Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Shen Yuelan!

Luo Chen's phone fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Sister Xiaoran, what is your auntie's name?" Luo Chen's voice was calm.

This calm has the kind of depression that a storm is about to hit.

It's windy, big, big.

"Shen Yuelan, Yanjing Shen's family, Shen Yuelan!" Jiang Tongran choked.

Auntie, let me give you a piece of advice, you'd better take down your Buddhist beads!

That string of Buddhist beads is very important to her. She prayed for her son, and that was her lifeblood.

Stinky boy, you are out alone, I'm afraid you will suffer.

In the future, if someone bullies you, tell auntie, she still has some connections.

Auntie will help you find some girls for a blind date.

Your mother's surname is Shen, Shen Yuelan!

"Jiang Yifei!"

When the thunder exploded, a thick lead cloud suddenly condensed above his head, and lightning pierced the sky.

Jiang Tongran had never seen Luo Chen so angry.

Scarlet rays of light flashed all around, and the Blood Corpse King stepped back many steps in an instant, and even the blood evil spirits were so scared to move at this moment.

That murderous aura is too amazing!

Everyone present seemed to feel very difficult to breathe.

It was a man who was like a demon god, and the peaceful atmosphere was never seen again during the day, replaced by a cold, ruthless, fierce Luo Chen.

It was a kind of Luo Chen who was aloof, as if ignoring the common people.

There is an illusion that the vast world is at its feet.

Luo Chen spent a long time integrating into this era and the world, trying to make himself look like ordinary people.

But at this moment, he still escaped, standing tall, his eyes flashing cold, like two sharp swords.

The whole body is shocking, like a fairy sword about to cut through the sky!

Like a **** king coming to the world, boiling murderous intent rises in the sky, shattering the wind and clouds, and discoloring the world.

"Go, I will take you to kill!"

When Jiang Tongran heard these words, Luo Chen was already hugging him, and then there was a howling wind in his ears.

The Blood Corpse King hesitated, but followed out.

After Luo Chen left, Xue Sha and others were pale and limp on the ground.

"Something is going to happen." The Blood Tiger gave a miserable laugh, his whole body was soaked with cold sweat.

The speed is too fast, this is Jiang Tongran's feeling, there is nothing in his ears except the whistling wind.

Shijiazhai is still brightly lit in the middle of the night. The stilt building has been destroyed during the day. At this moment, there are countless tents in the original place.

But the next moment, these tents jittered suddenly, and then instantly turned into fly ash.

"Boom!" The mountain shook again.

Everyone was shocked.

Shi Sigui and the others looked at the man who was like a **** and a devil in amazement.

"Luo, Grandmaster Luo." Lu Qitian spoke palely from the side.

"Where is Jiang Yifei?" Luo Chen's voice was extremely cold.

"Mr. Luo, we don't know either." Lu Qitian said. He had already notified the master of the Lu family that he had come. He didn't believe it. His father had come and he couldn't clean up Luo Chen.

But the next moment he exploded.

She didn't even have a chance to be astonished, and the glittering flesh and blood spattered directly on the ground.

All of them numb their scalp for a moment, and they dare not let out the atmosphere.

Because Luo Chen just waved his hand, Lu Qitian exploded.

Then there was a plop, except for Jiang Tongran, everyone else knelt down.

Long life, if you have killed too many people, if you have experienced thousands of years of killing, then it is difficult for you to look at life from the eyes of ordinary people.

Because it feels like you look at ants, it's really exactly the same.

"Where did Jiang Yifei go?" Luo Chen looked at Shi Sigui.

At this moment, Shi Sigui knew that he had only one chance.

Because the **** and demon in front of me is so terrifying, there is no mercy for life in those eyes!

"He followed Old Monster Ding and went to the King Kong Gate!" Shi Sigui was really scared at this moment.

Jiang Tongran's eyes went dark and she couldn't see anything, but she could feel that something was exploding one by one around her!

Shi Sigui and the others had really surrendered, but they were instigated by Jiang Yifei, and they decided to hold Luo Chen while inviting experts from all walks of life.

They didn't believe it, they couldn't kill Luo Chen!

It's just that Shi Sigui knew now that they were wrong, too wrong.

Because what they are dealing with is not human at all, it is a **** who is indifferent from above and overlooking the vast land!

In a wry smile, he turned into crystal clear flesh and blood scattered around.

It took a long time for Jiang Tongran to see things, and at this time she was already in the car.

"You take this to find my mother, you must give it to her, I'm going to another place." Luo Chen said.

"Your mother?" Jiang Tongran said in surprise, while looking at the shining bead in his hand.

Fortunately, Luo Chen was much more normal at this time, but Jiang Tongran was still deliberately suppressing something.

"I'll explain it to you later." Luo Chen shook his head, and got out of the car, and behind Luo Chen followed the tightly wrapped strange man.

Shen Yuelan was hit by such a vicious secret curse, and only the person who casted the curse could solve it, or kill him.

And I was afraid that Shen Yuelan's soul had already been taken away.

Therefore, Luo Chen must first find Jiang Yifei, and then ask the whereabouts of the person who cast the spell.

Otherwise, even if Luo Chen went to Shen Yuelan's side, there would be no way.

Because Luo Chen couldn't take out one of the three souls and six souls that did not belong to Shen Yuelan to supply Shen Yuelan.

The bead handed to Jiang Tongran can temporarily calm Shen Yuelan's remaining soul from being detained.


It's not far from Xiangxi, but it doesn't belong to Xiangxi anymore.

Ningzhou Jiugongshan, Kuanglu shows the world, and Zhongling counts the nine palaces.

It was once rumored that Emperor Ziwei came to this mountain in person and meditated on that mountain.

But the most mysterious thing is that Chuang Wang Li became himself.

Once Li Zicheng succeeded or failed, he was forced to retreat to this place with hundreds of thousands of subordinates. At that time, Li Zicheng led hundreds of thousands of people into the mountain.

But it disappeared somehow.

The chasing soldiers went up the mountain to search, and the entire Jiugong Mountain was searched, let alone people, but Mao didn't find one.

Not a few, not dozens, but hundreds of thousands!

But disappeared out of thin air after entering the mountain just like that.

Become an eternal mystery!

In a coffee shop, an old man is telling his granddaughter this legend.

This old man is dressed in Chinese clothes, and he looks like a distinguished person.

There was a man and a woman sitting beside him. The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was beautiful.

Just looking at that noble temperament made many people who want to strike up a conversation lose their courage.

"Grandpa, do you think it was really because of Qimen Dunjia's formation that Li Zicheng and them disappeared?" the girl asked.

"Hey, who knows?"

"But this matter is absolutely true. There are indeed records in the wild history. When you find the King Kong Gate, if you are lucky enough to visit them, you can naturally ask." The old man smiled. "I said the young man over there, you've been listening for a long time by the side, don't you also want to find the King Kong Gate?"