Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Test

Huang Zhongfu listened to the villager who exploded because of a food problem, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Can you guys still have something to do? It's just about eating. Are you so excited?

A group of inexperienced people, I was not excited to go to the commune canteen and the leaders to eat. "

Huang Zhongfu scolded with a smile.

"We can compare with you,"

"That is, if you can eat meat and drink every day, you have no knowledge without knowledge."

said as the villagers walked.

"Okay, let's end the meeting. We will open fire at noon tomorrow, eat meat and drink." Huang Zhongfu waved his hand and stood up.

muttered in her mouth: "When Jiang Xiaobai left this morning, the arranger had already delivered the meat, and he also specifically stated that there was a piece of meat for his own family, and I didn't know if his wife had fried meat and was starving to death.

As for the commune's canteen, the commune's canteen is also a big pot of dishes. "

The villagers left in twos and threes, and they were all discussing eating meat. As for road building, does it matter before eating meat? Who can remember it?

The villagers were discussing eating meat, and some meat dishes were already on the dinner table in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

There is also a bottle of sorghum white next to .

Jiang Xiaobai, Li Laosan, Song Weiguo and others sat around the dining table.

"Xiaobai, I have found the factory warehouse. It is a waste warehouse of a textile factory in the county. You can pay 10 yuan a month. If you don't have to pay, you don't need to pay 10 yuan.

Song Weiguo said with a smile, he still has a good way in the county.

"That won't work, you must figure out the accounts, so as not to cause trouble in the future."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

"Come on, here is the last dish, Xiaobai, try the craftsmanship of my sister-in-law." Wang Jiao brought a plate of crispy meat on the table, and sat down by herself.

turned his head and said to Lao San Li: "Brother Li, you can taste it too, and see if it suits your appetite."

"Okay, I'm very grateful to trouble my sister-in-law for preparing such a large table of dishes." Jiang Xiaobai said, holding a chopstick.

"Well, that's not bad, my sister-in-law's craftsmanship has been passed down in the same line as Aunt Zhang, and blue is better than blue..." Jiang Xiaobai exaggerated.

"Where is it? How can it be as good as you said." Wang Jiao's crow's feet appeared.

Song Weiguo smiled bitterly at Lao San Li: "You see it, Xiaobai uses this unique mouth to suppress Wang Chao and me in my father-in-law's house. My father-in-law treats him better than his son."

"You can't stop your mouth when you eat. The food I cooked is not delicious. Don't eat it in the future."

Wang Jiao glared at Song Weiguo and said, Song Weiguo hurriedly begged for mercy.

None of the three drank too much. Song Weiguo had to go to work in the afternoon, and Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan had to arrange the whole factory warehouse in the afternoon.

The dilapidated factory warehouse of the textile factory covers a large area and is not far from the county center.

"This place is great, just clean it up and unload the truck." Jiang Xiaobai said after taking a look.

"Well, come on, put the wooden board in this place, it is suitable for everyone to sleep at night." Li Lao San pointed to an open space and said.

Jiang Xiaobai did not speak on the side. If there are more than 20 people, all of them live in the guest house, the expenses are also high.

So before I came out this time, everyone was ordered. If they can live in the warehouse, they will all live in the factory warehouse.

It is right now in summer, the weather is also warm, sleeping in the warehouse is not a problem.

Wait until about 4 pm, the cargo will be unloaded.

"Buy something to eat, we will set off now and rush to Tongliu County in the evening." Jiang Xiaobai said.

There are still 2,000 bottles of canned food in the car, which Jiang Xiaobai was planning to drive to Tongliu County.

"Brother Xiaobai, don't worry about it. I'll leave tomorrow morning." Li Laosan quickly persuaded.

"No, we are not familiar with the place in Tongliu County. If we leave tomorrow morning, it will not be early if we go there, and we may not be able to settle down tomorrow," Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

In Zhangxuan County, it was because of the help of Song Weiguo, a local snake, that it was possible to rent the warehouse so quickly and settle down.

But Tongliu County has to rely entirely on itself.

"Well, Xiaobai, you guys drive, pay attention to safety at night." Li Laosan exhorted.

"Don't worry, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and got into the car.

The five salespeople assigned to Tongliu County also followed suit.

"Brother Xiaobai, when did you learn to drive?" Deng Wei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, asked cautiously.

He is from Jianhua Village. He usually hears people talk about Jiang Xiaobai a lot, but he has also met each other, but it is the first time to have close face-to-face communication, so he seems a little excited.

"I, I used to watch people open when I was in the factory..." Jiang Xiaobai casually made up a reason.

Anyway, Wang Xiaojun and Liu Aiguo are not here now, whatever he wants.

"In the factory?" Deng Wei asked suspiciously.

"Oh, my family is a worker at the Longcheng Iron and Steel Plant, so I grew up in the factory."

"Then Little Bai, are you a factory kid?"

"Well, it's a brother from the factory."

Jiang Xiaobai drove the car, chatting with Deng Wei casually.

Started at more than 4 in the afternoon, took a 10-minute break and had a bite to eat. After 6 o'clock, the car finally drove into Tongliu County.

"It's still early, let's find someone to inquire about the situation in Tongliu County, focusing on some state-owned enterprises that are not efficient."

Jiang Xiaobai stopped the car on the side of the road and said to Deng Wei and others.

"Okay," Jiang Xiaobai was waiting in the car. Deng Wei and the five people went out to inquire about the news. If they want to do sales, if they can't even inquire about this, what sales are they doing.

Think of it as an exercise.

Jiang Xiaobai lit a cigarette and waited in the car, the sky slowly darkened.

Almost 8 o'clock, Deng Wei and the others came back.

"Brother Xiaobai, Tongliu County has a total of 15 townships, economically better than Zhangxuan County, but the difference is not that big. There are a total of 5 large state-owned enterprises in the county seat, namely paper mills, electric wire factories, and hardware factories. , The coking plant, there is a bicycle factory, and the others are small businesses."

"Yeah." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, "Then which company is suitable for us to rent the sales point?"

Although they only set up two factory warehouses in four counties, the two counties that do not have factory warehouses also need a smaller temporary sales point for storage of cans and housing.

"I also inquired about this. There are a few empty houses in Kanghua Street, which are quite suitable." Deng Wei said with a smile.

"Okay, then, I will leave this to you." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, he also wanted to test Deng Wei to see if his abilities work.

"Give it to me?" Deng Wei asked incredulously.

"Yes, leave it to you."

"Thank you, Brother Xiaobai, for giving me the opportunity. I will definitely work hard to do it." Deng Wei said excitedly. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you must be better than others.

Or some other ability, such as Li Shu Li Laosan, that is, with sober and refined flattering skills, it has come to this day.

(End of this chapter)