Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Corpse poison?

Luo Chen raised his brows, it seemed that the matter was a bit serious.

"Some time ago, some livestock in the town always died inexplicably, and several pheasants that I raised on Adi Mountain also died."

"It's fine if I died, my father felt a little pity, so he took it home and simmered and ate it, and ended up getting sick." Ren Siyu said.

"Are anyone else poisoned?" Luo Chen asked.

"There are several others, all of them were poisoned by eating the dead animals." Ren Siyu sighed.

Luo Chen felt that he had to deal with this matter as soon as possible. The stockade that was all zombies was in the depths of the mountain and was now isolated.

The zombies inside are strange, they haven't come out to make a mess, but it's not a problem to just let them go.

Who knows when the accident will happen?

And now the corpse poison is also beginning to spread.

Although the people of Blood Fiend were already waiting there to prepare.

But for safety, Luo Chen still had to refine some pills to resist corpse poison.

"Take me into the mountain to pick up medicine first." Luo Chen said.

"Okay, but I called a few of my classmates together. Now the rumors of zombies are raging, even in the daytime it is dangerous." Ren Siyu said.

Luo Chen nodded. After all, Ren Siyu is a girl, and it is normal to be afraid.

Soon two BMW cars drove over, and it seems that Ren Siyu's friends are in pretty good background.

A few young people got out of the car, five boys aged seventeen or eighteen, and a girl.

All dressed up are extremely fashionable, but the boys have miao knives around their waists.

One of the young people saw Ren Siyu and walked towards Ren Siyu.

"Siyu, how is your father's illness?" The young man looked a little dark, but he was tall and mighty, with a Miao knife hanging around his waist.

"Not bad." Ren Siyu said.

"By the way, Brother Luo, this is my classmate, Shi Jun."

"Is this your friend?" Shi Jun looked at Luo Chen with unfriendly eyes.

He had been chasing Ren Siyu, and seeing a strange man beside Ren Siyu at the moment, he was naturally a little unfriendly.

Ren Siyu nodded.

"Siyu, isn't this your boyfriend?" the girl teased, her name is Feifei.

As soon as he said this, Shi Jun's expression became even more unnatural.

"Where, just ordinary friends." Ren Siyu smiled and kicked Feifei, and Feifei smiled and hid.

"Big brother, don't think about the rain, Shi Jun is the son of the mayor's family, and he can't afford to be in this area." Feifei said with a smile.

Although Shi Jun was a bit dark, but tall and mighty, he was much more reliable than Luo Chen's little white face.

And Shi Jun has a good family background and a good background.

Even at school, he is considered a man of the world.

But Shi Jun showed a proud look at this time.

He is the son of the mayor's family, and he has some face in Fenghuang Ancient Town, even some small gangsters will give him a bit of face.

Luo Chen shook his head, he was naturally not interested in the relationship between these children.

Feifei suddenly felt a little self-proclaimed and boring when she saw Luo Chen's answer.

Shi Jun looked at Luo Chen coldly, and he became a little unfriendly.

Ren Siyu led the way and walked side by side with Luo Chen.

Shi Jun felt a little dissatisfied and touched the Miao Dao in his hand.

"I'm such an adult, it's shameful to be afraid of going into the mountain." Feifei had a bad impression of Luo Chen because of Luo Chen's indifference to her just now.

"Shi Jun, you have to be careful, don't let people **** Siyu away under their noses." Feifei reminded.

Shi Jun snorted coldly.

"He dare, give him 10,000 courage, he doesn't dare, if he really dares to have any ideas, I will prevent him from getting out of Phoenix Ancient Town."

"Brother Jun, do you want to go back and teach that kid a lesson?" A classmate of Shi Jun asked.

He also belongs to this ancient town of Phoenix, and his family has a restaurant, which is considered some capital.

"Let's talk about it later." Shi Jun sneered.

Soon I entered the mountain, the mountain was empty, the birds were whispering, the clouds were lingering, the trees were shaded, and the air was exceptionally fresh.

"The front is coming soon." Ren Siyu pointed to the mountain ahead.

However, the cliffs of the mountain seemed to have come to an end.

But after approaching, Ren Siyu led a few people through clusters of bushes, and then a cave appeared. The cave was not very long, only a few meters away.

But it was blocked by the bush, and you would really not be able to find it if you were not paying attention.

After passing through the cave, my eyes suddenly opened up. It was a grand canyon. The sky above the valley was covered by clouds and fog. Obviously, it was difficult to find. The surrounding cliffs were like swords stuck in the ground.

But Luo Chen felt a hint of aura here.

This place in Xiangxi has been mysterious since ancient times, whether it is the legend of witchcraft or the mystery of corpse chasing.

Moreover, it is close to Zhangjiajie, which is even more mysterious. It is rumored that Qin Shihuang was there to drive mountains and fill the sea, which is almost a myth.

The most bizarre thing is that the flying dragon incident on the Internet some time ago, even if I search the Internet now, I can still see the clear video.

As for whether it is true or false, it is not known.

But Luo Chen did feel a trace of aura here.

The mountains and clear waters here are like a fairyland on earth. With Luochen's eyesight, he naturally found the yellow spring grass he wanted.

Although it is called Yellow Spring Grass, this grass can resist corpse poison.

Of course, the pure yellow spring grass is not so effective, but it is naturally different in Luo Chen's hands.

However, it is not enough to have yellow spring grass, and a few adjuvants are needed.

After picking the yellow spring grass, it was already afternoon.

The group began to go back, after all, if it is late, it will be troublesome when it gets dark.

Luo Chen also respected Ren Siyu's decision.

When we arrived at the ancient town of Phoenix, Feifei suddenly suggested that everyone should sing.

"Brother Luo, why don't you go with us too." Ren Siyu sincerely invited.

"I have things left, so let's not go." Luo Chen shook his head, not wanting to go with them.

"Actually, today is my birthday." Ren Siyu said.

"If you don't cross the river, just demolish the bridge. How can I say that I will take you to gather medicine today. If you don't accompany me, I won't take you to gather medicine tomorrow." Ren Siyu smiled.

Of course, this sentence is also a joke, if Luo Chen does not agree, in fact, Ren Siyu will still take Luo Chen.

Seeing what Ren Siyu said, Luo Chen didn't have to agree with it.

After all, they did help.

But this made Shi Jun and the others unhappy, because Ren Siyu couldn't say it directly. "Hmph, find a chance to make him ugly later!" Shi Jun sneered on the side.