Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1333

Chapter 1333

Chapter 1333

Jiang Xiaobai actually drinks a lot of times, but most of the time he has to stay awake.

But today Jiang Xiaobai really drank too much, because today is Song Xin's birthday, Jiang Xiaobai knows what Song Xin has always felt for herself.

But Jiang Xiaobai had no way to respond, and he didn't know how to respond.

Of course, sometimes Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin did say a little ambiguous words and actions.

But all are adequate. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai retreats at critical moments. It is no problem to say that the appeal is only to be courteous.

Actually, Jiang Xiaobai didn't mean to protect Zhao Xinyi like a jade. He had a period with Xue Fangling in Daxing Glass Factory in Beijing before.

But Song Xin's friendship, Jiang Xiaobai really didn't dare to accept it.

But while she didn't dare to accept and provoke, Song Xin stayed with her all day long, and Jiang Xiaobai did not refuse.

It's not Song Xinti today. Jiang Xiaobai didn't even notice. It turns out that Song Xin is thirty years old.

Thirty-one years old, the best years of this girl's life have been by her side.

Since I was in school, I was the head of the student union, and Song Xin was the head of the student union.

Up until now, I am the chairman of the board, and Song Xin is the director of the Jiahe Beverage Factory. She still works under her own hands.

It's been almost ten years, and only so many years have come.

So tonight, Jiang Xiaobai drank so much wine. He didn't want to leave a trace of soberness, but just wanted to escape.

That's right, Jiang Xiaobai is like this, and some problems will be avoided.

A word of affection, does not know where it arises and where it dwells. Don't know what to end, don't know what to understand. Nowhere, no end...

A word of affection, the most difficult to understand...

"Sister Xin, Jiang Dong has drunk too much, maybe it's almost..." Zhao Xiaojin asked when she looked at Song Xin, her face flushed and her eyes blurred.

"Well, it's almost there." Song Xin nodded looking at Jiang Xiaobai's appearance.

After the checkout, and Zhao Xiaojin helped Jiang Xiaobai to go back to the room.

When she walked to the door of Jiang Xiaobai's room, Song Xin supported Jiang Xiaobai, looked at Zhao Xiaojin and said with a smile: "Xiaojin, you can go back and rest. I'll just send Jiang Dong back."

"Ah, sister, can you do it alone? Don't look at Jiang Dong, who doesn't look fat, but everyone who drinks is dead."

Zhao Xiaojin said with some worry.

"It's okay, you can rest assured to go back." Song Xin shook her head and said.

"Okay, then I'm leaving, Sister Xin." Zhao Xiaojin turned back to the door of his room step by step.

As soon as Zhao Xiaojin let go, Jiang Xiaobai directly put the other hand on Song Xin's shoulder, embracing Song Xin.

Song Xin glanced back, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. This stinky man, even though he smelled of alcohol, made her face flushed with just such a gesture of gently hugging her neck.

It's true, I'm still a yellow girl at thirty-one, which is a bit unbearable.

"Drink, drink some more."

Jiang Xiaobai was still talking subconsciously.

Song Xin felt the heat coming from her ears, felt her ears feel soothing and itchy, and then spread to her body. Song Xin's legs softened and she almost did not fall to the ground.

"Sister Xin, are you okay." Zhao Xiaojin's voice came. At the door of the room, she was about to open the door and go in, but she almost fell.

"It's okay, I'm okay, Xiaojin, let's go back to rest after listening to my sister. I didn't drink less tonight, sister thank you." Song Xin said, quickly took out her room card and opened Jiang Xiaobai's door.

After eating just now, she found the room card from Jiang Xiaobai.

"Oh." Zhao Xiaojin nodded blankly and walked into the room.

Thank me, what do I do? Why do you thank me?

Actually, Zhao Xiaojin was also a little confused tonight, or she didn't understand from start to finish, why Song Xin asked herself to find Jiang Dong to fight wine for her birthday.

Is it because Song Xin wants to see Jiang Xiaobai drink too much?

If I didn't understand, Zhao Xiaojin didn't want it anymore, closed the door and went back to sleep in the room.

Anyway, Song Xin can't harm Jiang Dong. They have such a good relationship. Whoever harms Jiang Dong, Xin sister will not harm Jiang Dong.

In the room, Song Xin put Jiang Xiaobai on the bed. Because Jiang Xiaobai was still holding Song Xin's neck, the two fell on the bed together, and Song Xin pressed Jiang Xiaobai under her body.


"Oh." It may be pressure pain, Jiang Xiaobai frowned.

"Little Bai, are you okay?" Song Xin asked quickly.

"It's okay..." Jiang Xiaobai muttered, and Song Xin felt relieved.

helped Jiang Xiaobai take off his shoes and jacket, let Jiang Xiaobai sleep well in bed, and took a hot towel and gently wiped Jiang Xiaobai's face.

Song Xin's movements are particularly gentle, gentle to the extreme, as if she is afraid that she will break Jiang Xiaobai's skin with a little effort.

The hot breath on the towel sprayed on Jiang Xiaobai's face. Jiang Xiaobai may have felt this comfort and unconsciously grasped it.

grabbed Song Xin's soft and white jade hand.

Song Xin stopped her movements and let Jiang Xiaobai grasp it.


Jiang Xiaobai murmured unconsciously.

Song Xin shook her whole body, then took away Jiang Xiaobai's hand and continued to wipe.

Then he unbuttoned Jiang Xiaobai's shirt, from top to bottom, face, neck, chest...

Half an hour later, Song Xin helped to wipe Jiang Xiaobai's body.

Gently covered Jiang Xiaobai with a quilt, then took the bath towel and walked into the bathroom.

Turned on the water heater, and the hot water inside suddenly spewed out.

The frosted glass in the bathroom is suddenly misty.

Song Xin didn't rush to take a bath. When the whole bathroom was full of heat, when the temperature in the whole bathroom came up.

Song Xinbai began to take off her jacket, one piece, one piece...

Went into the hot water and let the hot water wash her beautiful carcass.

The bubbles from the foam bath are all over the body, as if wearing a white and beautiful wedding dress.

There was a splash of water in the bathroom, and Jiang Xiaobai still muttered to himself on the bed outside.

"Xiner...I'm sorry..."


But Song Xin didn't hear her. After half an hour, Song Xin walked out of the bathroom, wrapped in a bath towel.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai on the bed, Song Xin felt a bit difficult at her feet.

It's obviously only a few steps away, but Song Xin seems to be going through her life.

Obviously, a decision has already been made, but it is still so difficult when it comes to an end.

Song Xin doesn't know whether her decision today is right or wrong, rational or confused.

Or will I regret it in the future...

But Song Xin can't manage it anymore. Some things are destined to not ask right or wrong, and move forward...

(End of this chapter)