Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Two-level Agents

After eating, the sky began to light up slowly, and two Jiefang trucks swayed towards the county seat.

A total of 10,000 bottles of cans and 25 people were carried on the two vehicles.

Except for the driver of a county glass factory, the others are the people who sell canned food this time.

After arriving in Shangma Township, the road went a little easier, and Jiefang Truck also started to speed up.

"Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Zhangzi County and Wuzhang County are not familiar with the roads. You must be careful when you go. After you go today, you should hurry to find the factory warehouse. If you can't find it, you can find some residents. Be a warehouse at home.

After you settle down in Zhangzi County, then Wang Meng, you will take people to Wuzhang County. When you go, you will bring the canned food for retail. If there is an agent, you will notify me, and I will drive them to the township level agent. Eat at least 300 bottles of canned food.

If you don't have this strength, then don't talk about agency. Of course, on the price, we can make some concessions. Don't let the retail price of 1 yuan, you can give the township agency up to 9 cents.

The agent at the county level can give 80 cents, and the purchase quantity must be at least 800 to 1,000 bottles. You can control this amount by yourself. "

Jiang Xiaobai confessed to Wang Chao and others while driving.

Yes, this time the price of canned educated youth, Jiang Xiaobai has increased, and the price of a bottle of canned food in the supply and marketing cooperative is about 1 yuan to 1 yuan 4.

Depending on the type, the price is different.

So Jiang Xiaobai directly mentioned the retail price of the canned food by 1 yuan this time. In this case, it can be 1 cent cheaper than the canned food of the supply and marketing agency.

Don't underestimate the 1 dime at this time, people care a lot.

And now I am doing a unique business with the supply and marketing cooperative, as long as the price is lower than that of the supply and marketing cooperative.

The canned food of the supply and marketing cooperatives comes from the canneries of various state-owned enterprises.

So equivalent, as long as the educated youth canned food is cheaper than the canned food of the supply and marketing cooperative, the price advantage is very stable.

"Okay, Brother Xiaobai, understand." Wang Chao, Wang Meng, and Laosan Li nodded in response.

"When choosing an agent, everyone must also pay attention to see if he has financial strength. As for the payment, if it is not enough, it can be said that a part of the payment is paid and the rest is IOU."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and continued, the agent at the township level started with 300 bottles of canned food, and the agency price was 90 cents a bottle, which was 270 yuan.

270 yuan, some wealthy people can get it out by borrowing money.

A county-level agent starts with 800 bottles, and the agent price is 80 cents a bottle, which is 640 yuan.

640 yuan is a huge sum of money. Needless to say, ordinary people, even wealthy people can't get it, and it's not easy to borrow so much.

Then it is certain that part of the arrears is in arrears in advance, unless you don't want a county-level agent.

There is no way. This is the case in this era. Everyone is about the same poor, unlike the gap between the rich and the poor in later generations.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai is not completely at a loss. It is not the arrears that is in arrears, but the payment of IOUs.

IOU note, that means you owe money. Unlike later generations, some agents even have to hold down one or even two months of arrears for turnover.

And don't accept it. Your factory has no sales channels, so it depends on its agents. If the agents are anxious, they won't give you a product agent.

Instead, you are acting as an agent of your competitors' products. You are dumbfounded at that time, no matter how high your product is or how well-known it is.

The store can't open, and customers can't see your products on the shelves, so you sell a shit.

Suppressing the payment, or even letting the manufacturer make a profit, rebate, this is something that later generations of agents have come up with.

This is why many manufacturers have to find ways to establish their own sales channels and terminals in order to get rid of the control of agents.

Of course, at this time, agents are not so bullish, or to be more precise, most people don't know the three words agent at all.

Not to mention the meaning, know how to operate.

As Jiang Xiaobai instructed, two Jiefang trucks drove into the county.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped on the brake and stopped the car on the side of the road.

"Okay, let's go, remember to call the sales department of the county glass factory if you have something to do, they will notify me, pay attention to safety on the road."

Jiang Xiaobai waved at Wang Chao and Wang Meng, and exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Brother Bai,"

"Don't worry, Brother Xiaobai." The two got into another Jiefang truck, waved their hands, and the Jiefang truck slowly moved towards Zhangzi County.

"Go, go to Song Wei Country, let him find the factory warehouse for us." Jiang Xiaobai jumped into the car, started the car, and said.

Last night, Jiang Xiaobai also told Li Laosan and others about Song Weiguo's shareholding.

Li Laosan and the others are also shareholders of the educated youth cannery. Although the educated youth cannery is far from the right track, after all, they are shareholders and all have educated youth rights.

"Brother Xiaobai, why don't we directly rent the warehouse of a county glass factory?" Li Laosan sat in the passenger seat, a little confused.

"To be honest, I don't want to get too close to them, but sometimes I can't stop working with them.

It's just that when you can stay away, you must stay away, unless there is no other way. "

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)