definitely stand up and question him.

"Okay, that's it. If other people don't have any opinions, then we will end the meeting." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Director Xiaobai." Someone raised his hand below, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

What does mean, crazy, do you want to question Jiang Xiaobai's decision?

Jiang Xiaobai was also a little surprised. He had been away from Jianhua Village for a long time, so he dared to challenge himself on such occasions.

It is still said that some people are mentally ill and have mental problems.

Jiang Xiaobai has gotten up and sat back. He wants to see today, who is it? What do you want?

This is challenging your authority.

"Give him a microphone." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"No." The person who stood up was also embarrassed, and said cautiously: "Director Xiaobai, I just want to ask, what is the spirit of our Jianhua Village?

Isn't there an opinion? "

"Spirit?" Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback.

"Yeah, didn't you just talk about it. Carry forward the spirit of our Jianhua Village? Then what is our Jianhua?"

Jiang Xiaobai's face suddenly eased a lot. This is indeed the spirit of Jianhua Village, he just said casually.

I haven't thought of a more real, Jianhua Village spirit.

Everyone began to discuss what the spirit of Jianhua Village is.

"Director Xiaobai, or take this opportunity today, you can summarize and refine the spirit of our Jianhua Village, let's confirm it." He Guanghua on the side suggested.

"Yes, Director Xiaobai, you can summarize it. You see that Jianhua Village has been walking up and down all the way. It is very difficult. You can summarize and refine it.

There will also be a saying in the future, which is also convenient for our village to educate descendants. "

"Director Xiaobai, you..." Several village cadres on the stage also said one after another.

"Hehe." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't sum it up by myself, you can also talk freely. Combining the actual situation of our Jianhua Village, we will inherit the past and the future."

"Director Xiaobai, you are welcome. We are a group of uneducated people and we don't know a few big characters. If you let us work, it's okay.

You have to decide this kind of thing..."

"Director Xiaobai, you can make a reservation, don't refuse..."

"Director Xiaobai..." There was a lot of discussion on the stage and the audience was asking Jiang Xiaobai to decide this matter.

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, but he couldn't refuse, and it's also time for Jianhua Village to sum up a spirit, or in other words, in the future.

Everyone has a pillar in spirit.

"Okay, then I will give you a summary. The first word is unity and hard work, which represents the history of our hard work in the past... The second word, cooperation and win-win, this means that now, we want to cooperate with everyone including Some foreigners come to build our Jianhua Village.

And our goal is to win-win..."

Everyone applauded, the past, the present, and the future is left.

(End of this chapter)