Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Brother Li

"Small things, you guys have tea at home, I'll go out to do it, and come back at noon, we have a meal together. Brother Li, let's meet for the first time, so we can drink two more glasses at noon."

After Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan came to Song Weiguo, Jiang Xiaobai told Song Weiguo about the matter. Song Weiguo immediately agreed and said with a smile.

"Thank you, I must toast you two more glasses." Li Laosan said flatteredly.

"Okay, then I will leave, Wang Jiao, you fry two hard vegetables and buy a good bottle of wine."

Song Weiguo exhorted, turned around and went out.

Li Laosan sat on the sofa straightforwardly.

"Okay, relax, it's your own person, you are welcome." Jiang Xiaobai lay on the sofa casually. He didn't sleep well last night, and now his sleepiness is coming up again.

"Hmm." Li Lao San promised, but his body remained honest and did not move.

"Unexpectedly, Li Lao San still has today, the factory leader called me Old Brother Li." Li Lao San sighed, with a smile on his face.

Who doesn't want to live a personal life, who doesn't want to be respected by others, and who doesn't want to get ahead.

And all this was brought by a man who was half-lying next to him, who might have fallen asleep, and was about the same age as his own child.

The scholar died for his confidant. Somehow, Li Laosan suddenly remembered this sentence in the drama.

Even if you don't make money with Jiang Xiaobai, as long as the children in your family don't die, you will keep doing it.

Up to now, he started to slap Jiang Xiaobai vigorously, just to make more money, but he has no more thoughts.

Jiang Xiaobai was not asleep. Hearing the words of Li Laosan, he somewhat understood this man who was overwhelmed by the burden of life and family.

"Where is this, you work hard, one day you will be called by a bigger leader, Brother Li,"

Jiang Xiaobai half-squinted his eyes and said.

"Well, I don't know how to speak, Laosan Li, anyway, I will follow you in my life." Laosan Li's sudden loyalty made Jiang Xiaobai grin.

"Relax and take a break. Once you find the warehouse, you have to work. You take those salespeople and send them to Lao Zhang's restaurant and let him arrange them."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, a sales team of 20 people, Wang Chao and Wang Meng took 10 people away, and there are 10 people on their side.

are all here, but they didn't enter the house, they were all waiting in the car outside.

"By the way, you can also solve the problem of eating on his side in the future." Jiang Xiaobai said again.

"Okay, Brother Xiaobai," Laosan Li replied and stood up and went out to do errands.

At the same time, the big horn in Jianhua Village rang again.

"Comrades, comrades, now broadcast a notice, all members go to the brigade headquarters for a meeting..."

Huang Zhongfu shouted three times before turning off the radio.

Soon, the members went out one by one with small horses, small stools and other tools for meetings.

The yard of Brigade Headquarters began to become crowded and noisy.

"What's the matter?"

"What kind of meeting?"

"Have you heard? Zhang's daughter-in-law is having trouble with Aunt Zhang again. She almost went back to her parents' house last night, but was stopped."

"Really? This time it was because of what, I heard that it was because of the noodles that I ate last time, so my daughter-in-law ate one more..."

"It's not that I said, this aunt is really a bit too much..."

The villagers talked and talked about it. At first they were discussing issues related to the meeting, but the building quickly turned crooked.

I don't know where the topic is going!

"Quiet, everyone, be quiet, let's have a meeting." Huang Zhongfu cleared his throat and said, if you don't have a meeting, you can fight.

"The road from our Jianhua Brigade to the Shangma Commune was repaired ten years ago. Now everyone knows what the road conditions look like. As long as it rains, we can't walk at all, and everyone can't get out. Some places still collapse from time to time. ..."

"It's September, and there is still one month before the autumn harvest. The village decided to use this time to repair some badly damaged parts of the road..."

Huang Zhongfu finished speaking, and there was a voice of approval below. Now I am idle and I am still idle. You can earn some work points when you go to build a road. There is nothing to disagree.

"Well, in this case, we will start building roads tomorrow." Huang Zhongfu decided to order and continued.

"There is another good news to tell everyone that the food for road construction is provided by canned educated youth."

"Really? It's great."

"Okay..." Huang Zhongfu finished speaking, and there was a warm applause below.

Everyone knows how the food in the educated youth courtyard is. Whenever the educated youth courtyard cooks, the fragrance of the food can make many people drool.

Now that the educated youth courtyard provides food, does that mean that they can also drink and eat meat.

Even if you don't earn work points, you can still stutter, let alone earn work points.

"Now we can also taste the food in the educated youth courtyard."

"You don't know, every time I pass by the educated youth courtyard, I smell the fragrance from the yard. Needless to say, I haven't eaten, and I feel hungry even if I just passed by after eating."

The two men spoke, and a middle-aged man on the side spoke.

"I'm tired of the food, and I don't have much to eat meat every day."

The middle-aged man said, and licked his lips. Although his mouth was stiff, the production of canned educated youth is temporarily suspended. After not working in the educated youth courtyard, he also bid farewell to meat, and he is almost dying in the past few days.

"That is, Brother Liu, you produce canned food in an educated youth courtyard, don't you just eat the meat? But we are different. Apart from the festive season, who can see some meat moist."

That's right, Brother Liu, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I'm crazy if I want to eat meat and drink. If you need to hire educated youth to reproduce canned food, you must ask me.

"Yes, Brother Liu, you can also ask me." Although the two men knew that the middle-aged man was bragging, they were flattering.

(End of this chapter)