Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Wang Baoguo took Chen Jianghai directly to a private room next to him and made a gesture of invitation.

Chen Jianghai stopped and asked, "Director Wang, what's inside?"

"Boss Chen, you'll know when you go in."

Seeing that Wang Baoguo didn't say anything, Chen Jianghai had to knock on the door and walked in.

There were only two people in the private room, and they all looked at Chen Jianghai who came in with a smile.

One of them is Huang Lao.

As for the other one, Chen Jianghai had read in the newspaper, it was the county magistrate of Linghai County, Feng Zongxian.

"Hello, Mr. Huang, and Mrs. Feng."

Chen Jianghai took the initiative to step forward and said with a smile.

"Boss Chen is really young and promising, and the factory is doing well! I heard about your name a long time ago, and I finally saw it today." Feng Zongxian said with a smile and stretched out his hand.

"The county magistrate Feng has won the award! You are our parental official. The factory can develop thanks to your support!"

As the so-called flower sedan chair lifts people, Chen Jianghai naturally praised the other party a few words.

Huang Lao said lightly: "Xiao Chen, come over and sit down and talk!"

"Yes, yes, sit down and talk." Feng Zongxian said quickly.

"President Feng, sit down."

When Feng Zongxian was seated, Chen Jianghai sat down.

One is the retired boss, and the other is the local parental official, so he naturally kept his attitude very low.

"How about it, Zong Xian, I didn't pick the wrong person for you, did I?" Huang Lao said with a smile.

Feng Zongxian nodded hastily and replied, "Old Huang's ability to know people is really high. I didn't even notice a young talent like Boss Chen, I'm really ashamed!"

Hearing Feng Zongxian say this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but muttered in his heart: This man can really speak, no wonder he can become the head of a county.

In a word, praised both of them.

Huang Lao smiled and looked at the two of them and didn't say anything.

"The county magistrate Feng praised me wrongly, I'm just an ordinary person." Chen Jianghai said humbly.

Feng Zongxian looked at Chen Jianghai with a smile: "If you can single-handedly develop a factory that is about to go out of business to the point where it is now, the advertisements have been broadcast on CCTV. Who would believe you when you say you are an ordinary person?"

Huang Lao interjected: "Xiao Chen is too stable, not like a young man at all."

The three chatted, but the topic was all focused on Chen Jianghai.

After chatting for a while, Feng Zongxian said sternly: "Boss Chen, there is something I want to talk to you about."

Chen Jianghai nodded slightly and waited quietly for the other party to follow.

Feng Zongxian glanced at Huang Lao, and then continued: "There are still a large number of state-owned enterprises in Linghai, all of which are facing the crisis of bankruptcy. Can you help them, Jiang Hai?"

Hearing Feng Zongxian say this, Chen Jianghai shook his head secretly: There are at least dozens of those large and small state-owned enterprises, can he be busy alone?

When Huang Lao heard Feng Zongxian say this, his face was also a little dignified.

"Feng Magistrate, my ability is limited. It's not bad to do Qiuhai well. I'm afraid other factories can't help!"

Chen Jianghai said politely.

Although Qiuhai wants to expand, it still needs to be done step by step. One or two factories are fine, but swallowing too much in one go will become a burden.

Feng Zongxian chuckled: "Hey, it's me Meng Lang, then Boss Chen will go with me to investigate and make some suggestions, right?"

Good guy, after walking around for a long time, it turned out to be waiting for me here!

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but secretly said: Sure enough, those who can sit in this seat are not fuel-efficient lamps.

As a parental official, from Feng Zongxian's point of view, trying to revitalize these terminally ill state-owned enterprises was originally a good thing.

So Chen Jianghai nodded and readily agreed: "Okay, this is no problem."

"Okay, then I'll thank Boss Chen first." Feng Zongxian's face was full of smiles at this time.

Seeing this scene, Huang Lao nodded with satisfaction.

Feng Zongxian is the proud student he brought out, and Chen Jianghai is the young man he is optimistic about. If they reach a consensus, it will be the best.

dong dong!

Just at this moment, there was an unhurried knock on the door outside.

Immediately, Wang Baoguo's voice rang outside: "Mayor, it's almost time."

"Okay, let's go out now."

After that, Feng Zongxian waved his hand: "Boss Chen, let's go together!"

"Old Huang, Magistrate Feng, should I go out first?" Chen Jianghai pointed to the outside and said.

"No need, you'll be sitting next to me later."

Feng Zongxian waved his hand.


Chen Jianghai was slightly taken aback.

"Xiao Chen, just listen to Zong Xian's arrangement."

Huang Lao also followed.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient!"

Looking at Huang Lao, Chen Jianghai nodded and walked out calmly.

Everyone in the hall was very surprised when they saw Chen Jianghai beside Feng Zongxian.

What made them even more unexpected was that Chen Jianghai finally sat beside Feng Zongxian.

This position is not for ordinary people to sit in.

"Who is this young man?"

"Why, you don't know him, he is Qiuhai's boss, Chen Jianghai!"

"Oh, he's Chen Jianghai. The advertisements of their factories have been hit on CCTV, so it can be considered a long face for us Linghai!"

"I don't know what Feng Xian means, let him sit next to him?"

"I don't understand what this means, I'm clearly supporting him!"

"This Chen Jianghai is not easy!"

Jin Changan and Li Detian looked at Chen Jianghai not far away, and both of them were surprised.

Neither of them thought that Chen Jianghai would sit next to Feng Zongxian.

"Lao Jin, do you think Jiang Hai knows Magistrate Feng?" Li Detian couldn't help asking.

Jin Changan shook his head: "I don't think it's possible. If he knew Fengxian, he would still need to walk around the streets to repair electrical appliances before?"

"But, why did he sit next to Magistrate Feng?" Li Detian muttered.

Jin Changan smiled: "It's not easy, it depends on his ability and Qiuhai's current strength."

"Well, that's true!" Li Detian nodded.

When the main master came out, the hall suddenly became quiet.

As today's host, Feng Zongxian walked to the front, glanced at everyone in the audience, smiled and said, "Everyone must be very curious, who is this sitting next to me?"

"His name may be a little unfamiliar, but when it comes to the products of their factory, everyone must be familiar with it. It is the first factory in Linghai to be advertised on CCTV: Qiuhai Electric Kettle Factory."

"This is the general manager of Qiuhai Electric Kettle Factory, Chen Jianghai."

Having said this, everyone present began to applaud.

Leaders speak, must support.

In addition, Chen Jianghai is in the limelight right now, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it with the words "hot". Naturally, it deserves their Chen Jianghai naturally stood up and bowed to everyone to express his gratitude.

When Chen Jianghai sat down, the applause disappeared, and Feng Zongxian continued his speech.

It is also very simple to say, just to thank everyone for their support to the government last year.

Most of the people here have been to the last state-owned enterprise auction.

In any case, the private entrepreneurs here have made great efforts to solve the difficulties of the government.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Zongxian took time out of his busy schedule to organize such a dinner.


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