Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Departure

gave Huang Zhongfu a hundred yuan, and then Jiang Xiaobai spoke again.

"Should we take the time to repair the road in our village? This road is too broken. The village names can't go out even after raining. It's all muddy water. This road should be repaired before..."

Jiang Xiaobai said casually, Huang Zhongfu didn't speak, but looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on his face.

The Jiang Xiaobai who watched was a little embarrassed, and then he said: "I heard that you drove two Jiefang trucks back to the village this afternoon."

"Well, it is rented from the glass factory in the county. Isn't this going to sell canned food? It is sold in the whole Shangdang city, and the transportation can't keep up."

Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, and said: "Yes, I am a little selfish about building roads, but road building is a great thing, it is for the benefit of the people in the village. Since ancient times, building bridges and paving roads has been a great good deed..."

Jiang Xiaobai directly admitted that the 20-mile road from Shangma Township to Jianhua Village, the closer it is to Jianhua Village, the more difficult it is to walk. When he drove back today, Jiang Xiaobai was very careful.

The weather is still good. Summer is the rainy season. If it rains for several days in a row, transportation will be a big problem.

"Reason is such a rationale," Huang Zhongfu nodded, "Repairable roads are a major project. It is impossible to repair all of them. Needless to say, with our Jianhua Village, even Shangma Township Commune can't afford to repair them. At most, they can only destroy some damage. If it's great, fix it."

"Okay, it's okay to fix it..." Jiang Xiaobai nodded again and again, and the autumn is about to be harvested. It's not bad to be able to fix it.

"Don't be busy thanking me first. You have to pay for the food. The brigade doesn't have much money in the account and can't afford to repair it." Huang Zhongfu said quickly.

Built roads, the daily food expenses are a huge expense.

As for wages, if they don't exist, just remember the wages. Anyway, that's the money in the village.

"This is no problem. I am also from Jianhua Village, and I am busy selling canned food. I don't have time to work hard to build roads, but it's okay for everyone to eat and drink."

Jiang Xiaobai happily agreed. It was originally his request, but Huang Zhongfu didn't say anything.

I would also take the initiative to bring it up, it is just right that the canned food production has basically stopped now, and that part of the food expenses is being moved.

"You, the whole Jianhua Village, no, even the whole Shangma Commune, no one dares to say that like you."

Huang Zhongfu smiled and shook his head. The money is fine, but there is no time. This is what Jiang Xiaobai said.

"I'm just swollen face to fill a fat man, and I owe the county glass factory 10,000 yuan, not to mention that there are still more than 100 villagers whose wages have not been opened. If it is not for road construction, the 100,000 bottles of canned food are required. Stopped in the factory treasury, I won't mention road construction."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head. He didn't want to let people treat him as a big money.

The two chatted for a while, and then they talked about dog eggs.

"Don't worry, I won't let him go with this dog thing. He can't live anymore in Jianhua Village now. Everyone is screaming and beating, and he doesn't dare to go out if he hides at home."

Huang Zhongfu also has a hatred when talking about dog eggs. He was planning to train dog eggs to take over. But he didn't expect that he stabbed himself with a backhand.

"Well, you don't need to drive him away, just let him stay in the village like this. When I look back, I buy some sweets and distribute them to the children in the village, so that he will be thrown **** as soon as he leaves the house. I don't feel happy not to torture him for a lifetime."

If there were no dog eggs to report, Liu Mei would not commit suicide. By this time, he would have gone to college.

And he should also go to college with Li Siyan in Jincheng at this time.

"Okay." Huang Zhongfu nodded.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Xiaobai got up to say goodbye and returned to the educated youth courtyard. After entering the house, he just prepared and went to bed when he suddenly took out a pen and paper from the drawer.

"Dear..." Jiang Xiaobai wrote three words with a pen, and then quickly crossed them out.

"Comrade Siyan..." Rewrite and continue to cross out.

"Siyan, I miss you for a couple of months. First of all, I want to apologize to you. I'm sorry, I missed the appointment. During the time you left, many things happened. It is hard to say a word. Liu Mei has passed away... "

Jiang Xiaobai was finally able to write down smoothly this time.

"How is your family's situation? How is your father's affairs going? I'm sorry, forgive me for not being able to accompany you. Is there enough money in me... Your new address is my eldest brother from Baihua Hutong Post and Telecommunications Office That's coming...

Finally, don't worry about me. I have had a good life in Jianhua Village. I hope you will take care of your health and study well in university. I will try to reunite with you in Jincheng as soon as possible.

Jiang Xiaobai

September 1, 1978"

After finishing writing the letter, Jiang Xiaobai folded it and put it in an envelope, and prepared to mail it by the way when he was passing through the village tomorrow.

When he was lying on the bed, it was already late at night, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't know why he couldn't fall asleep.

Looking at the bright moonlight in the night sky through the window, Jiang Xiaobai feels like a dream these days.

It has been less than half a year since he came into this world, but now he rarely thinks about things in his previous life.

It's as if I really are a person living in this era.

Chong'er screamed, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know when he fell asleep, and when he woke up again, the sky hadn't brightened.

Wang Chao's knock on the door came from outside the door.

"Brother Xiaobai, time is almost up, we have already installed the car, and we will be able to set off after you finish your meal."

"Okay, I'll get up now." Jiang Xiaobai replied, and he needs to start early today. When they arrive in the county, they need to find the factory and unload the goods.

Wang Chao and Wang Meng both need to find factories and warehouses in Zhangzi County to unload the goods.

Otherwise, the canned food will have to stay in the car overnight.

So it was only early in the morning to get ready to go.

"Crack." As soon as Jiang Xiaobai opened the door after putting on his clothes, he saw the high beam of the Jiefang truck outside the courtyard.

Two faint yellow lights cut through the darkness before dawn.

"Brother Xiaobai, the cans are loaded into the car. According to your request, 5000 bottles of cans per car." Wang Chao was smoking a cigarette, his face bright and dark.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and led Jiang Xiaobai towards the Jiefang Truck for a round, and probably looked around.

"Okay, go for dinner and leave after dinner." Jiang Xiaobai said. A Jiefang truck definitely contains more than 5,000 cans, but there are too many cans. When the road conditions are bad, the damage rate increases.

Their transportation now is no better than that of later generations. It is all earthen methods, and the packaging is isolated to reduce damage.

(End of this chapter)