Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360 Blooming everywhere

Wang Shi, while the company's stock price is soaring, he is also examining the reasons for the company's stock rise this time.

Why is Huaqing Holding Company's shareholding able to bring such a big increase in the company's stock price? Why?

He knows that everyone is not optimistic about Wanke, but Huaqing Holdings.

Indeed, the current Wanke cannot be compared with Huaqing Holdings in any aspect.

It can be said that the two are not at the same level, and Wanke is just a little better than Changxingju Real Estate Company.

Huaqing Holding Company, in fact, it is impossible to say what he does, because Huaqing Holding Company does everything.

How to say , it is a bit like Wanke before, do everything, do a special miscellaneous, there is no priority.

The good name is "diversified operation". In fact, it is what you do to make money. There is no priority and no main business direction.

Later, Wang Shi realized the problem and couldn't continue like this. So he ditched other messy businesses and focused on the real estate industry. This is what is possible today.

Of course, the difference between Huaqing Holdings and Wanke is that Huaqing Holdings is much larger than Wanke.

Everyone who participates in an industry can do well. The home and herbal tea in the beverage industry dare to challenge the two cola, and now it is regarded as the top-ranking enterprise in domestic beverages.

Jiang Xiaobai's clothing, all day long with Pierre Cardin, the contest between the two parties, which is very famous in China.

There is often a Pierre Cardin clothing store next to it, and there is definitely a Jiang Xiaobai clothing store within two hundred meters.

Pierre Cardin is considered to be one of the first foreign brands to enter the country. At that time, the Chinese did not know the foreign brands at all, and felt that as long as they were foreign brands, they were good and high-end.

A clothing conference in the capital has made Pierre Cardin the most recognized by the Chinese people, and they feel that Pierre Cardin is a big foreign brand.

When the Jiang Xiaobai clothing brand came out, it relied on exquisite design, diverse clothing, plus high-end shop decoration, service and other aspects.

Everyone thinks that the Jiang Xiaobai clothing brand is a high-end brand in China, and there is no one.

But this is the time when Chinese people worship foreign brands. Many people think that as long as they are foreign brands, foreign products are better than domestic ones.

So everyone always thinks that Pierre Cardin is better than Jiang Xiaobai's costume.

But in the past two years, Jiang Xiaobai clothing and Pierre Cardin have been constantly competing, and slowly everyone discovered that the highest-end domestic clothing brands can compete with foreign brands, and the two are similar.

After all, they can compete. That means they are almost the same. Otherwise, why compete.

It is said that Jiang Xiaobai's clothing touches porcelain Pierre Cardin, or whether it is hot, anyway, Jiang Xiaobai's clothing brand is considered one of the most high-end brands in China.

In the hearts of many people, it is not inferior to foreign brands.

Educated youth canned food, Huaqing Electric has one to count anyway, and Huaqing Holding Company has done it very successfully.

So this is the reason why people believe in Huaqing Holdings.

The spring of 1992 was really a special spring.

The atmosphere in the whole society is very active.

After returning from Pengcheng, Jiang Xiaobai also stopped for a while. He was at home all day, and the company was two o'clock and one line...

This is of course impossible, even if Jiang Xiaobai is staying in Dragon City, he can't be free, and he has socializing all day long.

But compared to traveling outside all day, it is much stronger, and Zhao Xinyi is also very satisfied.

Jiang Xiaobai started to pick up Jiang Langlang again. The little prince of Huaqing Holding Company, spent the whole day playing in the playground of Huaqing Building. He was very happy.

After returning to the community, Wang Chao, Wang Meng and their children played together, and they were very happy all day.

"Langlang, go home." Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand to greet Jiang Langlang.

But he didn't find Jiang Langlang in the playground. Just when he wanted to ask the security guard, he felt a little thing hiding behind him.

"Dad, dad, don't speak loudly." Jiang Langlang took Jiang Xiaobai's finger and whispered.

Jiang Xiaobai happily turned around, knelt down and looked at his son and asked, "Langlang, what's wrong?"

"I saw my opponent." Jiang Langlang said milkily.

"Right?" Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback. Didn't he misheard, such a kid has an opponent.

"Yes, the enemy is the little fat guy over there. They are crowded now." Jiang Langlang whispered to a chubby kid in the playground and said.

There are a few kids of the same age around Xiao Pangdun.

No wonder Jiang Langlang didn't dare to go out. Look at this small grid of Jiang Langlang. Needless to say, hit Xiao Pangdun, even the children around Xiao Pangdun seemed to be unable to beat him.

"Then let's sneak away?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Okay." Jiang Langlang nodded: "Dad, you hold me."

Jiang Xiaobai hugged his son and sneaked away.

The grievances of the children let the children go to the end, which is not the fun of the children.

Jiang Xiaobai, whether in this life or in his previous life, had fights when he was a child, was blocked at the school gate, and he also led others to block others.

This is a kind of growth...

So Jiang Xiaobai is not going to care about it.

After going home at night and telling Zhao Xinyi about it, Zhao Xinyi was also overwhelmed.

However, Zhao Xinyi didn't take this as the same thing. When she went to school, she let Jiang Xiaobai take Liu Aiguo and Wang Xiaojun through it, and was kissed by Jiang Xiaobai forcefully.

Of course, later Zhao Xinyi's cousin blocked Jiang Xiaobai and beat Jiang Xiaobai so hard.

"By the way, I also simmered some ribs soup. Xiaojun is very tired from studying recently. You will send him some soup later." Zhao Xinyi exhorted.

"Okay, I'll go in a while."

After eating, Jiang Xiaobai drove to Longgang High School with a food box.

Longgang High School is one of the top high schools in Longcheng at this time.

Jiang Xiaobai parked the car at the entrance of the school and got off with the food container.

"Parent, yes, let's go in." The guard did not ask much, and asked Jiang Xiaobai to simply register and let Jiang Xiaobai in.

Jiang Xiaobai strolled to Yin Xiaojun's class.

Through the window, I saw the countdown to the college entrance examination on the blackboard, and there was not much time left.

Even if there is no teacher in the self-study class, the students in the class are studying hard.

As for those who do not study, they have already completely given up and played basketball on the playground.

Those who are still sitting in the classroom, no matter how well they study, are unwilling to give up.

glanced around, and found Yin Xiaojun in a row against the wall in the classroom.

This kid is at the same table as a little girl, who is quite long and quiet. The two are whispering and don't know what to say, but they focus on the textbook.

(End of this chapter)