Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 293

Chapter 293

Facing the resolute attitude of the two, Chen Jianghai could not laugh or cry.

If the conversation of these three people was heard by outsiders, their jaws would drop in shock.

What kind of operations are all of these things?

But from the perspective of Chen Jianghai and Jin Changan and Li Detian, it is completely reasonable for them to do so.

Jin Changan and Li Detian valued Chen Jianghai at first, but now that Chen Jianghai has come to this point, it is enough to prove that their vision is accurate.

As long as you maintain a good relationship with him, the benefits are naturally not comparable to this profit.

At that time, if Chen Jianghai has any good projects in his hands, and the two of them will follow the investment, will it be uncomfortable to earn money?

In Chen Jianghai's view, 3% of the shares are nothing to him at all.

After all, his future goal, but the top 100 companies in China and even the world, the electric kettle factory, is just the beginning.

The purpose of Jin Changan and Li Detian was not for shares, but Chen Jianghai didn't care about the shares, which is why the scene just now happened.

Of course, it is indeed necessary to distinguish the shares clearly. The difference between a Qiuhai Kettle Factory and a Qiuhai Group is still very big!

"Jiang Hai, that's the deal, hurry up and do it!" Li Detian urged.

Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll let Liang Haoyang handle it."

Li Detian and Jin Changan finally felt relieved: "This is the best, then we will go back and wait for the news."

"Okay, walk slowly."

Watching Jin Changan and Li Detian go out, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Jianghai's mouth.

These two old brothers are real people!

After going home for dinner in the evening, Chen Jianghai checked the time and called his parents.

In order to facilitate contact, the last time he went, he had someone install a phone at his brother's house.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen knew that Lin Wanqiu was pregnant, and they were naturally very happy.

Finally, we talked about the New Year.

"Mom and dad, do you want to come back to Linghai for the New Year this year?" Chen Jianghai asked.

Now that he has changed his house, even if Lin Wanqiu's parents are there, he can still live there.

On the other end of the phone, there was silence for a while.

"This, I have to ask your brother."

Chen Jianghai could hear that, Chen Liye's tone was a little hesitant.

"Dad, if you find it inconvenient, I can take Wanqiu to your place for the New Year."

Chen Jianghai quickly said again.

At this time, the voice of my mother Wang Shufen came over the phone.

"Wanqiu is finally pregnant with a child now, how can she be bumpy on the road? Tell Jiang Hai, let's go back to Linghai this year to celebrate the New Year!"

Only then did Chen Liye react, and he quickly agreed: "You are right, I am confused. Jiang Hai, let's clean up and go back to Linghai."

"Dad, why don't I pick you up tomorrow!"

"No, no, just take good care of Wan Qiu at home."

Chen Liye refused without hesitation.

"Where's my brother? If my brother comes back, my sister-in-law's side..." Chen Jianghai thought for a while and asked again.

"This is not something you have to worry about, Jiang Hai, your task now is to take good care of Wan Qiu, don't tire her out, do you hear?"

Wang Shufen's voice came over the phone again.

"Mom, I see, you will never let your daughter-in-law suffer." Chen Jianghai replied with a smile.

Lin Wanqiu on the side couldn't help but ask, "Jiang Hai, what did your parents say?"

"They were afraid of bumps on your road, so they told you to go back to Linghai to celebrate the New Year."

Putting down the phone, Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"Parents are so nice." Lin Wanqiu raised the corner of her mouth and smiled.

Chen Jianghai pinched Lin Wanqiu's straight nose: "Why, are my husband and mother-in-law treating you badly?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't mean that." Lin Wanqiu couldn't help pouting.

"Haha, just kidding, my dear wife, I'll wait for you to wash and go to bed!"

Chen Jianghai got up and said.

"No need, Jiang Hai, I'll go by myself!"

Lin Wanqiu waved her hand and said.

"No, you are now the key protection object of our family. Let me come here for these things."

Chen Jianghai said righteously and sternly.

"But...but didn't the doctor say that I can't...can't that?"

Lin Wanqiu said hesitantly.

"Wanqiu, what are you thinking about, I just told you to wash for you, I have no other thoughts!"

Chen Jianghai grinned.

"'re dead!"

Lin Wanqiu immediately buried her head, her face flushed with shame.

In the blink of an eye, there are only two days left until the Chinese New Year.

Chen Jianghai never thought that the New Year would be so busy.

The first is to wrap up the work, and to plan the work ideas for next year.

This naturally needs to be discussed and discussed with a group of management in the factory.

The second is the annual meeting in the factory.

As a boss, this is a must participate.

The time is the day before New Year's Eve.

The third is the government, inviting private entrepreneurs from Linghai to have a meal together.

After all, the state-owned enterprises that the government has shot before, these entrepreneurs have contributed.

Now that one year is over, the government has to make a statement and summarize it by the way.

The time is set for lunch the day before New Year's Eve, and it will not delay too much time.

Fortunately, the annual meeting with Qiuhai was staggered, otherwise Chen Jianghai would definitely not be able to participate.

After these two things are done, Chen Jianghai can go home and have a happy New Year with his family.

A week before the Spring Festival, Chen Jianghai told Liang Haoyang to push forward the production plan.

Just need to complete all the existing orders on hand, and start the holiday.

Hurry up and hurry up, finally, the current order tasks will be completed on the day before New Year's Eve, and you can breathe a sigh of relief during the New Year.

No, from the factory, Chen Jianghai drove his car straight to the Jin Jiang Hotel designated by the government.

"Jiang Hai, this way!"

As soon as Chen Jianghai entered the room, Jin Changan and Li Detian who were not far away greeted him.

Seeing these two people, Chen Jianghai waved his hand, smiled and prepared to walk over.

Who knew that when he was halfway through, he was stopped by someone.

"Boss Chen, you are a little late!"

The person who came was Director Wang Baoguo of the government.

Chen Jianghai quickly explained with a smile: "Director Wang, I'm sorry, I just came after the last batch of goods, but I didn't expect to be late."

Wang Baoguo waved his hand and said, "Boss Chen, it's a good thing that business is booming. Your factory is a big taxpayer in Linghai this year!"

After chatting for a while, Chen Jianghai said, "Director Wang, the banquet is about to start. I'm sorry, I'll get together next time when I have time."

After hearing this, Wang Baoguo grabbed him directly: "Boss Chen, your position has been arranged."

"Huh? Didn't you just sit there?" Chen Jianghai was a little surprised.

Wang Baoguo smiled: "They are just sitting Come with me!"

Chen Jianghai looked suspicious, made an apologetic gesture to Jin Changan and Li Detian, and followed Wang Baoguo away.

"Hey, why did Jiang Hai leave?" Li Detian was a little strange seeing this.

Jin Changan smiled: "Didn't you see the guy next to him? I think Jiang Hai is in the limelight today."

Li Detian nodded: "Don't say it, Jiang Hai is usually too low-key and doesn't look like a young man at all."

Jin Changan also sighed with emotion: "You are right, this guy is too old. However, he seems to have to make a high profile today."


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