Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335 I want to hug my mother

After hung up the phone, Jiang Shuwen excitedly ran to ask for leave.

The director of the office asked one more question, and it turned out that Jiang Xiaobai was here.

"Good thing, since Dong Jiang is here, you are like this, make an appointment with Dong Jiang, I will call the factory leader, let's have a meal together."

"Huh, let me make an appointment?" Jiang Shuwen was stunned: "This is not good, I am not a factory leader..."

"Oh, text, you can't think like that. You are one of the team leaders of the workshop and a member of the factory. You have this relationship now. It is normal to help the factory deepen the connection."

"Also, Shuwen, do you want to be a bigger leader? Then, I will communicate with the Personnel Department when I look back..."

The office director said, Jiang Shuwen shook his head quickly: "No, director, I didn't mean that, I..."

"Okay, don't me, mine, that's it. You have a good relationship with Jiang Dong, this is your resource..."

"Director, I don't have such an idea..." Jiang Shuwen has no such idea at all, and he is not such a person.

He had been a worker in the factory in his previous life, and when he was laid off, he did not become a full-time official.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, the text, you are still young and don't understand these, but whether you like it or not, this is your resource." The director of the office looked like a person who came over.

It is true that the office director did not say thoroughly, but Jiang Shuwen was able to become the team leader of the workshop because of Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Huaqing Holding Company has little influence on Jinling Xinlian Machinery Plant, Huaqing Holding Company is a large private enterprise.

So Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Shuwen have a good relationship. Someone nominated Jiang Shuwen as the workshop team leader, but there was no opposition because of such a small leadership position.

It is a pity that Jiang Shuwen did not think that this workshop team leader was a full-time official, and he thought that he was a leader.

I was not politically conscious, and did not say to Jiang Xiaobai, nor did he thank the leader.

So his career came to an abrupt end for the time being, and he stayed at the workshop team leader.

Here, Jiang Shuwen came out of the workshop and rode his bicycle towards the hospital, while thinking about what the director had just said in his heart.

The factory invited Jiang Xiaobai to eat. Forget it, turn around and ask to see if Jiang Xiaobai has time. If he has enough time, then have a meal. If he doesn't have enough time, forget it.

Anyway, Jiang Xiaobai can't be embarrassed.

After going to the hospital, she found the busy Xiang Shasha.

"Jiang Xiaobai is here, and he called and told me to meet and have a meal."

"Ah, Jiang Xiaobai, I will ask for leave at any time," Xiang Sha Sha said.

"Just noon, take a leave now, someone will come to pick us up soon." Jiang Shuwen said.

After asking for a leave of absence from Sasha, the two went home and changed their clothes again, packed up, and brought the money.

The driver sent by Jiang Xiaobai also arrived. It was a car from Huaqing Electric, Wang Chao's car, and a Santana.

I don't know if it was affected by Jiang Xiaobai's car. None of the other high-level cars of Huaqing Holdings are too expensive.

Because Jiang Xiaobai's car is just a crown, what other Xiali, Santana, anyway, there is no expensive car.

But that's it, Santana and Xiali are all luxury items.

If you don't pay attention to these car brands at this time, it's just a small car.

After getting in the car, the car drove to the door of an old restaurant in Xinjiekou.

Since the Beijing Roast Duck and other time-honored brands were released, some of the time-honored brands in other places have also recovered.

The time-honored brands at this time are not like some of the time-honored brands that have changed in later generations. As long as they have a price, the dishes are just average.

At this time, the time-honored brand is indeed a time-honored brand. The price of the dishes is cheap and the taste is good.

If Jiang Xiaobai treats guests, it must be Jinling Hotel.

But Jiang Shuwen said he wanted to treat him, Jiang Xiaobai also gave Jiang Shuwen this opportunity.

Jiang Xiaobai was already waiting in the private room. Seeing Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha coming in, Jiang Xiaobai stood up and hugged Jiang Shuwen.

"Books, how are you doing? It's been a long time, but it's okay."

"Very good, Xiaobai, you are also good." Jiang Shuwen asked.

"Very good." Jiang Xiaobai still wanted to hug Salsa, but Jiang Shuwen looked straight, and Jiang Xiaobai was not embarrassed.

I just wanted to hug my mother, but forget it, Jiang Xiaobai and Xiang Shasha shook hands, and both of them sat down.

The waiter came in with the menu, and Jiang Shuwen asked Jiang Xiaobai to order.

Jiang Xiaobai is not polite. Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha are now full-time employees.

After a month, he can earn more than five hundred yuan. In his previous life, Jiang Xiaobai remembered that Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha often took them to the restaurant.

Now eating a meal in a time-honored brand, Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha can still eat.

Furthermore, I just spend my parents' money, so I can't bear it.

So Jiang Xiaobai ordered the food, he was not polite at all, and he knew what Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha thought.

They don't know that they are their sons, and it is right to help them. They feel that they are just a friend, and they have helped them so much.

They want to repay their love, so a little bit more, they can still be happy.

The three of them were eating and chatting. Sometimes Jiang Xiaobai said something about the company, and Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha were eye-opening.

Sometimes Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Sha Sha talked about the little things around them, Jiang Xiaobai also listened with gusto.

Of course, the two sometimes have some complaints about life and work, but on the whole, Jiang Xiaobai can see that the two have a very good life.

Although they are busy all day, everyone is like this. Jiang Xiaobai will not think that the two of them are not living well because they are busy.

On the contrary, I feel that this is quite fulfilling, which is also normal.

But Jiang Xiaobai still said: If you don't work well any day, you will quit your job and come to Huaqing Holdings, and do whatever you want.

"It's okay, we just complain, who hasn't got anything wrong in life yet." Xiang Sasha shook her head again and again.

Jiang Shuwen also echoed, but with Jiang Xiaobai's words, Jiang Shuwen and the two of them can be considered as a way to go, so the two are still very happy.

"Okay, just talk if you have anything to do. I will help if you can or can't help." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha were taken aback, and then both fell silent. In fact, Jiang Xiaobai has been helpful since they met Jiang Xiaobai.

But in fact, they have never understood. Why?

Especially now, as a big boss, Jiang Xiaobai can say such things.

(End of this chapter)