Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361 Happiness is the greatest reward

"Boom boom boom."

Jiang Xiaobai knocked on the window, which immediately attracted the attention of the students in the classroom.

Many people looked up at Jiang Xiaobai one after another.

"Yin Xiaojun." Jiang Xiaobai turned to the door of the classroom and opened the door, greeted Yin Xiaojun.

But just as soon as he greeted him, he was pulled away.

"Who are you?"

"I am a student's parent, are you a teacher?" Jiang Xiaobai asked when he looked at the middle-aged man.

"I am... You are Jiang Dong?" The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked suddenly.

"Ah, this is Jiang Xiaobai." Jiang Xiaobai did not expect to be recognized in the school.

"Jiang Donghao, I am the director of the Academic Affairs Office, are you here to see classmate Yin Xiaojun?" the middle-aged man asked.

His relationship with these households in the school is clear to him. He is in politics, and he is not a simple teacher. He doesn't hear things outside the window, and he only engages in education.

So for the biggest household in the school, yes, Yin Xiaojun is the biggest household.

Longgang Middle School belongs to Longgang Steel Pipe, and Zhao Gang is the biggest leader.

This Yin Xiaojun is a child adopted by Zhao Gang's daughter and son-in-law, but he is not the biggest household in the factory.

Of course, if one day, after the child named Jiang Langlang comes, he will be the most concerned household.

The prince of Longgang, the prince of Huaqing Holding Company, will have a dual identity by then, not to mention Longgang Middle School. It is estimated that all middle schools in Longcheng can go to it casually.

"Yeah, isn't this going to be the college entrance examination soon? His mother cooked a bit of bone soup for him and asked me to bring him over to drink." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Haha, yes, pity the parents of the world." While the two were chatting, Yin Xiaojun also came out of the classroom.

"Hello, Teacher Zhong."

"Dad, why are you here?" Since Yin Xiaoyin changed his mouth, Yin Xiaojun also changed his mouth.

"I will bring you some bone soup, for fear that you will have a hard time studying." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Or else, go to my office, wait for Xiaojun to finish the soup, and then go back to study." Director Zhong said.

"Yes, then it will be troublesome." Jiang Xiaobai directly agreed, and it's okay to make a relationship. For the sake of the child, it doesn't matter.

"Xiaojun, how are you studying lately?"

"Cough, cough, cough." Yin Xiaojun, who was drinking the soup, was immediately choked.

"Hahaha." The dean of the Academic Affairs Office on the side also said with a smile, "Student Xiaojun is still very hardworking."

He knows that Yin Xiaojun's academic performance is not average, it is very average, but this Yin Xiaojun is not like those who are particularly naughty students, although he also likes to play, but he still works very hard when studying.

But this academic performance is really terrible.

Studying hard but not learning well, this is very miserable.

"Yes, just work hard. The grades are not important. Take your time. The college entrance examination is about to be done. It will be fine after the college entrance examination!"

Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently, as long as Yin Xiaojun worked hard, it didn't matter whether he studied well or not.

Have worked hard, just try your best.

But I didn't expect Yin Xiaojun to be unwilling: "Dad, I still have to study hard."

"Haha, good, study hard." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Yin Xiaojun drank the soup, and Jiang Xiaobai chatted with the director of the Academic Affairs Office casually for a while.

But there is not much to say about learning and things like that, only a few months are left, and Yin Xiaojun has always been very conscious of learning.

Soon, Yin Xiaojun drank the soup, Jiang Xiaobai carried the food box and after Director Zhong said goodbye, Jiang Xiaobai and Yin Xiaojun walked to the classroom.

"Xiaojun, let's go to the playground for a walk!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Ah, I'm going to self-study now..." Yin Xiaojun hesitated.

"Haha." Jiang Xiaobai gently hit Yin Xiaojun on the back of the head, and said with a smile: "Smelly boy, go, walk with me twice!"

"Hey." Yin Xiaojun did not say any more, and followed Jiang Xiaobai to the playground.

"Xiaojun, is it stressful?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as he lit a cigarette and walked.


"Talk about it."

"My sister has taken such a good school, if I fail the exam, I am afraid of my sister, I am afraid that you and mom will be disappointed.

And my sister said that if we don't study well and have no success, we will already cause trouble when we come to the house.

I will repay my parents in the future..."

Yin Xiaojun said, Jiang Xiaobai laughed, and he guessed it.

I don't study well, I still study hard, study hard and have bad grades. It's weird to be able to keep studying under this vicious circle.

He guessed it, Yin Xiaojun must have thoughts in his heart, it would be weird to have no thoughts.

patted Yin Xiaojun on the shoulder, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "I remember when I first saw you, I was so tall."

Jiang Xiaobai said and gestured, then Yin Xiaojun would have just arrived at Jiang Xiaobai's waist.

"Well, then I will still be in elementary school." Yin Xiaojun said.

Now he is gesturing, it is not bad for Jiang Xiaobai. As long as the boy's nutrition can keep up, his body will move up very quickly.

"Now the college entrance examination is going to happen in a blink of an eye, and your height is about to catch up with me. Time flies."

Jiang Xiaobai was a little emotional, and the cigarette **** by his finger was flickering.

"Repay? Xiaojun, from the beginning till now, Mom and Dad don't expect you to repay, just thinking that you can grow up safely and happily. That is the greatest reward."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Yin Xiaojun's nose twitched.

"As for things like paying interest, what does it mean to pay interest? If you want to talk about money, our family has money, enough for you to live, and if you want to find a job, you can also help.

Three hundred and sixty lines, if you are the best, don't put too much pressure on..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Yin Xiaojun said nothing, but under the moonlight, crystal clear tears fell from the corner of his eyes.

He still remembers when he first met Jiang Xiaobai, who could have thought that a fake sportswear would change the fate of their brothers and sisters.

Since then, they have no worries about food and clothing, some people love, some love, and some care.

They feel as if they suddenly changed from the most unlucky person in the world to the luckiest person in the world.

But it is really because they know that this happiness is hard to come by, so their brothers and sisters cherish it very much.

He wants to study hard, but he is afraid of destroying this hard-won luck, this hard-won happiness.

But he never thought that Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi never thought of anything in return, and what they wanted was not being able to enter a university by themselves.

"Okay, you go back to self-study, I will go home first, and come back early after class later." Jiang Xiaobai threw the cigarette **** on the ground and trampled it out, then turned and left.

"Hmm." Yin Xiaojun replied heavily with a nasal voice.

(End of this chapter)