Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 266

Chapter 266

The Blood Corpse King really stood up, and then stood beside Luo Chen honestly.

Luo Chen spit out the smoke ring.

"Give you two choices, I will slap to death completely!"

"Or follow me later!"

The Blood Corpse King did not hesitate, Luo Chen's words fell, and the Blood Corpse King knelt down.

After the blood tiger and the others cleaned up the ordinary zombies, Luo Chen asked the blood tiger and the others to find a few spare clothes.

Then the Blood Corpse King was put on, wrapped tightly, except for a pair of eyes, no place was exposed.

Some of the Blood Fiends were also injured, but fortunately, the corpse poison is no longer a big deal, and the injury is just a bandage.

When they walked halfway up the mountain, Wu Qiming and others were preparing to leave.

"Wait, monk!" Luo Chen stopped the group of people suddenly.

The Great Master Danba turned his head and looked at Luo Chen, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

"Remember that I just calculated it for you?" Luo Chen smiled.

Although the Great Master Danba was embarrassed by the **** corpse king just now, he was not injured because of the secret body protection of Tantric Buddhism.

Xue Sha and others also looked at Luo Chen with curious eyes.

Because the Great Master Danba did not have a serious problem, and the skin was not broken, why did Luo Chen mention this matter again?

"My hexagrams are always accurate, do you know why?"

Xue Sha and others looked puzzled, isn't this over?

Where did the **** disaster come from?

The Great Master Danba is also wondering.

But the next moment, Luo Chen arrived in front of the Great Master Danba.

Throwing his hand was a big ear scraper drew on the face of the Great Master Danba, and the Great Master Danba's teeth were blown out by two.

"Look, I'm quite accurate, Blood and Light Disaster." Luo Chen sneered.

The monastic world naturally has the rules of the monastic world.

Even if you say to an ordinary person that you have a disaster of blood and light, others may draw you, let alone a fellow practitioner.

There are two sentences that you should not say easily in the cultivating world. One sentence is a disaster of blood and light, and the other sentence is that fellow Taoists please stay.

Saying these two sentences may be a disaster.

The Great Master Danba would not understand.

It's just that he didn't put Luo Chen in his eyes at all at that time, so he just said it.

But his words were not fulfilled.

But Luo Chen's words were fulfilled.

Blood Tiger and the others looked at Luo Chen in amazement, this is indeed a disaster of blood and light, and it will definitely happen.

No wonder Luo Chen vowed to say that this monk was in a **** disaster at that time.

It must be that time that Luo Chen was ready to smoke him.

And it's not over yet.

When Luo Chen went up, another big ear scraper threw it on the face of the Great Master Danba, and the big Master Danba's nose and mouth were bleeding.

"Now you tell me, who is the disaster of blood and light?" Luo Chen sneered.

"I'm sorry, Luo Shizhu, I was lying." The Great Master Danba knows the current affairs and does not have the integrity of a monk at all, otherwise he would not see the situation just now and ran away.

He immediately softened to Luo Chen.

He now thinks clearly, this one in front of him is definitely not a great master, he is definitely a master, even a higher level!

Wu Qiming frowned on the side, just about to say something.

A big mouth was thrown on his face.

"Sorry, I just forgot, Leader Wu, I also helped you do some calculations. You also have a **** disaster, but I just forgot to tell you." Luo Chen's sneer sounded.

Wu Qiming's mouth was full of blood, and his men were stopped by him as soon as he was about to start.

If the Great Master Danba could defeat Luo Chen, he could still go crazy, but the Great Master Danba was beaten with blood on his face.

He was beaten at this time, and he could only swallow it in his mouth if his teeth were broken.

Because if you say one more sentence now, you will be slapped more.

"Remember from now on, don't make irresponsible remarks to Blood Fiend in front of me!" Luo Chen snorted coldly.

Just now Wu Qiming mocked the blood evil spirit, Luo Chen remembered it all.

