Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1334

Chapter 1334

Chapter 1334 A Sweet Dream

The reason why life is beautiful is because there are regrets and madness...

If a person has not been crazy once in his life, and every decision is made very sensibly, then it is not exciting enough.

The long black hair like a waterfall spreads out...

Fangyan flowing water at the place where the waves of eyes look back. The bones are condensed with ice, and the soft green onions are dipped in snow, and they still remember the deep meaning.

The flower path has never been swept away by guests, and the gate of Pengmen is now open for the king.

This night, Jiang Xiaobai had a dream, a wonderful dream, a dream that is endlessly memorable.

He didn't see the person in the dream clearly, but he felt that the other person's figure was a bit familiar.

But he couldn't see the other party's face clearly, it was vague, as if through a thin mist, he tried very hard to see who the other party was, but he couldn't see clearly.

The spring breeze blew gently, and the river surface was full of waves, with an undulating figure, like a wave of waves, sometimes gentle, sometimes turbulent, sometimes need to bow down and pass by, sometimes there is a cave.

The sea is beating against the shore, sending out soft and charming syllables.

The next morning, when Jiang Xiaobai woke up, the whole room was covered with sunlight through the curtains.

looked at the messy bed, wrinkled shirts, messy hair, and a scent of sweat and alcohol.

Jiang Xiaobai felt a pain in his head. He sat up on the bed, grabbed the cigarette on the bedside table and lit a cigarette.

I drank too much last night. Why did you come back? I can't remember Li Longquan or Zhao Xiaojin and Song Xin.

There is no doubt about this.

But last night's dream? Could it be that I have been out for a long time, but have I not been out for a few days?

How come you have such a spring dream when you just go out?

And this dream is so real. Fortunately, although my clothes are wrinkled and messy, I still wear them. Otherwise, I might really think it would be real.

It was just a dream. Jiang Xiaobai didn't think much, but was interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom."


"Dong Jiang, I am Zhao Xiaojin." Zhao Xiaojin's crisp voice sounded from outside the door.

Jiang Xiaobai got out of bed and opened the door to Zhao Xiaojin.

As soon as Zhao Xiaojin entered the door, she frowned and said, "Jiang Dong, what's the smell in your room?"

Speaking, Zhao Xiaojin opened the curtain directly. Open the window to ventilate Jiang Xiaobai's room.

"What's the smell? It smells like wine, do you still have the face to ask? Yesterday Song Xin had her birthday, and you gave me too much." Jiang Xiaobai said with a black face.

"I...the longest birthday, then..." Zhao Xiaojin said, seeing a long hair on the bed.

'S eyes condensed immediately, and the words in his mouth couldn't go on.

"The oldest birthday star, you drink with me, Zhao Xiaojin, I tell you, if you do this again, wait for me to put on your shoes in the future."

Jiang Xiaobai threatened viciously, pressing the cigarette **** in his hand and putting it in the ashtray.

But Zhao Xiaojin didn't answer the conversation. Jiang Xiaobai took a look, and Zhao Xiaojin looked straight at the bed in a trance.

"Oh, what do you think?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted, and Zhao Xiaojin reacted.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay." Zhao Xiaojin shook his head and said.

"Where is Song Xin?"

"Director Song, Director Song is resting in his room. I passed by just now. Director Song said that he drank too much last night and would take a day off today." Zhao Xiaojin said.

"Drink too much, it's not that I remember she didn't drink much." Jiang Xiaobai muttered.

"Okay, you go out, I'll take a shower and change my clothes." Jiang Xiaobai said, got up and closed the window.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaojin hurriedly exited the room, and then hurried back to his room. As soon as he closed the door, Zhao Xiaojin leaned back against the door and gasped for breath.

Is it true that I did something wrong, or that I found something.

There are two long hairs on the bed. This is not a problem. Factory Manager Song sent Jiang Dong back. It's normal to put one or two long hairs off on the bed.

But think about yesterday, Director Song asked himself to have two more drinks with Jiang Dong.

I didn't want to understand yesterday, but now I think about it...

But instead, Zhao Xiaojin shook his head. She might have really thought about it. How could this be possible?

Impossible, I must have thought about it a lot, and let's talk about the personal affairs of the leader, what do I think so much about.

Even if the absurd idea is true, the only thing that is wrong with me is the fight with Jiang Dong last night. could I think of...forget it.

The little secretary is also an optimist, so I don't think about things that I don't understand. I think so much.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai changed clothes and went out after taking a shower, and called the front desk before going out.

Let me change the sheets and quilts in the room.

"Boom boom boom."


"Xin'er, I..." Jiang Xiaobai stood at the door of Song Xin's room.

"Dong Jiang, what's the matter?" Song Xin didn't open the door, and her voice came from a distance from the house.

"You open the door, Zhao Xiaojin said that you drank too much yesterday and feel sick..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Well, my head hurts. I won't go out today. I slept for a while. I'm sleepy..." Song Xin's voice came.

Jiang Xiaobai saw that Song Xin didn't mean to open the door, and after a few words, he greeted people and went to Huaqing Electrical Appliances.

It's just that I am still a little puzzled, why is it just drinking too much, but what is going on without opening the door?

Didn't you get up, too lazy to open the door, this can be said in the past.

Jiang Xiaobai is puzzled here, and the front desk of the hotel on the other side is also puzzled.

In room 511, I asked to send the sheets last night, and I asked to change the sheets and quilts in the room this morning.

How? Are these two guests obsessed with cleanliness or something?

In Song Xin's room, Jiang Xiaobai had been dealt with and Song Xin breathed a sigh of relief before she fell asleep groggy.

"Hello, who is it?" Jiang Shuwen answered the phone.

"Me, Jiang Xiaobai." Jiang Xiaobai was in the Wang Chao office of Huaqing Electric Appliances, and opened the phone in Jiang Shuwen's factory.

"Dong Jiang, why are you calling? Did you come to Jinling?" Jiang Shuwen asked with a smile.

"Well, how about it? Do you have time? Please have a meal and get together." Jiang Xiaobai invited.

"If you have time, you must have time. We ask you, and you decide the location." Jiang Shuwen said heartily.

Since I met Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai has been helpful.

Jiang Shuwen is very grateful to Jiang Xiaobai in his heart, but he knows that Jiang Xiaobai is a big man and is usually busy with work.

He was too embarrassed to contact Jiang Xiaobai all the time.

But Jiang Xiaobai has arrived in Jinling. Needless to say, he is not busy at work, but he has to take time out.

"Haha, okay, then I'll let someone pick you up in a while." Jiang Xiaobai said.

(End of this chapter)