Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The most luxurious hotel in Tongzhou is actually near Panlong Bay.

Bright moon on the sea!

The hotel not only has a huge swimming pool, but also a shopping mall, and even an underground casino.

Take the elevator into the lobby, where it is magnificent and magnificent. The huge crystal chandeliers are like bright stars, and the jade-like marble highlights the nobility and elegance here.

And Luo Chen just noticed that the underground parking lot is almost all luxury cars of tens of millions, and the worst is several million.

And here is a place that ordinary rich people can't enjoy, because this place is not only rich, but also powerful or powerful.

Therefore, those who can come here are basically regarded as some powerful and powerful people in Tongzhou.

However, because of the special relationship between this hotel and the Ye family, Ye Shuangshuang did not actually go to the front desk to register and get the key card, but directly led Luo Chen to the presidential suite on the 27th floor.

Ye Shuangshuang led Luo Chen into the room, and after arranging the accommodation, he invited Luo Chen to a large auction tomorrow.

"Teacher, these are two things that Grandpa gave you." Ye Shuangshuang did not rush to leave, but took out two things, a Lamborghini car key and a document.

"Grandpa said this is my tuition, so please don't refuse it." It seemed that he was afraid that Luo Chen would refuse, so Ye Shuangshuang said first.

Luo Chen knew the car key, but Luo Chen took a look at the document. It was a company's transfer contract.

"Send me a company?" Luo Chen asked in confusion.

"The Ye family has a lot of companies in Tongzhou. This one is not too big, but it's not bad. It makes a net profit of more than 8 million yuan each year." Ye Shuangshuang smiled, and Ye Zhengtian values Luo Chen extremely. In order to show good to Luo Chen.

However, Luo Chen originally planned to refuse, but after seeing the company's name, Luo Chen changed his mind and accepted it.

Because Luo Chen did not expect that the company happened to be the company Zhang Xiaoman worked for, that is, the company he was going to report tomorrow.

In his previous life at that company, he was squeezed out and bullied, and he was humiliated in public on the first day he went. Especially after being abandoned by Zhang Xiaoman, he became even worse. He was ridiculed and ridiculed by colleagues overtly and secretly, and his boss deliberately suppressed and bullied him. Even the security guard at the door looked down on Luo Chen and ridiculed him.

In this life, Luo Chen is looking forward to it, but he wants to see, when that company becomes his own, what will happen to those who despise and mock him in the previous life?

This is the real Feng Shui turn.

The company took it, and the car was taken by Luo Chen.

During the whole process, Ye Shuangshuang showed special respect, and he was no longer as arrogant as the train today.

Of course, it was mainly because of Ye Zhengtian's words, someone who was comparable to Lin Hualong, Ye Shuangshuang had to converge no matter how mad.

After Ye Shuangshuang left, Luo Chen walked to the window in the suite and opened the window to take a look at the night view.

Immediately Luo Chen went downstairs to buy something.

But when Luo Chen came back again, he felt something was wrong.

Because the door was definitely locked when he went out, and the key card was taken away, but now there was a voice coming from his suite, and it was still a woman crying.

"Director Wang, don't do this, I beg you, Director Wang!"

Hearing this sound, Luo Chen frowned slightly, why would anyone be in his room?

Then Luo Chen opened the door, and what caught his eye was a middle-aged man with a big belly, but the man had already taken off his shirt at the moment, revealing the fat and greasy pork belly, and under his bald head was a wretched smiling face with glasses.

On the other side, there was an extremely gorgeous woman with a very tall figure. Not to mention the front and back, the key face is definitely of the level of disaster. Walking on the street is definitely the face of a star.

It's just that although the woman is very beautiful, she is a little flustered and panicked now, the beautiful cheeks are flushed, and the clear eyes are filled with tears.

The white dress top had been torn apart, exposing large patches of white skin.

However, this made the middle-aged man named Dao Wang worse, and the green light in his eyes became thicker.

"Huh, pretend, pretend in front of Lao Tzu, at this point, are you still pretending to be pure in front of Lao Tzu?"

"You've been in the entertainment industry for so long, don't you understand the unspoken rules? You don't want to serve Lao Tzu comfortably tonight, you **** want to win the female number one of this TV series, you are also funny!" Director Wang With a sneer on his face, he grabbed the woman's arm and tried to move her face up to kiss the woman.

"Director Wang, please let me go? Can I not make the female number one of that TV series successful?" Lan Beier cried while avoiding the disgusting face of Director Wang, but Director Wang seemed to be a big one. He was fat like a toad, but he still had some strength in his hands. His hands were like steel tongs, not only preventing Lan Belle from breaking free, but also feeling very painful.

Moreover, Blue Belle was given the medicine by the king, and at the moment she was dizzy, feverish all over, and struggled even less.

"Huh, I've been in this industry for decades, how many stars have I slept with? I have seen a lot of people like you, and they were very resistant at first, but when I get comfortable, I must be a little waver!" Wang Dao sneered again and again. He caught Lan Belle over, and then pushed Lan Belle directly onto the sofa.

"Lao Tzu tells you, if you don't accompany Lao Tzu to sleep tonight, you should stop **** in the entertainment industry from now on. Lao Tzu can kill you by just saying it." Director Wang said, taking off his pants, leaving only The next pair of underwear approached Lan Belle.

Facing the threat from Director Wang, Lan Beier's eyes flashed with determination, covering her chest, shivering in the corner of the sofa, but she still spoke in her mouth.

"Director Wang, please, please let me go, even if I can't be in this circle in the future, it doesn't matter, just ask you to let me go."

"I tell you, let you be with me tonight, because I can look down on you, you know how many people line up outside the door"


At this time, Director Wang finally realized something was wrong, as if someone had come in behind him.

Originally, as a great director, Wang Fu, such things as the unspoken rule female number one, can be said to be done easily. Over the years, it has indeed harmed many girls.

But this time, I didn't expect to encounter a girl like Lan Belle, who was determined to be strong-willed. Under several hints, Lan Belle refused decisively, but Wang Fu was more unwilling to give up to such a girl who refused. In the end, he asked Lan Belle out to have a meal simply on the grounds of discussing the script, and then pulled Lan Belle in after taking some medicine.

But this kind of thing is still shameful after all, so when he noticed that someone came in, Wang Fu was still a little guilty. Did this woman just take advantage of her carelessness to call the police?

But when he turned around and saw that he was just a young man in his twenties, Wang Fu was relieved again, and then looked at Luo Chen viciously and cursed.

"Who the **** are you? You don't have eyes? Who the **** let you in?" Wang Fu's expression was unusually arrogant, and he couldn't help but think that he was just a young man. He probably went to the wrong room.

However, Luo Chen showed a somewhat playful look. He didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing when he came back, let alone the ant in front of him daring to talk to himself like this.

Luo Chen didn't say much, but sat on another sofa, then took out a pack of cigarettes that he had just bought in the supermarket, took out a cigarette, and put it in his mouth and lit it.

This posture is obviously not ready to go.