Wu Qiming left with a black face, but the great master Danba called a thick face, and he asked Luo Chen for the contact information.

Luo Chen wasn't so stingy, he really gave it to him.

Then the Great Master Danba left happily.

The monastic world is like this, sometimes the strong is the king.

It was already midnight when I went down the mountain.

When Luo Chen's group hadn't completely walked out of the mountain, someone in front of them was shouting Luo Chen.

"Xiaochen, Xiaochen~oooooo~"

Jiang Tongran's voice was very anxious, and his face was full of panic with crying tears.

Jiang Jiang Tongran has always been very strong, in Luo Chen's impression, this would never happen, but at this moment he cried like this.

There was definitely something serious.

Luo Chen jumped and jumped directly beside Jiang Tongran.

"what happened?"

"Woo, Xiaochen, something happened to my auntie." Jiang Tongran started crying.

It can be seen that her face is pale, and she is indeed anxious.

And she has been looking for Luo Chen for a long time.

Not long after Luo Chen left, Shen Yuelan had an accident, but at that time, Luo Chen had already entered the mountain, and the phone could not be reached at all.

Jiang Tongran could only wait while notifying others, and then he couldn't wait until he came into the mountain alone to find Luo Chen.

"What's the matter?" Luo Chen asked.

"My aunt started to be fine after you left."

"But Jiang Yifei said a few words to her. It seemed that the two of them had quarreled. Then Jiang Yifei broke the string of prayer beads in his hand, and the string of prayer beads on my aunt's neck suddenly broke."

"Then, then, she fainted." Jiang Tongran squatted directly, crying weakly.

"Where is she now?" Luo Chen asked.

"I notified my family that I have taken her back to Yanjing by plane for treatment, but I know that things are definitely not that simple, so I came to you."

"Xiao Chen, Sister Ranran beg you, can you help my aunt?"

"Xiao Chen, I beg you." Jiang Tongran was still crying.

Luo Chen said while wiping away Jiang Tongran's tears.

"There is a problem with her Buddhist beads, which is very troublesome. I have reminded her a long time ago, but she just wouldn't listen." Luo Chen frowned.

"Xiao Chen, it's not what you think, that string of prayer beads is too important to my aunt." Jiang Tongran explained.

"More important than fate?" Once Shen Yuelan's prayer beads were broken, it would be extremely troublesome.

It was a complicated technique similar to Gu poison, and even Luo Chen was not sure to save it.

A little carelessness will really die.

"She prayed for her son. She always told me that she owed her son too much, so even if it was just a superstition, she believed it."

"That string of Buddhist beads was told by her friend that it was very effective. No one could persuade her on this matter involving her son."

"For her, that string of Buddhist beads is the only thing she can do for her son."

"She has built countless orphanages for so many years because she wants to pray for her son."

These words made Luo Chen unable to answer, after all, this was maternal love.

At this time, Luo Chen's phone also rang.

Luo Chen saw that it was Father Luo's call.

In the middle of the night, how could my father call myself.

Luo Chen answered the phone.

"Hey, Xiaochen!"

Luo Chen frowned suddenly, because he could clearly feel that his father seemed to be choking.

"What's the matter, Dad?"

"Xiao Chen." Father Luo's choking sound became heavier.

"Xiao Chen, I want to tell you something. I lied to you about something about your mother."

"Before I was afraid that you would find her if you didn't have the ability to find her, but now, no matter what, I hope you will find her."

"Because I just had a dream, I dreamed that she was standing in front of me covered in blood and smiling at me."

"Dad, it's just a dream, don't worry too much." Luo Chen comforted, but vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"No, it's definitely not the case. I have rarely dreamed of your mother for so many years, and the piece of jade I asked for with her was broken for no reason." Father Luo said anxiously.

"Okay, Dad, I'll go right here."

"Okay, go find her quickly and see if something is wrong, your mother's surname is Shen, Shen Yuelan!"

Surname Shen, Shen Yuelan! Luo Chen's phone fell to the ground in an instant!