Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1327

Chapter 1327

Chapter 1327 News is coming

Time passed bit by bit, Longcheng Jiang Xiaobai waited anxiously.

In the conference room, Shi Sheng and Wang Shi, Li Tong are still chatting, Wang Shi and the others will be leaving in a while.

Wang Meng is the same, and will take people back to Pengcheng in a while.

As for Chu Beiping, he still needs to stay in Longcheng. He is now talking about the property company. He needs to start a pilot project in the family building of Longcheng.

Then wait until the beginning of spring next year, and then return to Pengcheng after the new year.

In the past few days, Chu Beiping has been arrogant about it, and the pilot is about to start soon.

"Okay, time is almost up." Shi Sheng looked at the time, then got up and said, "In this way, I'll go find Jiang Dong, everyone, wait a moment."

"Okay." Wang Shi and the others nodded. The things that should be done last night have been done, and the contract has been signed.

Today is the 25th, and New Year's Day will be in two days. After you hurry back, you can still celebrate New Year's Day.

In addition, there are a lot of things in the company, and I will go back after finishing it. As for the Wutai Mountain, the big locust tree and the like, I can only go there when I have time next time.

Since he started the company, his time is no longer his.

"Boom boom boom."

"Who, come in." Jiang Xiaobai looked up at the direction of the door.

"Dong Jiang." Shi Sheng walked in, he was choked with a cough: "Dong Jiang, how many cigarettes do you smoke? It hurts too much..."

Shi Sheng said, walking over to open the window, Jiang Xiaobai did not stop it either.

Just put the cigarette **** out in the ashtray.

"Jiang Dong."

"What's the matter with Shi?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Ang, this is Dong Jiang, President Wang, President Li and they are going to leave soon, I wonder if you will show up, go and send it..." Shi Sheng said.

"Ah, I should, I should send it." Jiang Xiaobai patted his forehead and remembered. Although there is something in his heart, he must be courteous.

People are going back, it's too shameless to not show up.

"Go, give it away, is Mengzi going back too?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as he walked.

"That's right, Beiping won't go back temporarily." Shi Sheng said while accompanying Jiang Xiaobai.

"Well, I know that he is going to use the family building as a pilot project. It is estimated that it will start in two days," Jiang Xiaobai said as he asked, "Yes, how is the occupancy rate in the family building now?"

"Many people have moved in. There are no specific statistics, but at least 70% have gone up. The community is also very lively..." Shi Sheng said with a smile.

He has moved in, and even if many employees are not working in Longcheng now, they have brought their family members from the country to enjoy their blessings.

Of course, in addition to some couples working in other places, there are also some people in Jianhua Village.

Although some people have also bought a house in the Longcheng Family Building, their work and home are in Jianhua Village, and they will not move there.

They are not arranging a house either. They just feel that they might be transferred to Longcheng headquarters someday in the future, or that their children will go to Longcheng headquarters to work in the future.

It's very convenient to have a house. After all, it's a company's welfare housing, so it's just a symbolic purchase.

So many employees working in Jianhua Village have subscribed for houses in the family building.

"Very good, I'll move in some time later." Jiang Xiaobai said, he started to renovate the house before it was divided.

From the end of the decoration to the present, the smell has been enlarged for half a year, and the heavy formaldehyde has almost been dispersed. As for it is impossible to completely disperse it, it will not be dissipated in less than ten years, but the formaldehyde is not so heavy in this era.

The two of them came to the meeting room as they said, Wang Shi, Li Tong and others stood up.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, don't stay for two more days, and take a good taste of the scenery of the Sanjin land..." Jiang Xiaobai shook hands with the two.

"Next time, there is a chance. It's almost the end of the year, and the company has a lot of troubles, so I have to go back. But Li always fully appreciates it." Wang Shi said with a smile.

This is the truth, Li Tong has visited almost the entire Sanjin land.

"Haha, Mr. Wang is envious." Li Tong laughed.

The three of them walked towards the door in greeting.

"To be honest, if it weren't for Mr. Wang to bring me over to cooperate with Huaqing Holdings this time, I would have taken the company's people to Qiongzhou." Li Tong said with a smile as he walked.

Jiang Xiaobai paused slightly. He knew why later generations had never heard the name of Dongxing, the real estate.

Qiongzhou, I went to the real estate industry in Qiongzhou in 1991. Haha, I don't know how many real estate companies came from Qiongzhou.

But again, I don't know how many real estate companies have gone to Qiongzhou and haven't come out again.

Drumming and passing flowers games, there will always be someone who takes the game last.

Jiang Xiaobai certainly knows when the Qiongzhou real estate bubble will collapse, and he will be able to get out before the real estate bubble.

However, Jiang Xiaobai never thought of making this money from the beginning to the end. The current Huaqing Holding Company is also a bit famous among domestic private enterprises.

Go to fry the land, earn money from conscience, and leave Qiongzhou with unfinished buildings.

It may even be because Huaqing Holdings Company went to speculate on the land, which attracted a group of people to go, and finally went to a dead end.

Jiang Xiaobai felt uneasy even after earning this kind of money.

"Goodbye Jiang Dong."

"Goodbye." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and watched Wang Shi and Li Tong get into the car.

Then he turned his head to look at Wang Meng.

"Mengzi. Come back early in the New Year, let's get together." Jiang Xiaobai hugged Wang Meng.

At the same time, the phone in Jiang Xiaobai's office rang.

"Yeah." Wang Meng nodded. Anyway, it will be New Year's Day. It will not take long for the Spring Festival to come back to celebrate the New Year.

"I turned my head back to let Chu Beiping take charge of the purchase of shares. After secretly purchasing the stocks in the hands of shareholders, I would wait until the end of the new year before starting from the stock market.

At that time, the share purchase is over, and we will occupy the two director seats of Wanke, and one of them will be let Peiping go, so...

Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Meng talked a few more words before sending Wang Meng into the car.

The long convoy drove away from Huaqing Building, and Jiang Xiaobai turned around and went back to the office.

The phone in the office kept ringing, and Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xiaojin heard it as soon as they returned to the door of the office.

Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously speeded up his steps and answered the phone.

"Hey, this is Jiang Xiaobai..."

"Dong Jiang, something has happened, something big has happened, the sky has fallen..." Zhang Weiyi's voice on the phone was a little scary and weird.

how can that be possible? How is this possible? The polar bear, one of the two hegemons of the world, is so over.

just dissolved?

Just now, he hadn't reacted at all when he listened to the broadcast on the radio. How could he not believe that it turned out to be true, it was really over, it was really disbanded.

(End of this chapter)