Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3099

Chapter 3099

Anyone who knows the theory of relativity knows one thing, that is, rest is relative and motion is absolute!

And the faster you move, the faster time actually goes!

Then this sooner also needs a reference!

That is, compared to the entire world, the world inside the barrier is indeed moving extremely fast.

This Luo Chen used the means to speed up the movement in the small universe that was separated from the Conferred God List, that is, the world within the enchantment!

And it's not a little bit of acceleration, it's spinning at a high speed, and it's already out of the kind of acceleration that can be seen by the naked eye, as if it's still!

When people are very busy, they will feel that the time of the day passes quickly, and when they are very idle and boring, especially when waiting for others, they will feel that time passes very slowly.

Most people thought it was an illusion!

Actually not!

Because in order to measure time, we can use the sun, we can use the clock!

These are recognized and unified. With these unifications, no one's time will be faster or slower.


These things are also motion, and these units of measurement are relative!

So, these units of measurement, while accurate, are not correct!

To put it simply, time follows that the faster the movement, the faster the flow of time!

The flow of time is relative, not absolute. Sometimes it is not an illusion that time passes fast or slow!

With this principle, Luo Chen has seen the means of time acceleration before!

Then, it is not difficult to use this method!

This is another terrifying killer!

Speed up the flow of time in the barrier!

Then, fast enough to kill the gods in just a few seconds!

This is also the horror of Luo Chen. After seeing it once, he can realize it and use it.

Of course, some objective conditions must be met!

And Jiang Taixu can only explain Dao Fa from time.

"The Way of Time, there are some powerful Ways of Age, which can deprive you of time and years and make you grow old in an instant. Luo Wuji uses the Way of Time!"

"And the deprivation is not of a certain god, but of the entire Gaotianyuan!"

"It's really amazing, no wonder you can change your life against the sky!" Jiang Taixu sighed.

Gao Tianyuan's barrier was broken by himself in the fifth second.

Broken myself.

Because the gods no longer have the power to persevere.

As the enchantment shattered, the High Sky Plain reappeared!

The gods in Gao Tianyuan realized that.

"Time, only five seconds have passed?"

But what about them?

Five thousand!

Five thousand years, especially that Great God Tianchang himself is the God of Time and Time!

But now he fell on it.

This is the real irony!

"Hmph, it's only five seconds. I thought you could hold on for a few more seconds. After all, you are looking down on you!" Luo Chen sneered.

The gods of Gao Tianyuan lost at this moment!

They are powerless to fight!

Because they are all old, their hair is gray, and some of their teeth are lost!

For them, five thousand years have passed, and for the whole world, it is only five seconds!

This gap is too big!

No need to break the world, the world will be broken!

Luo Chen's eyes are full of killing intent at this moment!

What if there is the protection of the mysterious power of Gao Tianyuan?

The gods of Gao Tianyuan are still going to die!

And a part of it has already died of old age!

This is Luo Chen's method, it can be called Tongtian!

"Understood?" The prince smiled.

"This is the crushing of IQ!"

"Use your IQ to crush the gods of Gao Tianyuan!"

"They are really stupid, rest on their laurels, set themselves up as prisoners, and shoot themselves in the foot!" The prince said a lot in one breath!

"That's it, it's better to learn from the three gods on the Ganges River and have a vigorous battle!"

"At least it's not so embarrassing to die, and it's not so funny!"

"As a result, these idiots insisted on playing tricks with the old man, and they screwed up!" The prince laughed.

The faces of the gods of Gao Tianyuan were already ashen.

Who can be blamed for this?

Blame yourself for being stupid!

Now that it's like this, they still have the strength to fight?

At this moment, the Five Pillars God gave the last order!


They are gods, even if they die, they cannot die in the hands of the human race!

That would be the greatest humiliation to the gods!


They haven't had time to do it yet!

Luo Chen has already taken the lead.

They are now extremely weak and have no strength at all. How can they commit suicide in front of Luo Chen?

"I want to kill, that is, I will kill myself!"

"Want to commit suicide?" Luo Chen suddenly raised his hand!

The entire Gaotianyuan time seemed to be at a standstill, and the flow rate changed and became extremely slow.

this moment!

Luo Chen walked away!

He raised his hand and pointed, and a large piece of the head of the **** flew up!

one by one!

Where Luo Chen has passed, there is no living mouth!

Even a blade of grass!

Luo Chen hardly let go of any creatures in Gaotianyuan!


Terrible slaughter!

Corpses are everywhere, piled up like mountains, blood is flowing everywhere, and the entire Gaotianyuan has been dyed red!

This is the heaven of the gods!

However, Luo Chen turned it into **** with killing!

"Remember this historic moment!"

"Because Luo will come for the second time, the third time..."

Luo Chen walked in front of God Tianchang, raised his knife, and his head took off!

Where does the Five Pillars God at this moment have the power to fight against Luo Chen?

In the midst of their unwillingness and grievances, in that bang, they could only die!

The entire Gao Tianyuan was dead silent, dead!

Luo Chenyi was not stained with blood, and walked calmly!

"Those who touch the land of the Chinese human race will be killed without mercy!"

Then Luo Chen made a fist with one hand!


Punch down!

The entire Gaotianyuan fell apart and fell apart.

Maybe years later, it will come back!


Then just do it again!

Gao Tianyuan, together with the entire Gao Tianyuan gods, were buried in the sea!

The waves swept up.

Luo Chen's eyes turned to the banks of the Nile!

The whole world trembled!

They are afraid!

How about the three gods on the banks of the Ganges?


What about the means of the gods of Gao Tianyuan?

Still dead!

Honus was shaking now, shaking.

"I have made good friends with you Huaxia, and we have had trade relations, which was the case in ancient times!" Honus was really afraid!

There are indeed some trade exchanges, and some cultural relics excavated in Sanxingdui can testify.

But so what?

Luo Chen stepped out and came directly to the Nile River.

here we go again!


It was mortal before!

Not this time, this is divine soil!

And this time, Luo Chen sneered, and then took out the Fallen Sun Bow!

Or the Fallen Sun Bow!

"The Fallen Sun Bow?"

"How can it be in your hands?"

"It's a pity that your sun **** is gone, otherwise today, the sun will be shot again!" Although this day is not the other day, it doesn't matter!