Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 196

Chapter 196

At this time, Chen Jianghai had already called a yellow-faced person and went home faster than the two of them.

When he got home, Wang Shufen and Lin Wanqiu were busy in the kitchen.

And Chen Liye, who came back from get off work, was studying the big color TV in the living room.

Seeing Chen Jianghai coming back alone, Wang Shufen quickly came out, looked behind him and asked, "Jiang Hai, why did you come back alone, where is your brother?"

"Mom, my brother and sister-in-law are in the back. We'll be there soon. I have to leave some private space for them, right?" Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Hearing this answer, Wang Shufen immediately had a smile on her face, and said again and again: "It's good to come! It's good to come!"

"Jiang Hai, how much did you spend on these appliances?"

At this time, Chen Liye came out and asked in a deep voice.

Chen Jianghai smiled: "Dad, the list is on the table, you can read it yourself."

"Jiang Hai, come in with me." After Chen Liye finished speaking, he turned his head and entered the room.

Wang Shufen quickly took her son's arm and instructed, "Go chat with your dad, and the dishes will be ready soon."

"Got it, Mom."

When Chen Jianghai entered, Chen Liye was wearing reading glasses and was looking at the receipt list carefully.

"Jiang Hai, you... spent more than 10,000 here?"

Chen Liye looked at the numbers on the list and his voice trembled a little.

Chen Jianghai replied calmly: "Dad, you have worked hard all these years, so you should also enjoy it. It's worth the money."

"I mean, how did you get the money?"

Chen Liye put down the list, looked up at Chen Jianghai, and asked with a dignified expression.

Chen Jianghai was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Dad, I should have told you about my situation, right?"

"I said it, but I'm worried about you taking out so much money at once!"

Chen Liye nodded, but still looked worried.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "Dad, don't worry, I earned all this money on my own merits."

"Can I make so much money repairing electrical appliances?" Chen Liye still asked in disbelief.

If it was a few hundred thousand, he would find it acceptable.

But if he took out more than ten thousand at once, plus the previous several thousand, wouldn't it cost more than twenty thousand!

What is this concept?

It is worth the hard work of ordinary workers for more than ten years, and they have to eat or drink to save.

Chen Jianghai knew what happened to him, even if he said it, his father Chen Liye might not believe it, so he said directly: "Dad, I not only repair electrical appliances, but now I have contracted a factory, and the products are selling very well. Woolen cloth."

"And contracted the factory?"

"Yeah, if you don't believe me, you can go back to Linghai and have a look, and you'll know!"

Chen Liye glanced at Chen Jianghai suspiciously, and finally nodded slightly without saying anything more.

The son has already said this, and if he still holds on to it, it will be difficult for the two of them to survive.

"Okay, I'll go to your place with your mother when you're free."

After getting the affirmative answer from his father, Chen Jianghai also laughed: "No problem."

The father and son had just finished chatting, and Chen Jiangshan also brought Meng Meihua home.

"Meihua is here, hurry in and sit, hurry in and sit!"

Wang Shufen greeted Meng Meihua with a smile, it was a passion.

Meng Meihua's face flushed slightly, and she said softly, "Hello, Auntie."

Lin Wanqiu came out with the dishes and said, "Is this the sister-in-law? Brother, you have such a good eye!"

Hearing Lin Wanqiu say this, Meng Meihua's ears turned red.

And she noticed that Lin Wanqiu in front of her was fair-skinned and tall, and with that decent dress, she was a real beauty.

Seeing this scene, Chen Liye also quickly greeted: "Everyone, sit down! Sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

As soon as he sat down, Meng Meihua saw the Changhong color TV on the cabinet.

"Brother Shan, did your family buy a color TV?" Meng Meihua asked in surprise.

Chen Jiangshan was stunned for a moment.

How come there are more color TVs at home?

I was so excited just now that I didn't even notice that there was an extra color TV in the room.

"Well, Jiang Hai bought it. This kid knows how to spend money." Chen Liye pointed to his younger son.

Chen Jiangshan was stunned for a moment, then frowned and looked at Chen Jianghai: "Jianghai, how can you spend money like this, you still have to ask for money for doing business there?"

Facing Chen Jiangshan's lesson, Chen Jianghai was not angry, but rather happy.

When the elder brother can say this, it is definitely for his own good.

"Brother, I bought this for my parents, can't I honor my parents?" Chen Jianghai asked back with a smile.

Chen Jiangshan was at a loss for words, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Meng Meihua also persuaded him at this time: "Brother Shan, your brother is for uncle and aunt, you can't blame him."

Hearing Meng Meihua say this, Chen Jianghai became more and more satisfied with this sister-in-law.

She is beautiful, knowledgeable, and the key is to be good to her brother. Where can I find such a sister-in-law?

What to say this time, I have to help my brother take down this sister-in-law!

Some people, once they miss it, they no longer have it!

As soon as Meng Meihua spoke, Chen Jiangshan had nothing to say, scratched his head and sat down in a muffled voice.

Seeing that his brother was eaten so dead, Chen Jianghai couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart. My sister-in-law is a good sister-in-law, but my eldest brother is going to be a strict wife.

Meng Meihua didn't look different on the surface, but she was very happy in her heart.

The family has always opposed her to associate with Chen Jiangshan, and the reason is very simple, because the conditions of the Chen family are not good.

Well now, the Chen family has a capable young son, and the key is to be very filial. It's just a visit, and even a big color TV is bought.

What else can the family say about this?

Buying a black and white TV is not cheap these days, let alone a color TV.

Absolutely decent enough.

Of course, Meng Meihua didn't want to take advantage of Chen Jianghai.

She really wanted to be with Chen Jiangshan.

If she hadn't really liked Chen Jiangshan, who is honest and responsible, she wouldn't have to withstand the huge pressure of her family and refuse so many suitors, and it would take a few years for her to wait.

"Brother, don't you take your sister-in-law to your room to take a look?" Chen Jianghai suddenly pointed to the back and said.

Chen Jiangshan was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "My room is very messy, what's so good about it."

"Sister-in-law, the golden den and the silver den are not as good as your own dog kennel! Do you think so?"

With a smile on Chen Jianghai's face, a sentence followed.

"Well, you're right." Meng Meihua didn't understand at first, so she responded casually.

But as soon as the words came out, she tasted the taste.

How did Chen Jiangshan's kennel become hers?

But Meng Meihua didn't say anything.

She is also very happy to be recognized by Chen Jiangshan's family.

Chen Liye's eyes widened at looked at Chen Jianghai and reprimanded: "Jiang Hai, what are you talking about? It's just ruining the reputation of other girls."

"What are you afraid of? Who dares to chew his tongue, isn't my brother married yet?" Chen Jianghai replied without hesitation.

Meng Meihua blinked, this younger brother and eldest brother are really too different in character.

However, it is still as good as Brother Shan.

Honest and hardworking, is a person who can be entrusted for life.

Seeing that the two of them were talking more and more, Chen Jiangshan felt that his face was hot and dry, and he quickly said, "Dad, Jiang Hai, what are you talking about?"


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