Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3098

Chapter 3098


In essence, it uses special power or divine power to cut the same place!

This cut is a cut in space and time!

That is the so-called small universe!

The upper and lower squares are the universe, and the universe has always been the universe.

And forming a universe alone, a universe, is indeed a surprising method.

Yu, that is, space! In fact, it can be cut, twisted, and soft in nature, just like Einstein's explanation of gravity is that gravity is the distortion caused by the curvature of space caused by the mass of an object, that is, it is not attracted.

Instead, it slipped past.

It was on a plane itself, but because one end was too heavy, a **** was created, and the other object slid over it.

In essence, time does not exist, but it does exist because of an illusion created by the comparison of memory to the changes of things!

A creature without memory will have no time!

However, the movement itself is relative!


Luo Chen already has his own way of cracking it!

There are gods in Huaxia waiting to see, and the gods of other major **** systems are also waiting to see!

And Jiang Taixu and Yang Jian are also curious!

How does Luo Chen break this barrier?

The gods of Gao Tianyuan in the barrier are also watching jokes, mocking Luo Chen's overreaching!

But Luo Chen suddenly started his hand, just turning it into a circle with one hand, and then stood proudly outside the enchantment and didn't move!

At this moment, Jiang Taixu understood, but was also shocked.

"It turns out, it turns out it can be like this!"

"It's really a regret in my life that I didn't have the same era as him!" Jiang Taixu was really shocked at this moment.

He rang Di Xin, thought of King Wu, and thought of himself.

At that time, if Luo Wuji was there!

Then, the result of the Battle of Conferred Gods will be changed back then, and it is definitely not what it is today. Maybe Di Xin doesn't have to die, and the three of them can still have a good time.

Even, in that battle, he didn't have to work so hard!

However, at this moment, he admitted from the bottom of his heart, Luo Chen is the king of people, Luo Chen is the peak of humanity!

"Uncle, what did you see?" Yang Jian didn't see it!

So Yang Jian was very curious and wanted to know what happened!

However, at this moment Luo Chen is standing outside the barrier, and nothing seems to happen!

How does this break the barrier?

"I'm going, father is this?" The prince reacted the second, and the second saw it.

After all, he is a master of formation.

"What's wrong?" Senior Brother asked.

He didn't understand either, after all, nothing happened!

"Just look at it!" The prince was confident.

There was indeed no movement or reaction outside the barrier.

But it was different inside the barrier, and a strange scene happened.

"How long has he been standing outside?"

There are gods asking this because they feel that three hundred years have passed!

They are gods and gods, but their power is weakened, and the years and time they can live have also dropped significantly.

They need to be reincarnated.

And this Luo Wuji actually spent three hundred years with them outside the barrier.

This is simply incredible.

"I don't believe it, he can still consume it!"

A thousand years!

It has been a thousand years in the enchantment, and Luo Chen stood there motionless, as if petrified!

If it weren't for the enchantment, other things in Gao Tianyuan were changing, so that they could clearly know that a thousand years had passed!

Then if they just look at Luo Chen, they will feel that it has been a second!

But what about in the real world?

What about outside the enchantment?

That is really only a second has passed!

That is to say!

The time inside the barrier has been accelerated!

And faster and faster!

Only one second passed outside the barrier, so the gods outside the barrier naturally couldn't see what happened.

But it is different in the enchantment, after all, a thousand years have passed!

"Does it consume so much energy?"

"How long can you live?" Inside the barrier, the **** Gao Tianyuan sneered.

Is it longer than life now?

Then compare and contrast, they have been blocked for a thousand years outside the enchantment!

And the gods were already weakened in the Conferred God List, and to maintain this enchantment, it needed a steady stream of strength to support!

This consumes even more power.

Second second!

The second millennium is here!

The gods of Gao Tianyuan are dead, some of them have gray hair, their bodies are old, and they are about to enter reincarnation naturally.

But how to reincarnate?

You have to go out to be able to reincarnate!

go out?

can not go out!

Once you go out, the opening is opened, and Luo Wuji comes in!

"Why does Luo Wuji consume so much energy?"

"It stands to reason that his lifespan should have been exhausted long ago?"

"It's not right, it's not right!" At this moment, the gods in Gao Tianyuan finally realized that things were not that simple.

Something is not right!

If it is not on the Conferred God List, let alone 2000 years, even 20,000 years, the gods are just taking a nap.

But this is on the Conferred God List, they will grow old, die, and enter reincarnation!

The third second starts!

That is three thousand years!

At this moment, the gods in Gao Tianyuan collectively couldn't hold on anymore!

They are all old, they are all skinny, their divine power is dried up, their vitality is also dried up!

They are dying of old age!

However, they finally found out what was wrong!

That is!

Their time has been sped up!

The time inside the barrier has been accelerated!

This is how Luo Chen breaks the barrier!

In other words, Luo Chen never thought about breaking the barrier!

Because Luo Chen wants to kill the gods!

Accelerate their natural death, naturally it is not natural death, which is equivalent to Luo Chen killing them!

Enchantment or something, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Luo Chen's goal is to slaughter God!

And this goal is about to be achieved, because only three seconds have passed outside the enchantment.

But three thousand years have passed in the enchantment!

For three thousand years, the gods will die of old age!

"Is that so?" Yang Jian saw it, but was shocked.

"This, this, how can this be done?" Yang Jian couldn't believe what he saw!

Why can Luo Chen do it?

This is the horror of Luo Chen!

Because Luo Chen once spied on the fairyland when time was accelerating, that method, that method!

Luo Chen has been researching, plus Luo Chen's understanding, then it has been cracked by Luo Chen!

Of course, Luo Chen couldn't speed up time at will.

This can be done here because of two conditions.

A conferred **** list!

One is Gao Tianyuan who thought they were smart opened the barrier and formed a small universe!

These two conditions are indispensable!

At this moment, it is the so-called shooting yourself in the foot, and it is also the so-called cleverness that is mistaken by wisdom! The time has come to the fifth second, and the enchantment can no longer hold on, because many gods are already old!