Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Wu Qiming couldn't help but sneer when he saw Luo Chen and Xue Sha who rushed down.

Now it can be seen by a fool, he will definitely die if he doesn't run.

After all, even the half-step master Danba was beaten by the Blood Corpse King and could not fight back.

You, a little grandmaster, dare to rush down?

This arrogance is heard and heard!

At this time, the Great Master Danba also found an opportunity to turn around and ran out.

But looking at Luo Chen, who was leading the charge, couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

Immediately the Great Master Danba shouted angrily.

"Little baby, even if you are looking for death by yourself, you actually rushed down with someone?"

"Even my half-step magic power can only escape, you a little grandmaster still dare to come?"

But Luo Chenli ignored him.

But when the Great Master Danba saw Luo Chen rushing over so persistently, he didn't speak any more.

Because the Blood Corpse King behind him chased him.

Before Xue Sha and the others approached, they were almost forced to retreat by that evil spirit.

I just watched it from a long distance on the mountainside, but now I rushed to a closer distance, and I immediately felt the suffocating aura rushing toward my face.

You can't feel the suffocation in general, but if you really have the experience of opening a coffin, you should be able to feel it.

The coffin with evil spirits, the moment it opened.

That kind of breath will come right away, with a smell, as long as you smell it, you will immediately feel a headache, which is extremely uncomfortable.

And the whole body will be involuntarily afraid.

This is instinct!

But now this strong suffocating aura caused the breath exhaled by Xue Sha and others to form icy **** in the air, which shows how strong this breath is!

The blood evil people almost ran away when they wanted to turn around.

But seeing Luo Chen still moving forward, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

Nearly, the Great Master Danba rushed over, already less than five meters away from Luo Chen, but the Great Master Danba suddenly found something wrong.

Because the blood corpse king behind actually stopped.

The Great Master Danba looked back at the Blood Corpse King in surprise.

Because he found that the Blood Corpse King had not only stopped, but also retreated cautiously at this time.

The Great Master Danba was stunned.

Is the Blood Corpse King afraid?

Wu Qiming, who was halfway up the mountain, was stunned when he saw this scene.

Then everyone saw a scene that they will never forget.

Luo Chen strode past the Great Master Danba, and every time Luo Chen took a step forward, the Blood Corpse King took a step back.

One forward, one backward!

There was an unbelievable look on the **** face.

"Our instructor Luo is so scary? Are the blood corpses scared?"

"Impossible!" The Great Master Danba also stopped aside.

It is indeed impossible.

Didn't Luo Chen say that he was just a master?

He, a half-step psychic, was chased by the Blood Corpse King and fled like a mouse crossing the street.

The one who had just been beaten was like a grandson, and he simply lost the title of tantric master and great mage in the face.

Can a master in a small area scare the Blood Corpse King back?

Is this **** possible?

But this is indeed the case.

Luo Chen quickened his pace, and the retreat of the Blood Corpse King also quickened.

Then in all the incredible eyes, the Blood Corpse King who had just been chasing the Great Master Danba finally couldn't stand it. He whimpered, turned his head and ran away.

It has produced spiritual wisdom, able to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

He knew the person in front of him, and he was blown up on Haidong, how could he not remember?

And it can feel that it is not the opponent's opponent, it is a sense of crushing and oppression without resistance.

The blood evil spirit and others could feel the evil spirit on the blood corpse king.

But the Blood Corpse King could also feel that kind of oppression in Luochen.

So just now, the Great Master Danba was chasing the Blood Corpse King like a mouse. At this moment, he was fleeing like a frightened mouse.

"What are you running?" Luo Chen murmured, then speeded up to catch up.

Blood Fiend, Wu Qiming, and Great Master Danba next saw a scene that they will never forget.

The Blood Corpse King, who could chase even half-step gods, was now being chased by a small master.

Run from east to west, from south to north!

The Great Master Danba's mouth opened wide, and his chin was about to fall out.

Then the Blood Corpse King was finally intercepted by Luo Chen first.

"Boom!" Just a straight punch, without any fancy, a simple punch!

The Blood Corpse King was directly beaten out.

Next, the scene with the Great Master Danba just took place.

But this time the subject was replaced by the Blood Corpse King.

It flew around like a ball.

Too violent.

The earth was smashed out of pits one after another.

Even some giant rocks around were broken.

Don't talk about the blood evil, even the Danba Master was scared in cold sweat at this moment.

"You instructor is a person?"

"Dead bald, what are you talking about?" Xuehu cursed in a deep voice.

But in fact, people of Blood Fiend have this feeling.

Why is this instructor Luo really human?

Too cruel, the invincible Blood Corpse King was like a rabbit with a broken leg in Luo Chen's hands.


The Blood Corpse King was grabbed by Luo Chen's ankle and slammed on a huge boulder.

Without the strength to fight back, he was cut off like a grandson.

It was terrible.

"I said what are you doing in a daze?" Luo Chen dragged a foot of the Blood Corpse King, and said to the blood tiger and the others as he walked.

The Blood Corpse King was dragged out a long blood line on the ground!

"Hurry up and work, I still want to go back soon after the fight." Luo Chen was a little dissatisfied with Blood Tiger and the others watching the show.

When Danba heard this, he almost fell to the ground!

There is a kind of feeling. An old farmer pulls greens out of the field, and then says he has to go back for a drink after pulling out.

But is that green vegetables?

Then the **** blood king!

The Blood Tiger and the others moved quickly and rushed directly into the zombie group.

And Luo Chen dragged the half-dead Blood Corpse King to a boulder, leaned on the boulder, stepped on the Blood Corpse King, and lit a cigarette.

The Blood Corpse King was suppressed by Luo Chen with a secret technique, and could not turn into a blood mist to escape.

At this moment, it was as if it was really just a corpse, unable to move.

But at this time, the Great Master Danba stepped up halfway up the mountain and didn't dare to stay there anymore. He was afraid that if he stayed, he would have to find a hole to get in.

The person who had half-stepped to the gods was shaved like a grandson by the blood corpse king, and then the blood corpse king was shaved like a grandson by his despised master.

He decided to stay in the Tibetan area after this time, and never come to Central Plains again.

Are the masters of the Central Plains so terrible?

What about other masters?

However, Luo Chen took advantage of this opportunity to kick the blood corpse.

"Don't pretend to be dead, I know you can understand me." "Get up and stand!"