Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 246

Chapter 246

"Sell it for me?" Ren Siyu was taken aback.

"I have a lot of herbs here." Ren Siyu thought Luo Chen was joking.

There are a lot of herbs in her stall, and most people don't need them even if they buy them all back.

And some herbs are quite expensive.

In fact, she is here, and it would be nice to sell one plant in two or three days.

For example, those ginseng and fleece-flower roots, tortoise shells, and tiger whip are all used for the facade, and I never thought they could be sold.

This was originally her dad's booth, and if her dad was not sick, she would not come.

"How is it?" Luo Chen asked again.

Perhaps Ren Siyu thought this little brother was very funny, so he nodded and said.

"Okay, don't say all, even if it's half sold, I not only tell me where to pick the herbs, but how about taking you there myself?" Ren Siyu smiled.

"I said everything is all, but how about you not to interrupt?" Luo Chen asked.

"Okay, I want to see how you sell it?" Ren Siyu didn't believe it at all, rolled his eyes and said.

And Jiang Tongran was also stunned, she was also quite curious, what exactly would Luo Chen do to sell those herbs?

But Luo Chen had already turned around, and then deliberately pulled towards Jiang Yifei and Liu Yunwei.

Jiang Yifei's expression became increasingly gloomy when he saw this scene.

"Sister Xiaoran, when we wait to leave, you remember to remind me that those few medicines are very important to me." Luo Chen suddenly spoke to Jiang Tongran, and then pointed to Ren Siyu's stall.

"Ah? Oh, good!" Jiang Tongran was also a little stunned, didn't he say not to buy medicine?

Why did you tell him again?

But Jiang Tongran did not express his doubts.

"Boy, do you still need any medicine?"

"Isn't it enough to buy it now?" Shen Yuelan didn't take it seriously.

A group of people immediately walked towards Ren Siyu's booth.

"Little sister, how do you sell this medicine?" Luo Chen said.

Ren Siyu was strange, and then he was stunned before speaking.

"Didn't you just now?"

"Little sister, how do you sell this medicine?" Jiang Yifei suddenly spoke from the side at this moment.

"Which one are you talking about?" Ren Siyu said.

"No, everything I said!" Jiang Yifei sneered.

"Then I will calculate the price."

"That's a little inappropriate for you, right?" Luo Chen frowned.

"Why is it inappropriate?" Liu Yunwei also sneered from the side.

"Anyone must pay attention to come first, then come later?" Luo Chen pretended to look ugly.

"Things are here, no matter who comes first, anyone can buy them." Jiang Yifei said proudly.

"I'll say it again, I came first." Luo Chen said solemnly.

"Huh, did you come first?" Liu Yunwei sneered again, obviously trying to challenge Luo Chen.

He just wanted to have trouble with Luo Chen, including Jiang Yifei.

"How about you who came first?"

"Just allow you to buy it from Master Luo, and not allow others to buy it?"

"It seems like you have passed away, Master Luo, who is going to play awe-inspiring in Qingshui City." Liu Yunwei looked at Luo Chen coldly.

"Forget it, it's 10,000 in total!" Ren Siyu interrupted at this time.

"Okay, I want it all." Jiang Yifei looked at Luo Chen, his eyes full of provocation.

"Twelve thousand!" Luo Chen increased the price.

"Thirteen thousand!" Jiang Yifei smiled triumphantly.

Jiang Tongran wanted to speak at this time, but was stopped by Shen Yuelan.

She always feels something is wrong.

"Twenty thousand!" Luo Chen said at this moment.

Suddenly a group of people next to him also gathered around, ready to watch the excitement.

"I said you don't just ask for the price, and don't buy it later!" Something good said.

"Thirty thousand!" Jiang Yifei didn't even frown.

"Fifty thousand!" Luo Chen gritted his teeth, as if it was because Jiang Yifei's price increase seemed a bit embarrassing.

"Sixty thousand!" Jiang Yifei looked at Luo Chen's expression, and became happier.

"Do you have to stand up to me today?" Luo Chenhan said.

"How can this be a bargaining?"

"I have taken a fancy to these medicines. Youdao is for the higher price."

"If you can't afford the money or think it's expensive, you don't need to buy it." Jiang Yifei, as the son of the chairman of Tianyao Group, never lacks money.

Moreover, tens of thousands of dollars is like a few dollars in his eyes, so he doesn't care at all.

What he cared about was not allowing Luo Chen to get these medicines.

Because Luo Chen just said that these medicines are very important to him.

Although he didn't know which of these medicines were important to Luo Chen, it didn't matter, he had money, and he could buy them all.

Looking at Luo Chen's anxious look now, he became more happy.

Liu Yunwei next to him was also happy to see Luo Chen embarrassed.

Are you richer than the Jiang family?

Haha, it's almost a matter of life and death, even if the Jiang family doesn't buy it, he will buy it.

Even if buying these medicines is of no use, he will buy them.

Just to make Luo Chen uncomfortable!

"What's the matter? Young Master Luo can't afford to increase the price?" Liu Yunwei smiled happily on the side.

"Seventy thousand!" Luo Chen seemed to be even more angry.

"Hmph, one hundred thousand!" Jiang Yifei still sneered calmly.

"Two hundred thousand!" Luo Chen seemed to have made a lot of determination this time.

"Three hundred thousand!" Jiang Yifei still didn't care.

"Six hundred thousand!" Luo Chen seemed to be trembling with anger.

But Jiang Yifei was very leisurely, he enjoyed the scene before him very much.

"One million!" Jiang Yifei smiled.

Luo Chen seemed to hesitate, and then finally seemed to give up again.

"Okay, then you take it." Luo Chen pretended to smile.

"Don't use your set, I've seen it through a long time ago." Jiang Yifei still sneered.

Then he asked about Ren Siyu's bank card, and really transferred a million to Ren Siyu on the spot.

"One million is not a thing at all to me."

"But it makes you feel uncomfortable. This million is worth the money. Do you think I will be angry because you raised the price and made me pay a million?" Jiang Yifei seemed to be winning.

"You are wrong, you want to fight with me, you are still a little tender, young man." Jiang Yifei began to learn the old man's tone.

Indeed, to Jiang Yifei, one million is only one hundred yuan equivalent to an ordinary person, or even not yet.

"You have money, it's so capricious." Jiang Yifei sneered across his face.

He deliberately wanted to embarrass Luo Chen and made Luo Chen feel angry and aggrieved.

"Luo Chen, fight with Jiang Shao, you don't have the qualifications yet!" Liu Yunwei was naturally happy when he saw Luo Chen deflated.

If it wasn't for Jiang Yifei to take the lead, he would also take it.

What if it costs a million?

This amount of money is a trivial matter to him, let alone Jiang Yifei?

Yu Shasha shook her head and sighed.

Luo Chen still didn't have the background to fight with these rich and young.

Fortunately, he stood in time and chose Liu Yunwei.

"Luo Chen, listen to my advice, you should go back to Haidong, staying here is not good for you." Yu Shasha shook her head.

But Luo Chen ignored Yu Sha Sha, instead looked at Ren Siyu.

"How?" "I said I would sell it for you, so I sold it for you, right?"