Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3100

Chapter 3100

The Fallen Sun Bow was filled by Luo Chen!

At this moment, the divine bow is dazzling, bursting with unparalleled power!

And Honus' eyes flashed with horror, his strength is the weakest among the gods, not the original weak, but the most weakened!

He was frightened, and spread his golden wings to flee, leaping over the sea of sand.

But the arrow blazed out!

The arrow chased away, and then came first, piercing his entire body!

Blood splashed, and he exploded in the void!

It's not just him, Luo Chen once again visited Northern Europe, and once again visited the mutilated mountain of Olympus.

The slaughter continued and repeated, and the bodies of gods were exploding and shattering.

Jupiter is roaring, he is also a **** king, with an unparalleled terrifying aura and status, but in front of Luo Chen, the new successor.

All is in vain after all.

In this battle, the whole world was shocked, Luo Chen's murderousness was extremely heavy, and the gods were terrified!

It can even be said that in this battle, the entire Conferred God Ranking was overturned!

It wasn't supposed to be like this!

But because of Luo Dong and Wang Qianqian, all this was destined to be like this.

last Stand!


The Chinese gods understand that they cannot escape, and they will still be liquidated.

But they were also very clever, and at this moment thousands of masked gods gathered on the seashore.

They found Jiang Taixu.

Over the years, there are also gods who have given up their old grudges and have a very good personal relationship with Jiang Taixu.

But they also participated in the siege of Luodong and Wang Qianqian.

Now, they came to intercede for themselves.

They wear masks, they just don't want to be ripped off, they don't want to be recognized.

But in fact, everyone knows it.

At this moment, thousands of gods were waiting by the sea, and the waves hit, one after another, Jiang Taixu's spiritual sense stood on the waves, and as the waves rose and fell, fishing the heavens!

"Too Xu, I can only find you, and I can only beg you." A **** bowed his head and said.

"I'm not familiar with others either." Jiang Taixu sighed.

When he was besieging Wang Qianxi Luodong, he couldn't help, but now, can he help?

"If you do something wrong, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention. It's not that I don't have sympathy, but that I don't have that sympathy either!" Jiang Taixu said.

Before his words fell, Luo Chen came.

The eyes of many gods fell on the man walking in the distance.

Every step they took, they felt a pressure.

The faces of thousands of gods hidden under masks were tense.

Luo Chen also ignored these gods and walked towards Jiang Taixu.

Then he stepped on the waves, stood beside Jiang Taixu, also transformed into a fishing rod, and started fishing.

Standing quietly like this, let the sea breeze come out and the waves hit.

Luo Chen didn't move, and many gods didn't move either!

They all hide amazing identities under their masks, and all of them have incredible identities.

But now, it can only stand!

At this moment, they can only wait for these two people, or this one person, to decide their lives.

This made the gods in a trance, and it seemed that he had returned to the era when that person ruled the world.

Back to the world where the human race fears nothing.

The human race is terrible. Their own learning ability is amazing. They don't need innate strength, and the day after tomorrow is enough to learn everything.

This is the true talent of the human race!

The starting point may be very low, but the ending point can be very high, so high that the gods cannot reach it!

And in the end, if it wasn't for the power of the human body and the genetic shackles, which species, which race would be the opponent of the human race in this world?

This is like a lot of people envy the rich second generation, but in most cases, the rich second generation cannot surpass their previous generation, the rich generation.

Because that is innate after all!

But ordinary people have the opportunity to surpass everything, because ordinary people are not innate!

So, don't underestimate yourself too much, because the most powerful thing in the human race is learning and progress!

After all, in history, no family can continue for hundreds or even thousands of years!

But in every era, there are those so-called rich generations. Don't those rich generations get up after being reshuffled and become ordinary people?

And now the human race represented by Luo Chen has indeed stood up again!

Jiang Taixu once gave the gods a headache, but Luo Chen made the gods terrified!

Luo Chen does not speak, many gods dare not speak!

It was not until it was getting late and the sun set in the west that Luo Chen put away his fishing rod.

At this time, Jiang Taixu stretched out his hand, and a table of tea appeared in front of the two of them.

This is the great meeting of the century, the two peaks of humanity, linking the previous and the next.

Two generations of the peak of humanity finally officially met.

"Ma Zhaodi is still alive and well, your grave has been dug up." Luo Chen said.

"Just live, it's good to live, help me tell him, if you meet the right person, you can remarry." Jiang Taixu said.

"She followed me, but she didn't enjoy much happiness."

"I owe her a lot!" Jiang Taixu sighed.

"How are people doing now?"

"I'll take you to see?" Luo Chen said.

Ignore all gods!

Luo Chen waved his hand, and a portal was naturally opened between heaven and earth.

As Jiang Taixu said, now, he is retired.

He can leave the Conferred God List.

And Luo Chen can also leave, because Luo Chen has a physical body.

That power is still there, still suppressing the gods.

It's just a transition, a succession.

This is what the two of them are doing now.

It's just that Luo Chen wanted to do Jiang Taixu a favor before the official handover.

Complete Jiang Taixu's wish!

That is, take a look at the world.

In fact, the world is synchronized with the human world, so everything is actually known.

But Jiang Taixu still wanted to take a look at the real world.

The opening between the heavens and the earth made those gods excited, and there was a desire and thirst in their eyes!

They want to go out, that's what they dream of.

What they couldn't do with their best efforts, but at this moment, Luo Chen did it easily.

The moment Luo Chen's body stepped out, Jiang Taixu also came out with gray hair.

But he was dead and couldn't feel it.

"Zhang Wudi!" Luo Chen called softly.

Not long after, Master Zhang came.

"Lend your body to use it!" Luo Chen said.

And Zhang Wudi nodded, and a figure walked into his body.

Then Jiang Taixu felt it through Zhang Wudi's body.

It is the same as the world in the Conferred God List, but it is not exactly the same. Standing in the high-rise buildings, Jiang Taixu raised his head.

He laughed!

Because this is the New Year's Day, all around are full of enthusiasm and joy. People come and go carrying large and small bags, some go home for the New Year, and some visit relatives to pay New Year's greetings! Peace and prosperity!