Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Chapter 342 This is not good!

After breakfast the next day, Chen Jianghai went out with Lin Wanqiu.

The main body of the old house has been completed. Chen Jianghai wants to go there and take a look. By the way, he will take Wan Qiu to relax.

Originally, I wanted to bring my mother-in-law, but she was too embarrassed to follow.

After all, I misunderstood Chen Jianghai only yesterday and felt a little embarrassed.

Chen Jianghai naturally did not force it.

Of course, before going to Chenjia Village, Chen Jianghai went to Zhongbaiyi Store to buy a lot of food and drink.

These are all gifts for the second and third uncles.

Chen Jianghai knew that his father, Chen Liye, felt guilty about these two brothers, and most of the reasons were because he was not good enough at the beginning.

So he has to make up for this defect so that Dad can hold his chest up.

Along the way, Chen Jianghai drove very slowly, for fear that Lin Wanqiu was pregnant, so it took more than an hour to arrive.

After entering the village, Chen Jianghai drove the car directly to the door of the second uncle's house.

After parking the car, Chen Jianghai quickly walked to the side where Lin Wanqiu was sitting, helped her open the car door, and at the same time stretched out a hand to protect her head.

This posture, that is called a cautious.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing this, Lin Wanqiu blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Chen Jianghai said as a matter of course: "You are the key protection object of our family, of course you have to be extra careful."

While the two were talking, Chen Congjun also came out of the house.

"Jiang Hai, you are here!"

"Second uncle, I came to see you today, is the third uncle at home?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

"Your third uncle went to the market, and will be back in a while, go to the house!"

After that, Chen Congjun enthusiastically pulled Chen Jianghai into the house.

"Second uncle, don't worry, I still have something to take down!"

Chen Jianghai said quickly.


Chen Congjun asked suspiciously.

Chen Jianghai smiled: "It's nothing, I just brought something for you and the third uncle."

Chen Congjun's eyes widened: "Look at you child, it's alright if you come, what else do you bring?"

That being said, the smile on Chen Congjun's face did not stop for a moment.

Chen Jianghai didn't answer, and then took out a bunch of large and small bags from the trunk.

"Why are you **** still standing still?

Why don't you come and help your brother get something! "

As soon as Chen Congjun spoke, he stood by and watched as the children of Chen Jianghai and his wife rushed up, and the things on the ground were immediately removed.

"Come on! Come into the house!"

When they got home, Chen Congjun asked his wife Qian Xiuyun to quickly pour a glass of water for the two of them.

Qian Xiuyun was happy with the patronage, and then she came back to her senses, and hurriedly responded to pour water.

Afterwards, the two uncles and nephews started chatting.

Chen Jianghai, who has been a man of two generations, is naturally not low in emotional intelligence. Before long, Chen Congjun lost his sense of restraint, and the room was full of his laughter.

"By the way, Jiang Hai, when will your dad come back?"

Chen Congjun asked.

Chen Jianghai said helplessly: "Second uncle, my dad doesn't want to come back yet."

Hearing this, Chen Congjun frowned immediately: "The house at home has been built, why is he outside if he doesn't come back?"

Chen Jianghai sighed slightly: "Second uncle, you know my dad's temper. We said it was useless. You and the third uncle should persuade him well."

Chen Congjun spared his head: "Hey, big brother is just a stubborn temper! When your third uncle comes back, let's call him and talk to him!"

Chen Jianghai quickly thanked: "Then I will thank the second uncle first!"

"No, no, when will Wan Qiu be born?"

Chen Congjun asked again.

Chen Jianghai turned his head and glanced: "The due date should be in November."

Chen Congjun followed suit and said, "You have to take good care of it, and let your second aunt tell Wan Qiu if there is anything you need to pay attention to."

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "Second uncle, thank you."

Chen Congjun waved his hand: "Look what you said, it's all a family, it should be!"

"Second uncle, I'll go over to see the house first, and come back for dinner later."

Chen Jianghai got up and said.

"Come on, I'll go with you!"

Chen Congjun instructed Qian Xiuyun to cook at home, and then followed Chen Jianghai to the new house.

In a month, the main body of the house is basically the same.

In the entire Chenjia Village, this is the first three-story small western-style building, which stands out among many bungalows.

Chen Congjun would come here every day to take a look, and he couldn't be shaken.

People in the same village are very envious, saying that both Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong are over.

With such a promising nephew, the days to come will definitely get better and better.

Chen Congjun didn't think much about this.

Having spent half his life in Chenjia Village and a farmer for half his life, he has long been accustomed to this kind of life.

Now the only thing he can't worry about is the children at home.

Some time ago, his eldest son had been sent to Qiuhai to work.

He can endure hardship himself, but he doesn't want to suffer the children.

At first, Chen Congjun was still worried whether Chen Jianghai would help with this.

But later Chen Jianghai agreed directly, and personally sent Chen Xiaolong to the factory.

After Chen Congjun found out, he was very grateful.

The unsatisfactory nephew in the past has really changed now. Not only is he sensible, but he also has the ability.

"Jiang Hai, I think it won't be long before this house can be built. It's really big!"

Chen Congjun said with envy on his face.

Chen Jianghai pointed to the room: "Second uncle, there are also your second and third uncles here. You can live with my dad then."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Chen Congjun couldn't help but be stunned: "Jianghai, do you mean to let me and your third uncle also live in?"


Chen Jianghai replied casually: "Otherwise, why would I build such a big house?"

Chen Jianghai also knew about the situation of the second and third uncles, and the conditions were not good.

Chen Jianghai is definitely going to help them now.

Moreover, this place was originally the ancestral house, so it was the right meaning of the title to let them live in.

Chen Congjun looked at Chen Jianghai and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Jiang Hai, we can't live in."

Chen Congjun finally shook his head and said.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but ask: "Why can't you live?"

Chen Congjun opened his mouth: "Jiang Hai, you built this house, how could our brothers live in it?"

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Second uncle, you said we were a family just now, but now you turn around and forget?"

"this is not"

Before Chen Congjun could finish speaking, he was interrupted directly by Chen Jianghai.

"Second uncle, it's settled like this! We are all family, why are we talking about this?

Besides, if my parents come back to live I still need you to take care of them! "

"Jiang Hai, this is not good!"

Chen Congjun still shook his head and refused.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and said, "Besides, when Xiaolong makes money and builds a new house, if you want to move out, I will definitely not stop you."

Chen Congjun couldn't say anything to Chen Jianghai, no matter what Chen Jianghai said, he still didn't agree in the end.

Regarding this matter, Chen Jianghai is not in a hurry, just click on it and show his attitude.


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