Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 292

Chapter 292

"Jiang Hai, do you have a chance to talk about this?"

Seeing that Chen Jianghai didn't speak, Xu Dong stepped forward with a look of anticipation on his face.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "Everything is possible."


Xu Dong was a little confused.

Possibly, will it work or not?

Chen Jianghai said inexplicably: "The time has not come, and I can't give you the answer now."

"Then... when will the time come?" Xu Dong hurriedly asked.

Xu Dong came here today for two purposes. One of them has been resolved, and now the only thing left is the component factory.

Speaking of which, brother-in-law treated him well, he wanted to help brother-in-law to clarify.

Chen Jianghai followed: "Brother Dong, I can only give you an approximate time."

"how long?"

"At least until the second half of next year."

According to the speed of history, Chen Jianghai knew that the first vcd came out in September 1993.

In the previous life, Jiang Wanmeng only established the company in March 1993, and it took half a year to develop the vcd.

Now as long as Tong Qingxiong buys back the patent, Chen Jianghai can immediately pay for it and give a clear research direction.

Even if the speed is the same as Jiang Wanmeng's, the vcd should be produced around October 1992, and Chen Jianghai has enough confidence to take the lead in the market.

You know, Chen Jianghai knows very well about vcd.

If there is any problem at that time, Chen Jianghai can solve it or provide a solution.

In this way, the speed of research and development will definitely be faster than Jiang Wanmeng.

However, Chen Jianghai didn't say anything, it's always good to leave some leeway in everything.

"Okay, then I'll tell my brother-in-law truthfully." Xu Dong quickly stood up.


Chen Jianghai nodded.

"By the way, Jiang Hai, I heard that my younger brother and sister are pregnant?" Xu Dong asked suddenly before leaving.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Brother, you are well informed!"

"You've been gone for half a month, Linghai is very lively, and some gossip says that you ran away with money." Xu Dong said with a grin.

Chen Jianghai asked amusingly, "Oh, is there such a thing?"

Xu Dong nodded: "That's for sure! If it wasn't for Liang Haoyang's clarification in the factory, this matter might have caused some trouble."

Chen Jianghai followed up: "It seems that the next time I go away, I have to advertise in the newspaper."

Xu Dong cupped his hands and said, "Jiang Hai, then I'll congratulate you first, you will definitely have a big fat boy by then."

Chen Jianghai shook his head: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether it is a man or a woman, I just want a girl."

Xu Dong was obviously stunned, and then he laughed: "Haha! Jiang Hai, your thoughts are indeed different from others."

After all, in this day and age, the idea of patriarchal women is still very important.

After saying this, Xu Dong left directly.

Presumably his brother-in-law was waiting for news from him at home at this time.

Just after Xu Dong left, Jin Changan and Li Detian arrived.

I have to say that the relationship between these two people is really good. Every time I come to see Chen Jianghai, they are always together.

"Jiang Hai, congratulations!"

As soon as they entered the door, the two of them congratulated directly, and it seemed that they knew something.

Chen Jianghai nodded and smiled: "You two brothers, you came fast enough!"

"Jiang Hai, what you said is wrong!" Jin Changan waved his hand.

Chen Jianghai was stunned and said, "Where did you say something wrong?"

Jin Changan waved his hand: "We arrived at 8:30 at two and have been in the factory!"

Chen Jianghai quickly understood.

These two people still have a layer of identity now. The people in the discipline inspection department in the factory are now working. Although there is no set working time for them, they should be there on time every day, according to their hearts.

"Right, right, my fault, my fault! The two brothers are now contributing to the factory."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

The three sat down and started chatting.

"Jiang Hai, how are the two newly acquired factories under your command?" Jin Changan asked directly.

"One has been put into production, and the other is still under planning and construction." Chen Jianghai said truthfully.

Jin Changan glanced at Li Detian, then said, "Jiang Hai, there is something we want to talk to you about."

"What's the matter?" Chen Jianghai asked curiously.

Jin Changan Zhang Zhang said: "It's still about the shares."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai also became serious.

Are the two people dissatisfied with the current shares?

"Two brothers, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly, there is no need to hide it between us." Chen Jianghai said sincerely.

Li Detian nodded and said, "Lao Jin, I said it long ago, just tell Jiang Hai directly if there is something, there is no need to be so restrained."

Jin Changan said somewhat self-deprecatingly: "Hey, I'm being careful."

Chen Jianghai didn't say anything, but waited calmly for the next two people.

Jin Changan thought for a while, and then said: "Jiang Hai, we have already discussed it. You should give us Qiu Hai's share for the share! Forget the rest."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai also understood.

Now that there are more and more factories in his hands, the shares of Jin Changan and Li Detian are becoming more and more valuable.

The meaning of the two is also very simple, that is, they only take the dividends of Qiuhai, and the income of other factories has nothing to do with them.

"Two brothers, are you sure?"

Chen Jianghai looked at the two of them and asked in a deep voice.

But don't underestimate this 3% stake, when Qiuhai grows up in the future, this is definitely an astronomical figure.

Li Detian was blunt and said simply: "Jiang Hai, we have made more than 200,000 yuan, and now even if we withdraw our shares, we have no complaints at all."

Jin Changan also nodded hastily: "Old Li is right, I mean the same."

Chen Jianghai waved his hands with a serious expression and said, "Brother, don't mention the issue of withdrawing shares. I have my principles of doing things. I, Chen Jianghai, can't do anything about crossing the river and demolishing the bridge."

Hearing Chen Jianghai express his attitude so decisively, the two were also very moved.

When they said that they would only take 3% of the shares, they thought that Chen Jianghai was taking advantage of them.

But now it seems that they are taking advantage of Chen Jianghai!

"Then fix our shares in a factory." Jin Changan's attitude is also very firm, and he is very satisfied that he can follow Chen Jianghai to make a fortune.

Li Detian also quickly echoed: "Jiang Hai, I mean the same thing, it's better for us brothers to figure it out."

Seeing the appearance of the two, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but smile lightly and said, "Two brothers, isn't it too much trouble for you to do this? According to me, let's count it at three percent!"

The two of them chose to believe unconditionally when they were most short of, and Chen Jianghai would naturally not live up to their trust.

Jin Changan and Li Detian can get Qiuhai's dividends, which they originally deserved.

"No! Absolutely not!" Li Detian said quickly.

"Yeah, Jiang Hai, we are well aware of your kindness to us, but your company is definitely getting bigger and bigger, and we don't want to hold you back."

Jin Changan followed suit.

Li Detian also nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, Jiang Hai, just promise us."


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