Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1325

Chapter 1325

Chapter 1325

On December 24, 1991, in the conference room of Huaqing Holding Company.

Jiang Xiaobai represented Huaqing Holdings, and Wang Shi represented Wanke. The two parties exchanged a secret agreement.

is mainly an agreement for Huaqing Holdings to invest in Wanke.

Then there is a second cooperation agreement, Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd., Wanke, and Dongxing Real Estate Co., Ltd. will jointly develop a piece of land in the suburbs of Pengcheng.

One of the three companies pays a deposit of 5 million yuan, and the three companies develop simultaneously according to the content of the contract. If there is an overdue, the development is not in place.

The deposit of 5 million is deducted, and the auction of that piece of land is expected to start after the year.

Wang Shi is almost operational, of course, there will be twists and turns in the auction.

However, according to the strength of the three companies, it will definitely be no problem to win.

And that place belongs to the suburbs. The competition is not too fierce. Basically, large real estate companies with strength will not go there.

The plate is too big for a company to hold. Even if it is taken, the risk is too great.

Once there is something wrong, it is easy to crash.

"Pop, papa."

Warm applause broke out in the conference room, but unfortunately it was a secret agreement and no reporter was present to take pictures.

Not lively enough, but one is for the smooth acquisition of shares, and the other is for the smooth cooperation.

Otherwise, once someone knows about it, some companies may take advantage of the fire to rob, or deliberately spoil them and raise the land price.

Otherwise, take one of them and follow suit to make money.

"Happy cooperation,"

"Happy cooperation." Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Shi shook hands and said with a smile.

"Let's go, celebrate, I'm going to be the host tonight, everyone must have a good drink, not drunk or return." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't return." Wang Shi responded with a smile. At this time, doing business is drinking, no matter whether you are in a big business or a small business, it is drinking.

Sanjin Restaurant...

"This name is very atmospheric." Wang Shi praised.

Since the Sanjin restaurant opened, Jiang Xiaobai has also been very popular. Whenever it is convenient, Jiang Xiaobai will bring guests over.

So Sanjin Restaurant is very popular in Longcheng now.

"Haha, this is our family. I invested in a few brothers and sisters. The name was given by my daughter-in-law." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"It turned out to be Jiang Dong's own family business, so it must be supported, but the chairman's wife is of high level, Sanjin restaurant, the atmosphere is good." Wang Shi said with a smile.

Li Tong beside also smiled and said, "Yes, the name given by the chairman's wife is extraordinary and has historical and cultural heritage..."

"Haha, yes, my daughter-in-law is indeed literate, and to be honest, if there is no family for so many years..." Jiang Xiaobai said, he heard someone calling himself behind him.

"Little Bai, why are you here?"

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head, Zhao Xinyi and a group of people just got out of the car and walked over.

"Haha, say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, just now you said you are a wife, everyone praises you for a good name."

Jiang Xiaobai walked over with a smile.

Even in front of so many people, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

"Dad, Dad." Jiang Langlang had followed Zhao Xinyi, but when he saw Jiang Xiaobai, he ran over.

"Son." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and hugged Jiang Langlang.

In the past few days, he was busy at work, so Zhao Xinyi was asked to pick up the child.

"I brought the customer over for dinner, why did you come, Xinyi?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile while holding his son.

"These are all people from our department, and I am eager to gather everyone together." Zhao Xinyi said.

Introduce Jiang Xiaobai to everyone in the department.


"Hello, brother-in-law." Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said hello. It was the first time they saw Jiang Xiaobai.

Before, Zhao Xinyi was the office of the main factory.

"Hello." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and greeted everyone.

At this time, Wang Shi and Li Tong also came over.

"By the way, Xinyi, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Wang from Pengcheng Wanke Real Estate Company, and this is Mr. Li from Dongxing Real Estate Company."

Jiang Xiaobai holds his son and introduces his wife to Wang Shi and Li Tong.

"Mr. Wang and Mr. Li praised you just now, this name is good."

"Thank Mr. Wang, Mr. Li." Zhao Xinyi shook hands with the two generously.

"The chairman's wife is so beautiful, the restaurant is named well, and the people are more beautiful."

"Yes, it's so beautiful, it's amazing." Both Li Tong and Wang Shi were a little surprised, but they didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai's wife to be so beautiful.

The people in the Longgang branch office who came with Zhao Xinyi were a little confused. After such a short time, their director Zhao became the chairman's wife.

"Langlang, called Uncle."

"Good uncle." Jiang Langlang is still very good.

"Haha, good. Come and give me a meeting present." Wang Shi said as he took the bag from his assistant, took out five hundred yuan and handed it to Jiang Langlang.

Li Tong on the side of was the same, and he took out five hundred yuan.

Jiang Langlang did not dare to close, but looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Take it away." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Jiang Langlang just took the money and thanked both of them.

The employees behind Zhao Xinyi were all taken aback.

This is called a meeting ceremony, how can it be given like this.

Giving a meeting gift of five hundred yuan at once, which is more than their monthly salary.

This is a thousand yuan, more than one thousand yuan, they don't have that much money in their hands.

is really the child of a big family, it's really different.

A group of people walked into the restaurant. Jiang Zijun knew that Jiang Xiaobai had brought people over, so he arranged for it.

"In this way, today we are considered a coincidence, and it is also fate. We are here to discuss cooperation and we are ready to celebrate.

It was just right to run into my daughter-in-law at the door, this is fate, I suggest we drink one for fate first. "

"Cheers." Everyone had a drink together.

Because of Zhao Xinyi's colleagues, Jiang Xiaobai and the others are much more restrained, and some things are inconvenient to say.

But Jiang Xiaobai, Shi Sheng, Wang Shi, Li Tong and others are all old fried dough sticks in the arena.

Even if it's a little restrained in speaking, a few words still invigorate the atmosphere on the table.

What they are to a group of immature young people in the office, chatting all over the world.

The people in the Longgang branch office listened to the chat of these people, all of them stared straight.

They don't have as much knowledge and experience as Jiang Xiaobai's experience, so they are very curious.

A meal is still very harmonious, everyone is happy.

Originally, after dinner, Jiang Xiaobai also planned to let people arrange Wang Shi, Li Tong and other programs.

But the wife was here, Jiang Xiaobai was too embarrassed to start arranging someone. After leaving Wang Shi, after Li Tong and the others, Jiang Xiaobai drove home with her daughter-in-law and children.

(End of this chapter)