Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336 Family

"Xiao Bai..." Jiang Shuwen wanted to ask.

But Jiang Xiaobai interrupted him as soon as he spoke.

"Shuwen, Sasha, don't ask, anyway, I won't harm you." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha looked at each other, and then Jiang Shuwen said embarrassedly: "No, Xiaobai, I didn't mean that."

said that, but the two of them also reacted. Jiang Xiaobai's words really made sense.

People will definitely not harm themselves. If they want to harm both of them, what are they doing so hard from start to finish?

It's just that the two of them don't know the reason, and they are a little uneasy.

"Okay, don't think too much, just remember what I said." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Well, by the way, Xiaobai, I really have something wrong." Jiang Shuwen said embarrassingly.

gave Sasha a fierce look at her husband, and when someone asked you to tell, just say, this is too easy to climb.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Our factory leader, would like to ask if you have been in Jinling for a few days, do you have any time? Let's have a meal together."

Jiang Shuwen said, fearing Jiang Xiaobai's misunderstanding, he hurriedly said: "Xiaobai, I told the factory leaders that I am a team leader and not a leader, but they have to ask me to ask, saying that I am also a member of the factory.

So don't be embarrassed, if you have enough time...if you don't have enough time, just forget it. "

Jiang Shuwen explained nonsense, but Jiang Xiaobai understood it.

asked a little surprised: "Are you the team leader?"

"Ah, yes." Jiang Shuwen was also taken aback, is this the point? The point is whether there is time, and the point is the question of whether to eat or not.

There is a team leader in this workshop. Can Jiang Xiaobai also be a leader here?

Huaqing Holding Company has many factories, and there are so many workshops in the factory, and there are no idea how many workshop directors there are in the workshops, and how many team leaders there are below.

So for this position, he felt that Jiang Xiaobai was not the focus at all.

"Okay, I'm an official, I really should have a meal." Jiang Xiaobai nodded in relief. He remembered that Jiang Shuwen did not become a full-time official even when he was laid off.

Of course, he also knew Jiang Shuwen's character, so he didn't specifically operate it for Jiang Shuwen.

Otherwise, Jiang Shuwen is now a director or section chief at Jinling Xinlian Machinery Factory.

"No, Xiao Bai, don't laugh at me anymore, what an official I am." Jiang Shuwen said embarrassingly.

"Okay, just tonight, I will ask Superzi to call them to make an appointment. Then I will pick you up and I will treat them to dinner." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Jiang Shuwen still needs to explain, but was stopped by Shasha. Now that he has already said Jiang Xiaobai has already spoken.

That Jiang Xiaobai went to have a meal with the leaders of Jinling Xinlian Machinery Factory, which is also a good thing for Jiang Shuwen.

That night, in the box of Jinling Hotel, Jiang Xiaobai was sitting in the main seat, Wang Chao and the deputy director of Jinling Xinlian Machinery Factory were alone.

Jiang Shuwen sat next to their deputy director, and the office director, workshop director and others sat down.

"Thank you, really, if it weren't for the text, I didn't know that he had become the team leader. Thank you all for the great cultivation of him." Jiang Xiaobai said with the wine glass.

The appearance of Jiang Shuwen's family. As soon as he said this, the deputy factory director, office director, and workshop director were all taken aback.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't mean to have a good relationship with Jiang Shuwen, but to speak as a family member.

"This Jiang Dong, wherever, the book, this young man is serious in his work and behaves well. I want to say that he is a bit awkward to be the leader of the group, and he should be given another burden.

It's no problem to be a section leader..." said the deputy director.

The director of the workshop also attached: "Yes, I know that the work in the workshop is strong, and the skill is good, and it is also the best skill among the many workers.

It also won the third place in the whole factory competition last year. "

As everyone said, Jiang Shuwen's face flushed red. How could he have experienced such a scene?

So many leaders praised themselves, he opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

"Haha, like this, the quality of home appliances in Superzi, Jinling Xinlian Machinery Factory is very good, and the quality is guaranteed. Find a suitable opportunity to launch a promotion in all shopping malls, publicity..."

Jiang Xiaobai also confessed.

"Well, Jiang Dong, I understand that the refrigerators and air conditioners of Jinling Xinlian Machinery Factory have always been in the most conspicuous position on our shelves." Wang Chao also smiled and nodded.

At the beginning, when Huaqing Electric wanted to buy from Jinling Xinlian Machinery Factory, it all needed to find a relationship. Jiang Xiaobai personally came forward and gave it a little bit.

The dealers will come to buy them, but since the country has more power plants in the past two years, there is no shortage of materials.

In addition, the entire Jiangsu province and surrounding markets will be controlled by Huaqing Electric Mall.

The situation suddenly reversed. All power plants, if they want to open up sales in Jiangsu and surrounding provinces, they must go through Huaqing Holdings.

So now Wang Chao is a hot figure in the home appliance industry around Jiangsu.

Many small appliances want to invite Wang Chao to dinner, but they simply can't do it.

No longer a few years ago, Wang Chao and Chu Beiping ran various factories all day, hoping to get the goods.

Now if you want to put it on the shelves in Huaqing Electrical Appliances Market, the product will have to undergo a series of inspections, and only after passing the inspection can it be put on the shelves.

And because of this, customers are becoming more and more aware of Huaqing Electric. At the end of this year, Wang Chao is going to spend a lot of money on advertising, even thinking about the slogan.

"Buyers call Huaqing Electric Appliances."

"Oh, thank you Jiang Dong, and thank you, Mr. Wang." The deputy director looked excited.

Huaqing Electric's promotional activities will be arranged in another year, not every day, but a number of times.

It is usually during the New Year or the holidays. In summer and winter, the quota is also very tight. Generally, only a few power plants will be promoted.

"What are you polite? The text here still needs your leaders to take care of you. Come and I will offer you a drink." Jiang Xiaobai said while holding the wine glass.

After eating a meal, except for Jiang Shuwen's a little awkwardness, the others were very kind, and everyone was very happy.

At least with Jiang Shuwen in the factory for a day, Jinling Xinlian Machinery Factory can get some convenience here in Huaqing Holding Company, and the cooperation conditions can also be more favorable.

And there is a deeper level of personal relationship, not to mention.

(End of this chapter)