Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3097

Chapter 3097

Chapter 3097 Enchantment

"Boundary!" Boom!

Luo Chen hasn't attacked yet!

And at this moment, a barrier suddenly came from Gao Tianyuan!

As soon as this barrier came out, it was almost impossible to shake.

A bright light curtain lit up all around, and the light curtain flickered endlessly, and the entire Gaotian seemed to be illusory.

That's an enchantment!

In the entire Gaotianyuan **** system, their enchantment is the most brilliant and powerful!

This can be seen from the fact that the island country has always believed in this!

Formation and formation are somewhat similar, but completely different!

In fact, the formation method is not used for defense, but for attracting people to besiege and kill!

But the main purpose of enchantment is for defense!

This has also led to the formation and enchantment to two different paths, and they are going farther and farther!

As soon as the barrier came out, Luo Chen frowned slightly.

Because this was performed by the gods of Gao Tianyuan, including the Five Pillars of God

Among the Gaotianyuan, Wuzhu Shen is undoubtedly the most powerful, and if Wu Zhu Shen fights alone, he will naturally lose his hands and feet.

At this moment, they are casting a barrier, which is even more difficult!

After all, offense and defense are completely different.

What's more, only Luo Chen attacked alone?

In addition, Gao Tianyuan itself is protected by mysterious power, and their divine power seems to be continuously generated, with endless divine power.

When the manpower was exhausted, it was like Jiang Taixu would die of exhaustion.

But now that the enchantment is out, and the enchantment is hidden in the illusory, even if the outer shell is broken, what will happen to the illusory inside?

That can't be attacked, it's nothingness!

"Uncle Shi, can he break this?" Yang Jian went back again.

Indeed, Jiang Taixu frowned.

It's okay to fight, but the other party doesn't fight you, so what should I do?

Anyway, if you block others, they will consume it with you, and they can afford it for a hundred thousand years.

But what about Luo Chen?

Certainly not!

But in a short period of time, it is too difficult to attack!

And even if it is attacked, the power is almost consumed. How can I fight at that time, and what can I use to fight?

It can be said that among the several major **** systems, Gao Tianyuan is the most difficult and the most difficult!

It is because of the enchantment!

"Little brother, why don't you try it?"

"No, this isn't a formation, it's two different paths to enchantment, and it's not an ordinary enchantment. If it's an ordinary enchantment, I can still try it, but the main **** level is, even if I'm still Emperor Shitian, It may not be possible to attack!" The prince said.

"Then Lord Luo can only strike again?" Hong Biao said with a frown.

"Dad can't always summon the sword and a father's character should not always rely on the sword!"

"In addition, even if the sword breaks the first layer of hard enchantment shell, what will happen to the inside?"

"It's illusory inside. Dad's sword can cut the world, but phantom is not good at it!"

"No wonder Gao Tianyuan has been doing things all the time, but he has been living until now!" The Prince analyzed.

It is true that Gao Tianyuan has always been disgusting, but it is still there, which is enough to show that the other party still has means of self-protection!

Especially the illusion inside, it's like hitting the shadow with a fist, this is a lifetime, and it's impossible to beat the shadow to death!


Always have different means, always have their own means of saving their own lives, and have means that ordinary people cannot reach and understand!

Plus this is the Five Pillars of God!

"If you want to break it with brute force, I'm afraid it's right or wrong. This is my judgment!" The prince said.

"Have you got the power of a king?"

"Although the enchantment is different from the formation, there are still some things in common. This is my judgment on the enchantment, but I don't know what Dad's judgment is." The prince said solemnly.

It's definitely going to be a fight!

But there is an enchantment, how to fight?

After all, people have made it clear now that they will be a tortoise with a shrinking head, and they will not fight you!

"It's really not good, Uncle Biao, you go out and scold your mother, how ugly it is, and irritate them!"

"Uncle, if it was you, how would you break it?"

"Go and scold your mother until they come out!" Jiang Taixu's spiritual sense teased.

"Uncle Shi!" Yang Jian was speechless.

"Then what else is there to do?"

"Then he's not the kind of person who curses." Yang Jian looked at Luo Chen.

"Indeed not, neither do I!" Jiang Taixu said.

"Then you still say scolding?"

"It's a popular saying to swear at people, the official one is called a call!"

"You think that calling the formation is squatting, who dares to dismount and fight with me in front of me?"

"The real call array is not a call array without greeting the old mother!"

"Master, have you ever done this?"

"I really don't, I'm not good at this!" Jiang Taixu didn't lie!

"Who is good at?" Yang Jian asked curiously.

"King Emperor Xinwu, guess who of the two is the best?" Jiang Taixu said.

"Don't worry about so much, what are you doing, fishing!" Jiang Taixu's spiritual sense swung the fishing rod in his hand!

On Hong Biao's side, Hong Biao was also in trouble.

"It's okay for me to scold a few words. If I keep scolding, I'm not necessarily able to scold the other party!" Hong Biao also frowned.

"Forget it, Dad won't allow this kind of trick!"

Indeed, as soon as the barrier came out, Luo Chen was blocked from the outside, which seemed to be difficult to break through.

Especially the enchantment of the Five Pillars of God, it can be called the best enchantment in the world!

Also the strongest ever!

"I said, you should leave, or you'll just be humiliating yourself!" God Tianchang said again in a divine voice.

"Let him make trouble. We block the barrier. He can't get in. After a long time, he has worn out his energy, and naturally he will leave!"

At this moment, the entire Gao Tianyuan has already floated cherry blossoms!

Many gods have been enjoying themselves, and the world is peaceful and prosperous, and they have not paid any attention to Luo Chen outside!

Luo Chen also stood outside calmly.

But the calmer it is, the more violent the storm may come!

The more slaughter is accumulated, the more ruthless the means will be!

And the enchantment is like a curtain of light, blowing down endless divine brilliance, covering the entire Gaotianyuan!

The enchantment is invincible, the magical power is invalid, and the force is useless!

Just like the prince thought, just be a turtle with a shriveled head and shrink in its shell!

And it is different from when Wang Qianqian and Luo Dong blocked western Sichuan, they needed to be guarded.

Once this barrier comes out, there is no need to guard it at all!

At this moment, Jupiter, Honus, etc. also laughed, and they were also watching the fun, including the gods wearing masks waiting to watch the joke on the Huaxia side.

Is this the new leader?

"Uncle Shi, if you were alive back then, would you be able to fight in?"

"If you can't get in, the barrier is not broken by brute force!"