Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 197

Chapter 197

"Brother, take your sister-in-law to see it!"

Chen Jianghai reached out and pushed Chen Jiangshan, urging.

If he stayed any longer, Chen Jiangshan didn't know what else the two would say, so he got up and took Meng Meihua into the room.

"I'm going to help in the kitchen!"

After Chen Jianghai finished speaking, he went directly into the kitchen.

Chen Liye was stunned for a moment, then muttered with a little surprise: "Hey, this kid actually still enters the kitchen?"

"Dad, the food cooked by Jiang Hai is delicious. Let him cook it for you." Lin Wanqiu said with a smile.

On the other side, he took Meng Meihua into the room. Chen Jiangshan was so nervous that he kept wiping away his sweat, completely unaware that there was a big guy in the room.

Meng Meihua's eyes were suddenly attracted by the newly installed Chunlan air conditioner.

At present, this Chunlan air conditioner is a best-selling brand in China, and the price is not cheap at all.

"Brother Shan, is there an air conditioner in your house?"

Meng Meihua opened her mouth wide and asked in disbelief.

Chen Jiangshan was stunned.

Looking at the brand new air conditioner, he fell silent again.

Because he really didn't know what to say.

The color TV outside just now is nothing, but now even the air conditioner is installed.

Ordinary leaders and cadres do not have this kind of treatment!

"Brother Shan, Brother Shan?"

Seeing that Chen Jiangshan didn't speak for a long time, Meng Meihua called out a few words softly.

Only then did Chen Jiangshan react, and he hurriedly said, "It must have been bought by Jiang Hai, this is a waste of money!"

"Brother Shan, what is your brother doing?"

Meng Meihua's curiosity also grew, and she couldn't help asking.

Judging from the current situation, this younger brother of Brother Shan is really not an ordinary person!

"It used to be a home appliance repairer, but now the factory is open." Chen Jiangshan said in a muffled voice.

"Opened a factory?" Meng Meihua looked surprised.

From repairing home appliances to opening factories...

Is this span too big? !

Although Chen Jianghai looks very temperamental, but in his early twenties, it is really difficult to connect with the boss who opened the factory.

Chen Jiangshan also said with a sigh: "He, compared to before, is completely two people. To be honest, I don't even dare to recognize him."

"Brother Shan, what is your brother doing here this time?"

Meng Meihua followed carefully and asked.

Chen Jiangshan said casually: "I haven't seen each other for several years, I just came to see my parents."

Hearing Chen Jiangshan's answer, Meng Meihua felt a little disappointed.

Meng Meihua thought that Chen Jianghai came here this time for his brother's life-long event.

Thinking of this, she sighed in her heart.

Will she and Chen Jiangshan continue like this?

Although the electrical appliances on the surface of the Chen family are very shocking, without the help of Chen Jianghai, the Chen family is still the same Chen family, and the family will not agree.

Now her parents are rushing, seeing that she is getting older and older, if Chen Jiangshan doesn't speak again, she really can't hold it anymore.

However, the kind-hearted Meng Meihua did not force Chen Jiangshan, she was waiting for the other party to speak.

As long as Chen Jiangshan opened his mouth, even if his family objected, Meng Meihua would not marry him.

But if Chen Jiangshan didn't bring it up, it could only be said that the two had no relationship.

She can't be so active as a girl!

How will he see himself then?

Meng Meihua looked at Chen Jiangshan who was silent, her face darkened slightly, and all the previous happiness disappeared.

Although the Chen family had a rich son, it wasn't Brother Shan's money after all...

She also has no reason to ask Chen Jianghai to do something for his eldest brother.

To be able to be filial to your parents like this, and to help your eldest brother a little by the way, can be regarded as a benevolence and righteousness.

Just let it be...

Meng Meihua suddenly had such an idea.

Chen Jiangshan didn't think so much. He felt very happy with the girl he loved by his side.

"Jiangshan, Meihua, come out to eat!" Wang Shufen's voice came from outside the door.

Only then did Chen Jiangshan look away from Meng Meihua's face, and said with a smile, "Meihua, let's go out!"

"it is good."

Meng Meihua nodded absentmindedly, and sighed slightly in her heart.

When the two came out, everyone was already seated.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen sat on the upper seat, while Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu sat on the lower seat.

Chen Jiangshan glanced at it and let Meng Meihua sit on the left, and he planned to sit on the right.

"Brother, sit there!" Chen Jianghai pushed Chen Jiangshan to Meng Meihua's side.

Meng Meihua's face flushed slightly, and she buried her head a little, but didn't say anything.

Chen Jiangshan was a little embarrassed, but finally sat down beside Meng Meihua.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen saw the two of them sitting together with smiles all over their faces.

"Come, come, eat vegetables, eat vegetables!"

Chen Liye waved his hand and urged everyone to move their chopsticks.

The atmosphere of this meal was very harmonious, making Meng Meihua feel the warmth of eating with her family.

Looking at Chen Jiangshan sitting beside her, Meng Meihua felt very sweet in her heart, but also with a hint of grief.

While chatting, Chen Jianghai suddenly asked a question.

"Brother, when are you going to marry Sister Meihua?"

Hearing this question, everyone in the Chen family pricked up their ears.

Meng Meihua never expected that Chen Jianghai, the younger brother, would suddenly ask such a question.

But then, she also pricked up her ears.

She wanted to know what Chen Jiangshan was thinking.

Chen Jiangshan was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that his brother would suddenly dig such a big hole for him under such circumstances.

Seeing Chen Jiangshan's tangled face and not speaking, Chen Jianghai knew what he was thinking.

If Chen Jiangshan didn't speak clearly today, this sister-in-law would definitely be out of action.

In order to allow the eldest brother to bring the beauty back as soon as possible, Chen Jianghai also took great pains.

Wang Shufen did not expect that Chen Jianghai would ask such a question in front of Meng Meihua.

Just as he was about to reprimand, Chen Liye kicked lightly under the table.

Wang Shufen glanced at Chen Liye and frowned, obviously not understanding what he meant.

"Don't talk!" Chen Liye whispered.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Chen Jiangshan.

Chen Jiangshan's head was blank at this time, and he didn't know what to say at all.

"actually, I"

Hearing the beginning of Chen Jiangshan, Chen Jianghai felt that he was going to suffer, sighed in his heart, and quickly said:

"I remembered, brother, didn't you say last time that you would propose marriage when I came over?"

This time, Chen Jiangshan was stunned.

I... when did I say such a thing?

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen also looked at each other.

The eldest son actually said this? How could he possibly be...

Or really said it.

After all, they are parents, and there is no need to shy away from brothers.

Meng Meihua didn't think so much, and looked at Chen Jiangshan with a face of surprise.

Did he really say that?

Lin Wanqiu laughed and said Having been a husband and wife for so many years, she knew from Chen Jianghai's expression that this was all made up.

However, Lin Wanqiu also saw that Chen Jiangshan and Meng Meihua really liked each other, and he also felt that this future sister-in-law was quite good.

It would be a good thing to be able to match the two.

Chen Jiangshan still wanted to explain, but Chen Jianghai didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and then asked: "Mom and Dad, sister-in-law, you have also met. If my brother wants to marry her, will you have any opinion?"


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