Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 9

Chapter 9

"Oh, little bastard, you're so courageous, let me go right away, I can still assume that this hasn't happened, otherwise, even if you are a young man, I will make people lose a pair of eyes."

Wang Fu threatened, as a director, and his reputation is not small, he still has this kind of connections in the circle, not just to talk about it, he does have this ability.

Even in Tongzhou, he is considered a big man with a good head and a face.

Seeing that there was a young man in front of him, Wang Fu didn't put Luo Chen in his eyes at all. In his opinion, the other party was just a young man who was just a fledgling young man, and a few words of fright could scare him away.

But it was a pity that he met Luo Chen, the god-zun Luo Chen, a man who transcends the world.

Originally, if this kind of thing happened next door, then Luo Chen would definitely not take care of it. After all, Luo Chen himself was not a good person, otherwise he would not become a **** in that kind of deceitful later life, but this thing is happening now. In his own room, then this fat guy is unlucky.

"I'm talking to you, you didn't **** hear me? You want to die, right?"

"Handsome man, let's go first." Lan Belle was still shaking. She hoped that someone would save her, but she was unwilling to harm the young man.

Lan Belle did not dare to involve the young man in front of him. In fact, Lan Belle's mobile phone was always at Lan Belle's hand, but Lan Belle did not dare to call the police.

Because she knows Wang Fu's background and strength, at least in Tongzhou, many things Wang Fu can handle, so Lan Beier will persuade the young man to leave, because one can not handle it, then this young man may be killed.

There was a group of gangsters under Wang Fu. At first, someone in the crew was disobedient and hit Wang Fu a few words, but the body was found in the van the next day. When the police came, they just walked through the scene. In the end, the murderer didn't give any explanation.

If the young man in front of him is involved, it is very likely that Wang Fu will kill the young man in his anger.

However, Luo Chen didn't seem to have heard these words. Instead, he took a long breath of cigarettes and looked at Wang Fu calmly.

"Hey, you **** don't have eyes, you don't go out to inquire, do you dare to provoke me, Wang Fu?" Wang Fu seemed to be really upset seeing Luo Chen unmoved.

Leaving Lan Belle directly got up and picked up a bottle of red wine on the table, and then walked to Luo Chen with a sneer.

Wang Fuju looked at Luo Chen condescendingly, then raised the wine bottle in his hand, a scorching touch flashed in his eyes: "I will let you take care of your business."

After saying this, Wang Fu really slammed the wine bottle in his hand at Luo Chen.

But in the next moment, Luo Chen finally moved. It was almost before Wang Fu and Lan Beier could see clearly, he pinched Wang Fu's neck, and immediately under Lan Beier's stunned expression, he single-handed the two hundred That's how the fat man mentioned it.

"Let go, let me go, you, do you **** know, who am I? You are dead, I tell you, no matter who you are, you are dead." Wang Fu was lifted by Luo Chen's neck When he got up, his face turned into a pig liver color, but instead of begging for mercy, Wang Fu threatened Luo Chen.

Because he was sure that Luo Chen didn't dare to hurt himself, otherwise Luo Chen would not be able to mix in Tongzhou, after all, he still had some power in Tongzhou.

However, Luo Chen didn't speak up, but slowly walked towards the window with Wang Fu, as if planning to throw Wang Fu down.

Surprisingly, Wang Fu was still not afraid, instead he said with a sneer.

"Huh, do you want to scare Lao Tzu? If you have a seed today, kill Lao Tzu, or you will be dead today." Wang Fu is obviously not worried that this young man will really kill himself. After all, not everyone has a background. Today's society is a society under the rule of law, and no one dares to fool around.

So he felt that the young man in front of him was just scaring himself, and he didn't have the guts to really kill himself.

But Luo Chen didn't speak, but actually lifted Wang Fu out the window.

"Come on, there is a kind of you throw Lao Tzu down, bullshit!" Even now, Wang Fu didn't think that the young man in front of him would kill him.

At first, although the young man in front of him was a little strange, Bi was just a hairy boy. He didn't dare to kill people and didn't have the guts.

Secondly, Wang Fu still has some background. Although he doesn't know exactly how this kid is, he will definitely not kill him for a woman.

Therefore, Wang Fu's eyes were full of ridicule and disdain.

Even Lan Belle felt that Luo Chen might just want to scare Wang Fu, it was impossible to really throw Wang Fu down.

But the next moment, Wang Fu was a little flustered, because he found that the young man in front of him was very calm in his eyes, or called very cold. It was really cold, like a tiger or a poisonous snake, when facing his prey. That kind of indifferent expression.

Now Wang Fuke was really panicked.

"Let go of me, what are you going to do? What are you going to do?" Wang Fu was suddenly frightened. He was really afraid that the young man in front of him had a hot brain, then let go and threw himself down.

"I'm telling you, if you kill me, the corpse is below, the police will definitely come to you, you will definitely go to jail, do you know that?" Wang Fu threatened again.

It's a pity that Wang Fu didn't know who he was talking to. Killing was too accustomed to Luo Chen. The name of the **** was piled up with bones and a sea of blood. Luo Chen's hands were covered with endless blood.

Luo Chen finally spoke. This was the first sentence Luo Chen said from the time he entered the door.


Immediately Luo Chen really let go, but instead of falling down, Luo Chen threw Wang Fu directly up.

Luo Chen lives on the 27th floor, there are actually three floors above, and Panlong Bay is behind him.

But Luo Chen didn't throw Wang Fu down, but threw it out through the window. With Luo Chen's current strength, it's really no different from ordinary people throwing a stone, or it's easier than ordinary people throwing a stone. Before Wang Fu even screamed, he flew directly to Panlong Bay in the back mountain.

Lan Belle was stunned, or shocked, when this scene fell. She did not expect the young man in front of her to really dare to kill.

No matter where Wang Fu is thrown, it is so high here, Wang Fu will definitely not survive.

She also thought that the young man in front of her was just frightening Wang Fu and would not really kill.

Suddenly Lan Bell wanted to scream.

But Luo Chen spoke first.

"To shut up!"

The voice was very weak, but Lan Belle turned pale with fright and shut up obediently.

"Will you kill me?" Lan Belle asked after hesitating for a long time.

"If you report me, I might consider doing this." Luo Chen drew a cigarette, his expression was very indifferent, as if he didn't feel like killing at all, as if he just threw a piece of garbage out.

"Why are you here?" Lan Belle wanted to change the subject.

"This is my room." Luo Chen took another breath, then came to Lan Belle.

Immediately, Luo Chen stretched out his hand coldly and raised Lan Belle and walked towards the toilet.

"Didn't you say you won't kill me?"

Lan Belle was terrified. He was almost overpowered today, and then the young man killed that person in front of him. He thought that everything was over, but now he was going to be killed.

She must have met some kind of killer. After all, Lan Belle often filmed, so she has a big brain. According to this plot, she witnessed this killer killing and is likely to be killed in the toilet.

Thinking of this, Lan Belle did not yell, because she knew that she would only die faster, but in the face of death, Lan Belle could not be afraid of death, so she only dared to cry silently.

But unexpectedly, after Luo Chen brought Lan Belle to the toilet, he opened the lotus and put Lan Belle under cold water.

"Are you going to kill me?" Lan Belle asked.