Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 247

Chapter 247

I said I would sell it for you, right?

As soon as Luo Chen said this, Jiang Yifei instinctively felt something was wrong.

Liu Yunwei's smile instantly solidified on his face.

Shen Yuelan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sell it out?" Jiang Yifei's smile disappeared.

"Papa!" Luo Chen clapped and clapped.

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang, for your cooperation! Thank you, I will invite you to dinner later."

"Domineering, just throw one million away!" Luo Chen laughed mockingly.

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me clearly!" Jiang Yifei suddenly felt that this matter must be tricky.

"This elder brother just made a bet with me that he can help me sell all these medicinal materials." Ren Siyu is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

So at this time I just said the words directly.

"What the **** is going on?" Jiang Yifei's expression was already gloomy to the extreme.

"That's how you saw it." Luo Chen spread his hands with a smile.

"You didn't intend to buy these medicinal materials at all?" Liu Yunwei was not stupid, and he reacted at this moment and said with a black face.

"I didn't say I want to buy it again." Luo Chen smiled.

Jiang Tongran on the side smiled not kindly.

Even Shen Yuelan wanted to laugh a little.

"Then you just asked about the price, and you raised the price?"

"Are you stupid? I can't ask yet?" Luo Chen looked at Jiang Yifei and Luo Chen like an idiot.

"You're right, fighting with you, I am indeed a little tender." Luo Chen said ironically.

Jiang Yifei and Liu Yunwei are not fools either, they have fully reacted now, this is the trick Luo Chen gave them.

They deliberately calculated that they would target him, and then deliberately brought up those drugs in front of them to lure them, and deliberately asked the price, just to make him misunderstand.

Then he bought the medicine and even raised the price on purpose.

This is a very simple trick, but the two of them fell short.

At this moment, the two of them no longer had the calm, strategizing posture they had before, and their lofty faces changed in an instant.

Become angry into anger.

Indeed, one million is nothing to Jiang Yifei.

But the most annoying is not this million, but Luo Chen's purpose is to help others sell all the medicine.

Then I stupidly got into this trap to buy the medicine, and it was still a high price of one million!

Originally thought he was humiliating Luo Chen, suppressing Luo Chen, and embarrassing Luo Chen.

But in a blink of an eye, they were humiliated and Luo Chen crushed their IQ.

It is conceivable that Luo Chen just saw Jiang Yifei's constant price hikes, and when he saw Jiang Yifei's arrogant posture, he didn't know if he had already burst into laughter in his heart.

After all, the more Jiang Yifei raised the price, the more he appeared to be a fool.

Liu Yunwei became angry from shame on the side, because he thought it was humiliating Luo Chen, but he thought that this was what Luo Chen had designed and humiliated them.

Now they two are like two big fools!

And it would be shameful if this matter were spread.

After all, such low-level tricks can be fooled.

It is totally inconsistent with their second-generation rich and wealthy.

"You two have colluded a long time ago, this is a fraud!" Liu Yunwei snorted coldly.

"Uncle, what you said is wrong. First, I didn't collude with this big brother. Second, you have to buy this. I didn't force you."

Ren Siyu said badly, even deliberately calling Liu Yunwei an uncle.

"The surname Luo, you are looking for death!" Liu Yunwei let out cruel words, as if he was so embarrassed that he was about to do it.

He has always been displeased with Luo Chen, always thinking of beating Luo Chen with his own hands to relieve his hatred!

In his eyes, Luo Chen is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't care about ten Luo Chen in terms of skill.

But at this moment, Yu Shasha pulled Liu Yunwei's hand to signal that someone was coming.

Liu Yunwei looked into the distance, and his face sank.

The Apu Zi Puppet is here again.

So after Liu Yunwei said a few words in Jiang Yifei's ear, Jiang Yifei also looked at Luo Chen bitterly.

"Hmph, count your luck today." Liu Yunwei and Jiang Yifei left together.

Yu Shasha naturally followed.

"You are very happy with this skin?" Shen Yuelan said.

She likes Luo Chen more and more, and this child is indeed extremely good in doing things or in life.

It can even be said that it is even better than some of the big and young people she has seen.

For example, this hand with Jiang Yifei just now.

With Jiang Yifei's brains all deceived, it can be seen that Luo Chen is very powerful. Fortunately, this child is not bad.

"You don't stop watching him fooled?" Luo Chen asked back.

"It's okay to let him suffer a little, don't be ignorant all day." Shen Yuelan smiled cheerfully.

One million for Jiang Yifei to buy a lesson is already very worthwhile.

"If it's really your relative, you'd better let him converge a little. Next time, he won't have such good luck." Luo Chen shook his head.

"Boy, you're still lawless, right?"

"Although I don't know your details, I advise you not to provoke him. He has nothing to do with you. He must not be able to play with you, but he is also the son of the chairman of Tianyao Group."

"And Tianyao Group is the prince of the Yanjingjiang family. That is not an ordinary small character, and the power is beyond your imagination." Shen Yuelan was also regarded as a warning to Luo Chen.

Of course, she was also for Luo Chen's good, and she was afraid that Luo Chen would cause any major trouble.

The Jiang family of Yanjing, like the Shen family, is truly a big family in China!

Not a city or a province, but the whole country!

The Shi family in Xiangxi is now faintly known as the first family in Xiangxi, but that is just a canine tooth of the Jiang family.

One can imagine how terrifying the Jiang family is.

But does the Jiang family's influence stop at this point?

As soon as he said this, Apu Zipu came with a contract.

This made Shen Yuelan excited, while signing the contract, she secretly boasted that Luo Chen had come.

But she still decided to find a chance to beat Luo Chen well, not to engage Jiang Yifei completely.

After all, the Yanjing Jiang family, it was really terrifying to the extreme.

A few people signed the contract. After Luo Chen and Ren Siyu had agreed, they went back to the hotel first. He had to go to the hotel tomorrow to gather medicine with Ren Siyu and refine some pills to resist corpse poison.

This matter has to be paid close attention to, because perhaps the blood evil side has to prepare for action.

On the other side, it was a quaint stockade. In a stilted building, a young man with a pattern on his face led Jiang Yifei, Liu Yunwei and others into it.

If the young man looked carefully, he felt a little silly, and his eyes were a little dull.

"Daddy, Shao Jiang is here." The young man looked into the darkness. "Uncle Gui, it's been a long time." Jiang Yifei said hello.