Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 344

Chapter 344

Chapter 344 is over before it begins

The reason why Chen Jianghai wants to reuse Jin Zhijiang is to develop ps1 game consoles.

If you make a red and white machine in China, it will definitely be no problem to make money.

But the reputation of piracy, I am afraid it will always follow Qiuhai.

This is the last thing Chen Jianghai wants to see.

As a prophetic rebirth, he has too many choices, and his vision is naturally not limited to the present.

Since it doesn't make red and white machines, then make its upgraded product: ps game console.

As long as this product is developed, several billionaires can still make it.

At present, this project that can create a group of billionaires is only a bare commander of Jin Zhijiang.

However, the real strong are always alone.

Of course, if you want to make a ps game console, Qiuhai does not have this technology today.

The only thing Chen Jianghai can do now is to recruit a group of professional and technical talents for Jin Zhijiang to come back.

The first thing Chen Jianghai thought of was Linghai Technical School.

But after getting to know Yan Hua for a while, he gave up the idea.

The level of students in Linghai Technical School is still far from the technical requirements of this project.

In this case, Chen Jianghai thought of another person: Ruan Guangming.

This project is a top priority now, and if you start early, you can take the lead early.

In the past few days, Chen Jianghai arranged things in the factory, explained it to Lin Wanqiu, and hurried to the province with Jin Zhijiang.

As soon as he arrived in the province, Chen Jianghai's bp machine rang.

The information was sent by Liang Haoyang, saying that Tong Qingxiong asked him to call back.

Seeing this information, after Chen Jianghai parked his car, he found a place to call Tong Qingxiong back.

"Mr. Chen!"

On the phone, Tong Qingxiong's tone was a little excited.

Chen Jianghai was very calm, and asked lightly, "Old Bear, what's the matter?"

Tong Qingxiong said quickly: "The CPU you explained to me, I have found it, and now I am waiting to sign the contract."

Next, Tong Qingxiong told Chen Jianghai some general contents of the contract in detail.

Price, quantity, mode of transportation, etc. These are all things that Chen Jianghai is very concerned about.

At this time, the cost of making international long-distance calls is very high, but Chen Jianghai doesn't care at all.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Chen Jianghai hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Chen Jianghai called Ruan Guangming again.

Ruan Guangming knew that Chen Jianghai was coming, so he could go directly to the Education Department.

Chen Jianghai walked to the counter to check out, the boss smiled and said, "Young man, are you calling home?

It's been a long time! "

Chen Jianghai smiled: "It's something at work."

"You are young, it seems that you are successful in industry!"

While talking, the boss started to inquire about the cost.

After seeing Chen Jianghai's phone bill, the boss's eyes almost popped out.

"Boy, where are you calling from?

How did you hit so many! "

Chen Jianghai asked calmly, "How much?"

"Eight hundred and seventy-three yuan!"

This year, international long distance starts at least 20 per minute, and it is still charged in stages.

The price the boss said is normal.

Without saying a word, Chen Jianghai took out nine old people's heads and placed them on the counter: "Here, get some money!"

Looking at the back of Chen Jianghai leaving, the boss couldn't help but muttered: "It's true that people can't be seen, and the sea can't be measured!"

"Mr. Chen, where are we going?"

In the car, Jin Zhijiang asked with some doubts.

"Department of Education."

On the way, Chen Jianghai asked a few people, and then he drove all the way to the door of the education hall.

What Chen Jianghai didn't expect was that Ruan Guangming was already waiting for him at the door.

"Mr. Chen, you are finally here. Welcome."

"Director Ruan, I'm really flattered that you came out to greet me in person!"

Chen Jianghai smiled and stretched out his hand.

Ruan Guangming laughed and shook hands with him enthusiastically: "Haha! Don't talk about this, come to my office to talk about anything."


Ruan Guangming's office is on the second floor. The office is not very big, but the things are arranged neatly and orderly.

When he came to the office, Ruan Guangming poured tea for the two of them.

Chen Jianghai smiled and introduced Jin Zhijiang to Ruan Guangming, and the two of them would definitely have a fight in the future.

This time, Chen Jianghai brought Jin Zhijiang here. In fact, he planned to set the base of the PS game console here.

After all, Linghai is a small county, and many places will limit the future development of Chen Jianghai.

As the capital of Xijiang Province, Pingshan City is much better than Linghai in all aspects.

"Mr. Chen, is there anything you need to do in the province this time?"

Ruan Guangming asked with a smile.

Chen Jianghai took a sip of tea and said calmly, "Director Ruan, this time I came to build a factory in Pingshan City."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, the other two people in the room were very surprised.

Jin Zhijiang is really confused now, Chen Jianghai said before that he wanted to recruit people in Pingshan City.

But now, he says he wants to build a factory.

Which one is real?

Jin Zhijiang has a lot of questions, but he knows that now is not the time to ask.

Ruan Guangming was surprised at first, but then he was ecstatic.

After learning about the industry-university-research model from Chen Jianghai last time, he always wanted to experiment with this model.

Ruan Guangming first went to several universities in Pingshan City, and the principals all agreed.

What Ruan Guangming didn't expect was that the school was found, but Ruan Guangming was worried about the enterprise.

Ruan Guangming first looked for state-owned enterprises, but the state-owned enterprises simply ignored this issue.

After all, the leaders of state-owned enterprises now have real rank.

There are some leaders who are higher than Ruan Guangming. On the surface, they may respect him as an intellectual, but in fact they do not buy Ruan Guangming's account at all.

Later, Ruan Guangming had no choice but to hit private enterprises.

What Ruan Guangming did not expect was that private enterprises refused more thoroughly.

Even if Ruan Guangming used the signboard of the Department of Education, this did not make these companies agree to cooperate.

The reason is very simple, the initial investment is large, and the benefits are slow.

These two points are simply not something that a small private enterprise with a small business can afford.

Because of this, Ruan Guangming was really worried about losing a lot of hair.

When he came back with this model, he told the leaders above that once the model was popularized, it would be of great significance to the education and business of the province.

But the leaders will not let the following directly implement this model based on Ruan Guangming's one-sided words.

After the leaders discussed it, they came up with such a solution.

This model was proposed by Ruan Guangming, so let him practice it once.

If it works, it will be implemented slowly.

If it doesn't work, don't mention it again.

The reason why Ruan Guangming worked so hard was mainly for the position of minister next year.

Without real results, no matter how good it is, it is not convincing.

Ruan Guangming is almost forty, and if he wants to go further, this is the best opportunity.

But what Ruan Guangming could never have imagined was that this model ended immediately before it even started.


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