Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Zhang Xiaoman also felt that Luo Chen was a bit stingy, but he still changed the subject.

"I'll accompany you to find a hotel to take a break." Zhang Xiaoman said.

"Xiaoman, come back." Zhang Xiaoman's mother coldly stopped Zhang Xiaoman.

Seeing that Luo Chen had no response, Zhang Xiaoman finally chose to retreat and did not follow Luo Chen.

Seeing Luo Chen leaving alone, Zhang Xiaoman couldn't bear it. After all, Luo Chen was unfamiliar with the land and came to Tongzhou to find himself. It would be a problem where to live tonight.

But finally sighed, Zhang Xiaoman, don't you give up.

He and you are really not a world person!

After Luo Chen left, Zhang Xiaoman's mother immediately held a straight face, picked up the bags of tea, did not leave it, but threw it out from the window.

"Let him sleep in the street tonight."

"How many bags of tea? Shame!"

"Xiaoman, it's not your mother who said you, this surname Luo is not worthy of you at all, mother is here, you listen to your mother's persuasion, and let him go."

"It's impossible for a person like him to have a good life in this life." Zhang Xiaoman's mother always looked down on Luo Chen, and Chen Chao was chasing her own daughter. Luo Chen and Chen Chao were compared, and it was not a shit.

"My child's mother, this is all their young personnel, can you just say a few words?" Zhang Dazhuang couldn't listen anymore.

"What about young people?"

"Xiaoman, did you see that, my old lady was a cowardice who married your dad softly at the beginning, thinking that your dad was really good to me at the time, but now I regret your mom. I was really blind and followed this useless thing? How much bitter did you have?"

"Xiaoman, don't make the same mistakes again and make mother's fault."

"Do you regret marrying me?" Zhang Dazhuang also became angry.

Seeing that the two had already quarreled, Zhang Xiaoman returned to the room angrily, slammed the door severely, and then stopped coming out in the bedroom.

But she didn't blame her parents, but rather blamed Luo Chen for the smell.

Are you reluctant to spend some money to bring something good?

How many bags of tea?

Thinking about it will make people look down! My boyfriend Zhang Xiaoman only brought a few bags of tea when he came to my house for the first time?

Zhang Xiaoman himself felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, Luo Chen really brought a lot of valuable things, but after Luo Chen woke up on the train, Luo Chen decided that those things would not be given to the family.

It's really troublesome to go out and be unfamiliar with people.

But at this time, Luo Chen's phone rang.

"Hey, teacher, where are you?"

"Okay, I'll pick you up right now. Grandpa asked me to book a presidential suite for you at the hotel on Hai Mingyue."

Mingyue on the sea, the best five-star hotel in Tongzhou, the presidential suite is said to be more than 30,000 a night, which is by no means affordable for ordinary people.

Tongzhou is an extremely prosperous city, especially at night, when all kinds of neon lights get off the bus and there is an endless stream.

In fact, Luo Chen was still a little embarrassed. For thousands of years of monastic life, thousands of years of intrigue and conquests, suddenly being in this bustling and peaceful city at this moment made Luo Chen feel extremely unnatural.

It's like a fierce tiger who has experienced battles suddenly came into a flock of sheep without resistance, but it will make the tiger slightly stunned and uncomfortable.

Unconsciously licking his lips, Luo Chen Xiemei smiled, ha ha, Fan Chen, this is the first city he will step on.

At a crossroads, Luo Chen stopped there with his luggage. Although Luo Chen was an Immortal Venerable, he didn't show that kind of temperament at this moment. Instead, he was like a simple college student just out of school, plus Luo Chen's outfit. , It looks more like the first time the countryside came to the city.

A taxi passing by at this time honked the horn and stopped in front of Luo Chen.

The window of the car rolled down, and inside was a middle-aged man in his forties. The driver waved his hand and said, "Brother, can you take a taxi?"

Luo Chen shook his head. He waited for Ye Shuangshuang here, and the other party seemed to have arrived.

"Huh, bah, be so desperate." When the driver heard Luo Chen's refusal, he changed his face immediately, scolded, and drove away with cursing. I don't have any money, so I don't plan to take a taxi.

"Get out, go to some city without money!" He despised these poor people most.

It was just that he had just started to leave more than ten meters away, the driver saw a yellow Ferrari sports car through the rearview mirror and slowly stopped at the position where he had just parked.

Then in the driver's stunned expression, the soil bun he thought got on the bus.

"Teacher, the person just now, do you want?" Obviously Ye Shuangshuang was not far away just now and saw this scene.

Naturally, Ye Shuangshuang's temper is intolerable. After all, Ye Shuangshuang is not the kind of friendly person. To put it ugly, there may be people in Tongzhou who dare not move, but ordinary people really don't dare to move.

But Luo Chen shook his head, as if he didn't intend to care, but with a very playful expression on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the taxi in front of him.

This is not Luo Chen's generosity. In fact, although Luo Chen is noble as the Immortal Venerable, but it can be said that sometimes it is easier to get angry. Of course, it can also be said that he is already the Immortal Venerable, and sometimes his dignity cannot tolerate provocation.

But Luo Chen didn't plan to do anything to the driver who scolded him, because he saw a very interesting scene.

"Uncle, can you take me a ride?"

The taxi driver was still looking at the rearview mirror, looking at the Lamborghini, and suddenly a sound came out of the ground, which frightened the driver.

When the driver took a closer look, it turned out that it was a long-haired woman in a red dress who was beside her car at the moment.

The driver is naturally happy when business comes to the door, but the woman in the evening wears a red dress, which seems a bit scary, but after seeing the woman's face, the driver suddenly showed a look of **** and let the woman get in the car.

At this moment, Ye Shuangshuang drove past the taxi at a very fast speed.

And the playful expression in Luo Chen's mouth grew stronger.

"What's wrong with the teacher?" Ye Shuangshuang was a little curious about Luo Chen's expression.

"Have you noticed that taxi?" Luo Chen did not explain, but asked instead.

"Huh?" Ye Shuangshuang was taken aback. In fact, she had been paying attention just now, and even took down the license plate of that car.

"Passenger." Luo Chen reminded again.

When Luo Chen reminded him, Ye Shuangshuang also suddenly remembered that the taxi display originally showed an empty car. Only when there are really passengers in it, the driver will replace the word empty with a passenger.

But what is strange is that Ye Shuangshuang can be sure that she has just passed by but noticed that there is no one other than the driver in the car, but the driver has replaced the empty car on the display with passengers.

There are obviously no passengers in the car, so why did the driver change the monitor to have passengers?

"He is dying." Luo Chen said suddenly.

"Huh?" Ye Shuangshuang was taken aback.

"This world is very big and exciting. There are many things that ordinary people can't imagine. One day, you will see it." Luo Chen looked at the east of Tongzhou.

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Ye Shuangshuang suddenly became a little uncomfortable, almost getting goose bumps. Is there really someone in the car?

Just because you can't see it?

What's in that car?

And in the taxi.

"Beauty, where to go?"

"Panlong Bay!"

"Panlong Bay?" The driver kicked off the accelerator, but after hearing the address of Panlong Bay, the driver always felt something was wrong.