Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 343

Chapter 343

Chapter 343 What happens if you choose the second one?

On the way back, Chen Congjun seemed to want to say something, but there was a hesitant expression on his face. He opened his mouth several times and swallowed everything.

"Second uncle, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but ask.

Chen Congjun rubbed his hands, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Jiang Hai, there is something I want to tell you, but I just don't know how to say it."

"Second uncle, it's said that we are a family, what's wrong with talking about it?

Anyway, what's the matter? "

Chen Jianghai patted the second uncle's arm and said.

Chen Congjun said hesitantly: "Actually, it's your third uncle."

Chen Jianghai raised his brows involuntarily: "Third uncle?

What's up with him? "

Chen Congjun sighed: "Jiang Hai, I'm almost fifty, I can live the rest of my life safely in the village.

But your third uncle is only in his thirties, he is still young, you have to help him! "

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai already understood what the second uncle meant.

This is to give the third uncle a future, but Chen Congjun doesn't want the third uncle to go directly to the factory to be a worker.

After all, I just wanted Chen Jianghai to arrange a good errand.

Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "Second uncle, if the third uncle really has this idea, I definitely support it. I'm afraid he doesn't have this idea himself and is unwilling to come out."

"Jiang Hai, he definitely wants to go out, but this person hides everything in his heart and doesn't want to tell others."

Chen Congjun said very firmly.

"Okay, then when it's time for dinner, I'll ask the third uncle?"

Chen Jianghai thought for a while and said.

Chen Congjun nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, he will definitely say if you ask."

Back at Chen Congjun's house, Qian Xiuyun had already prepared the meal.

"Xiaohu, go and call your third uncle, say your brother is back, and invite him to dinner."


Knowing that there is another delicious food today, Xiaohu happily ran out.

It didn't take long for Chen Jiangong to rush over, and a few people came to the table.

At the dinner table, the third uncle Chen Jianguo spoke very little, and only lowered his head to eat, while Chen Congjun frowned.

"Third, didn't you tell me two days ago that you want to find Jiang Hai for an errand?

Now that Jiang Hai is here, tell him yourself. "

After hearing this, Chen Jianguo looked up at Chen Congjun and then at Chen Jianghai, but he didn't speak for a long time.

This Chen Congjun was in a hurry, and he almost didn't do it.

"Third uncle, just chat, do you have any ideas?"

Chen Jianghai asked casually.

Perhaps seeing Chen Jianghai's attitude, or really wanting to change his current life, Chen Jiangong finally put down his chopsticks and spoke.

"Jiang Hai, I want to work behind you to make money. I will live in the city in the future."

Seeing Chen Jiangong speak, Chen Congjun's dangling heart finally came down.

"Jiang Hai, your third uncle went to junior high school. What kind of work do you think he can do?"

He warned next to him, and then looked at Chen Jianghai eagerly and waited for him to make a decision.

Chen Jianghai did not rush to speak, but thought about it secretly.

On Qiuhai's side, the only thing that can be given to the third uncle is some team leader positions.

However, there is a lot of shortage of people on Jin Zhijiang's side, so you can try it there.

As for what to do, let Jin Zhijiang figure it out by himself, and of course Chen Jianghai won't say hello casually. This is a matter of principle.

"Third uncle, there are two choices, it depends on where you want to go."

Although Chen Jianghai had an idea, he couldn't make up his mind for the third uncle, so he raised **** and said.

"You say what you say, let your third uncle choose by himself."

Chen Congjun said quickly.

"The first one is to go to Qiuhai to be a team leader or something. It's very easy to live. You can be promoted to a director or something. As for the second one..."

Having said that, Chen Jianghai paused for a while.

"Jiang Hai, don't give up, just say it!"

Chen Congjun said anxiously.

Chen Jiangong also looked at Chen Jianghai eagerly.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Second, I'm going to start a project recently, you can follow along. If you can do it well, I can give you a certain share."


What is this? "

Chen Congjun looked puzzled.

Chen Jianghai explained with a smile: "It's actually money, but this money cannot be withdrawn in cash, it takes time."

"Then... how much is this share worth?"

Chen Congjun glanced at Chen Jiangong, and finally asked him.

"This, I don't know right now."

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said calmly.

Now it was Chen Congjun's turn to be dumbfounded.

I don't know what this means?

"Jiang Hai, you are the boss, how could you not know?"

Chen Congjun couldn't help asking.

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "Second uncle, third uncle, this is a new project, the future will be a loss or a profit, and it is unpredictable for the time being."

Having said that, he knew very well in his heart that this was definitely a good project to make money.

But he can't say that now, so as not to affect the third uncle's choice.

If the third uncle wants to live a comfortable life in peace, choose the first one.

If you want to have a higher pursuit and make some achievements, then choose the second one.

Chen Jianghai only provides opportunities, but will not tell Chen Jiangong how to choose.

Chen Congjun thought for a while, and said to Chen Jiangong with a serious look: "Jiangong, let me choose the first one!"

Who knew that Chen Jiangong didn't speak, frowned and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Congjun was a little anxious: "Why are you hesitating?

Don't you know how well this electric kettle is selling now?

If you can really become a director in the Jianghai factory, you won't have to worry about it in this life. "

Chen Jianghai did not speak, and quietly waited for Chen Jiangong's answer.

"Jiang Hai, I'll choose the first one."

This is Chen Jiangong's final answer.

Chen Jianghai said cheerfully: "Okay, third uncle, when can you report to the factory?"

"There are still many things in the field, I..."

Chen Jiangong was interrupted by Chen Congjun before he could finish his words.

"What is there to worry about in the fields?

am I not at home?

You will report to the factory tomorrow! "

Chen Congjun is worthy of being a brother, and he came to a final decision directly, and did not let Chen Jiangong dawdle any more time.

"Okay, that's it!"

Chen Jianghai nodded and said nothing more.

Leaving Chenjia Village, on the way back, Lin Wanqiu suddenly asked curiously, "Jiang Hai, do you want Third Uncle to choose the first one or the second one?"

"Wan Qiu, why are you asking that?"

Chen Jianghai smiled.

"I can see that you actually want the third uncle to choose the second one, right?"

Lin Wanqiu followed.

Chen Jianghai asked in surprise: "Hey, how did you see it?"

The corner of Lin Wanqiu's mouth curled up and said, "You always like to put the good ones behind."

Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing when he heard it: "Then I have to change it in the future, but I can't let people see the details."

"Jiang If the third uncle chooses the second one, what will happen in the future?"

Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but ask again.

Chen Jianghai said solemnly: "How is it?

With any luck, billionaires are no problem! "


Lin Wanqiu looked at Chen Jianghai dully, not knowing what to say.


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