Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1326

Chapter 1326

Chapter 1326 The panic before falling apart

"Wanke and Dongxing are you busy these two days?" Zhao Xinyi asked in the car back.

"Yes, real estate, Wan Ke is a listed company. This time it is not only about cooperation, but our company is also preparing to buy shares in Wan Ke.

But this matter is still in the confidential stage..." Jiang Xiaobai held his son, pinching his son's fleshy face from time to time.

I turned a blind eye to my son staring at me angrily.

Zhao Xinyi gave Jiang Xiaobai a fierce look, and pulled Jiang Xiaobai's hand away from her son's face.

Jiang Langlang immediately got into Zhao Xinyi's arms.

The funny Jiang Xiaobai laughed. This kid doesn't know how to make funny.

"By the way, Xiaojun is busy studying during this time. Give the child more money, or let him come here to eat, so nutrition can keep up..." Jiang Xiaobai suddenly remembered that Yin Xiaojun was coming.

Yin Xiaojun didn't know how busy he was after he was in the third year of high school. No matter whether he was studying at school or not, anyway, he needed to get up late in self-learning, and time needed to survive.

In addition, Jiang Xiaobai was busy, and Zhao Xinyi was also busy after being promoted, so many things at home were not taken care of.

When Yin Xiaojun came back from the evening self-study, either Jiang Xiaobai hadn't come back, or he had fallen asleep after coming back.

In the morning before Jiang Xiaobai got up, Yin Xiaojun had already gone to study in the morning, and basically ate outside all day long.

The time to meet Jiang Xiaobai was also very difficult.

"Okay, you can still count on you. If you count on you, maybe the child will be like now..." Zhao Xinyi gave Jiang Xiaobai a white look, and Zhao Xinyi always arranged things at home.

Sometimes when Jiang Xiaobai thinks of one thing, Zhao Xinyi often arranges it.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed, and said for a while: "In two days, you may need to go to the company below. This year, the company will not hold the annual meeting. It can be regarded as a pre-holiday condolences."

"Okay, let's go." Zhao Xinyi has long been used to it, and Jiang Xiaobai is not around busy days.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai woke up early and went to the office to wait.

Zhao Xiaojin walked in with the file, before it was placed on the table, he was stopped by Jiang Xiaobai: "Are there any particularly important and urgent files?"

"No." Zhao Xiaojin shook his head.

"Then wait until tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai said absently, smoking a cigarette.

In fact, it is not Zhao Xinyi who usually accompanies Jiang Xiaobai the most, not Jiang Xiaobai's family, but Zhao Xiaojin, the little secretary.

So Zhao Xiaojin is familiar with Jiang Xiaobai and can no longer be familiar with it. Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's expression, he knew that there was a problem.

In normal times, Jiang Xiaobai is also the most troublesome reviewing these documents, and sometimes wants to shirk, but the expression of wanting to be lazy and the now absent-minded appearance can be seen at a glance.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaojin nodded. If this is changed, she will definitely not leave so easily.

As Jiang Dong's secretary, sometimes supervising Jiang Dong's work is also one of her responsibilities.

And today, it is obvious that Jiang Xiaobai is not trying to be lazy but has something in his heart.

As for the leadership, she didn't ask too much, but before going out, she stopped and looked back at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Jiang Dong, if you have anything to do, please call me."

"Huh..." Jiang Xiaobai spit out a long smoke ring, then nodded.

Time passed bit by bit, Jiang Xiaobai got up and opened the window.

He had been contacting Zhang Weiyi two days ago, and the situation in the north has been very bad.

The people were panicked. Mr. Huang also called Jiang Xiaobai several times and said that he was leaving.

He is scared. The chaos is like this. The north is a military power. If there is a chaos, no one can think of the consequences.

So Mr. Huang was scared and wanted to escape.

But Jiang Xiaobai has never approved it. Just kidding, it's time to hire people in the north.

Mr. Huang is gone, Zhang Weiyi can't handle it alone.

Jiang Xiaobai was anxious, wishing he would go to the north now and sit down in person.

But the domestic side can't go away either. Jiang Xiaobai can only wait for news in the office.

People in China are still not deeply impressed. All the news is obtained from the newspapers.

But the people in the north, the people who have experienced all this personally, have a feeling that something big is going to happen.

The shops of every household on the street are closed, the bread in many supermarkets is sold out, and teams of heavily armed people pass by from time to time on the street.

This year's Christmas, there is a cloud of clouds over the north.

In the bank office, Zhang Weiyi and Mr. Huang smoked cigarette after cigarette.

The ashtray is full, and the strong tea in the teacup has left yellow tea stains on the white wall of the cup.

Liu Aiguo pushed the door in, sat down, reached out and took the cigarette on the table and started smoking.

"How is the situation outside?" Zhang Weiyi asked.

Liu Aiguo shook his head and said, No, it's worse than yesterday. No one knows what will happen next.

In fact, this situation is very much in line with Zhang Weiyi's expectations.

Because the price of the rupee has fallen by one day, hundreds of thousands of rupee will soon be able to return only tens of thousands of dollars, or even 10,000 dollars.

fell like a cliff, which is exactly what Zhang Weiyi expected, and it is also the purpose of loans and banks.

However, at this time, North is one of the world-class overlords. Once what happens, no one knows what will happen next.

"In fact, sometimes no news is the best news." Zhang Weiyi said, and then stopped speaking.

opened the window, letting the cold air from outside blow in, and all three people in the room shuddered.

The cold air was blown in, letting out the smell of smoke that filled the room, and Zhang Weiyi was about to close the windows.

"It is estimated that at this time, Jiang Dong is also worried about our side." Zhang Weiyi said.

"Yes, I heard that domestic companies are now engaged in rectification activities, the formation is quite big..." Zhou Guomin chatted casually.

Rectification activities, all involved are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Huaqing Holding Company.

The only one that is not available is the bank here. One is because the bank is abroad, and the other is because there are some special circumstances here, and it is not suitable for those now.

"It seems that I was discussing the shareholding with a real estate company in Pengcheng recently. When I called Dong Jiang that day, I heard Jiang Dong say it and said it was about to be done..."

The three people chatted in the office, and finally diminished the tension.

The unknown is the most terrifying. Relatively speaking, Jiang Xiaobai is much better than them, because Jiang Xiaobai knows what is going to happen.

(End of this chapter)