Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1359

Chapter 1359

Chapter 1359 Laozi is 78 faction

How much is a billion dollars? About six billion yuan.

Six billion yuan, several Huaqing holding companies can be bought, of course, only in terms of assets.

Judging from the current valuation of Huaqing Holdings, as far as brand value is concerned, it cannot be measured with money.

After all, Huaqing Holding Company is now from canned educated youth, to Xinxing Feed, to Jiang Xiaobai clothing, Huaqing Electric and so on.

These brands are now very famous in China, so this value cannot be measured by money.

If you have to measure it, you must at least add a 30% to 50% premium to the normal valuation.

But with this billion dollars, it is no problem to buy at least five Huaqing Holdings companies.

So this one billion US dollars is equivalent to the expansion of five Huaqing Holdings at once. Of course, the scale of the company does not mean that as long as it is rich, it can be expanded.

But with one billion U.S. dollars, Huaqing Holdings can really flex its muscles and move forward quickly... No, this is to directly plug Huaqing Holdings with flying wings.

"Okay, Don't worry, Jiang Dong, I will choose with my heart. If it doesn't work, I will go out to dig people, and I must pay attention to this matter..."

Shi Sheng patted his chest and promised, how dare he not pay attention to the billion-dollar thing?

"Okay, I believe in your old history, go ahead, hurry up and do this, but don't be too anxious. The selection personnel must be careful.

In the future, this department may be preserved forever, or even if it is disbanded, these talents will be assigned to various important departments to serve as backbone members.

So the talents in this department are better than lacking, and whoever dares to stuff me in, don't blame me for being merciless. "

Jiang Xiaobai reminded that there are no fish when the water is clear, and Huaqing Holdings is no exception, various partners, local relations and so on.

So Huaqing Holdings also has some related accounts.

What Jiang Xiaobai can do is only in certain places, and it is only properly eliminated. It is impossible to completely eliminate it.

"Understand." Shi Sheng got up and left. After coming out of Jiang Xiaobai's office, Shi Sheng stopped.

In fact, I suddenly regretted it. With this billion US dollars, and now the situation is getting better and better, he is full of expectations for the future of Huaqing Holdings.

I especially want to see what Huaqing Holdings can develop into in the future.

This Jiang Xiaobai, he didn't tell him anything in advance because he was very passive now.

At the time of the loan, it was only guaranteed by Huaqing Holding Company, but then the loan did not arrive at all.

just stayed in the north, and later Zhang Weiyi took charge. He didn't know how much the loan was and what happened later.

When there was an accident in the north last year, he knew that the rupee had depreciated badly, and guessed that Jiang Xiaobai's previous loan in the north should be used to make money.

But Jiang Xiaobai did not say how much he earned, nor did he ask. He also tacitly agreed that the loan had nothing to do with the company.

So I didn't care too much, but now I didn't expect to make a billion dollars.

No, it's not just a billion dollars. He heard Jiang Xiaobai's words clearly.

This is at least one billion U.S. dollars used to support the development of domestic companies, as well as foreign development, and that is not to develop the company.

Shi Sheng felt that Jiang Xiaobai would definitely keep some.

However, he was reluctant to give up, and he understood more in his heart that his energy must not be able to keep up.

So after he came out of Jiang Xiaobai's office, he went directly to Zhang Weiyi's office.

Since I can see that Zhang Weiyi may succeed him, then I don't mind being a good friend.

I just heard that Zhang Weiyi will go to the north for some time.

Before he leaves, let him also help.

On the other side, after Shi Sheng left, Jiang Xiaobai sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

It's now in 1992. In the future, such opportunities to make a fortune will be used once less once.

And except for this extremely special opportunity, only when a country is dissolved can it not care about the billions of dollars in funds.

Other opportunities, if they involve hundreds of millions of dollars of funds entering the market, they will basically change the direction of history, so it is difficult to make money like this opportunity, even if it is familiar with the future historical direction.

But it's useless to put the money in the bank. I just opened the bank, so I don't even have any interest in the bank.

In addition, the situation is now very good. It is the time to seize the opportunity and take out this money to fully blossom in various industries.

So even if he is reluctant, Jiang Xiaobai will give the money out and use it to develop Huaqing Holding Company.

Just like what Shi Sheng said, earning money now is long enough to spend, what is the reason why he dared to continue fighting today?

92 faction, haha, I am 78 faction, I have already started business in 1978.

When the 92 faction was just laid off to do business, it was already a leader in private enterprises.

Now we can see if we can get one step closer. If we can fully blossom in various industries, then we can compete with multinational companies in the next step.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was preparing for the next plan.

On the other side, Wanke's stock price fluctuations in Pengcheng finally remained stable.

However, compared with the stock price before the acquisition by Huaqing Holdings, it has risen by about 35%.

Of course, one of these is because Huaqing Holding Company has invested in Wanke. Everyone thinks Huaqing Holding Company believes in Wanke, and Huaqing Holding Company is quite credible.

Even if some people don't know about Huaqing Holdings, it has been introduced in some media and newspapers. Since its inception, there has never been a time when investment has been missed.

So everyone believes in the vision of Huaqing Holdings, which is equivalent to trusting Vanke.

Wanke's stock price has increased, and Huaqing Holdings' investment is equivalent to making money.

And it is not only that 5% of the shares have appreciated, but 15.5% of the shares have appreciated.

Of course, Huaqing Holding Company will not care about the small amount of money that has appreciated, even if it has appreciated, it won't make much money.

However, it once again proved the investment ability of Huaqing Holding Company. Without a miss, it can make money every time.

Another reason is that Wanke, Changxingju, and Stone are cooperating with the "Super Community" project, which gives Wanke extra points.

Wang Shi specifically called Jiang Xiaobai to thank him. He guessed that Huaqing Holding Company's investment in Wanke would bring some increase in Wanke's stock price.

But I did not expect the increase to be so large, which completely exceeded Wang Shi's expectations. It reached about 35%, and the stock price rose for a week.

(End of this chapter)