Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chen Jianghai could probably guess what his brother was thinking, and quickly grabbed him: "Brother, this is my first time here, so you must let me meet my future sister-in-law!"

"What nonsense!"

Chen Jiangshan waved his hand, "These eight characters haven't been written yet! Why did you even call your sister-in-law?"

"I do not care!"

Chen Jianghai said directly, "If you don't bring your sister-in-law home today, I won't help you talk to Mom!"

Seeing Chen Jianghai like this, Chen Jiangshan couldn't help but think of some scenes from his childhood, and he was a little dumbfounded.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, but if people still don't come, don't force it."

Chen Jiangshan followed suit.

Chen Jianghai grinned: "Brother, see what you said, am I that kind of person?"

For this younger brother, Chen Jiangshan really has nothing to do.

I used to be disobedient, and my family wouldn't listen to anything.

Now there are too many ideas, and people don't know what he wants to do at all.

Ten minutes later, the two came to the mouth of an alley, and Chen Jiangshan stopped.

"Brother, are you here yet?"

Chen Jianghai couldn't help asking when he saw that Chen Jiangshan was no longer going forward.

"No, just wait here for a while."

Chen Jiangshan kept his eyes on the front and said without looking back.

Not long after, a group of girls in their early twenties came from the front, chatting happily.

After Chen Jiangshan saw it, he immediately waved at them.

I saw one of them, a tall, tall girl wearing a floral dress, with long black hair, came over with a blushing face amid the laughter of her companions.

"Brother Shan!"

After the flower skirt walked in, only then did he notice Chen Jianghai behind Chen Jiangshan, and asked with a little doubt, "This is?"

Chen Jiangshan put away the smirk on his face and quickly introduced: "This is my brother Chen Jianghai, Jiang Hai, this is... my friend Meng Meihua."


Chen Jianghai waved and said hello.

Meng Meihua smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Hello."

Chen Jianghai suddenly said again: "My brother said that you are a beautiful woman. When I saw you today, I realized that my brother was lying to me."

Hearing him say this, Chen Jiangshan and Meng Meihua's expressions changed slightly.

Chen Jiangshan's heart was suddenly suspended, what did the younger brother say?

Meng Meihua was thinking, what happened to Brother Shan's younger brother, he was not polite at all.

Following, Chen Jianghai said the next sentence: "I want to see, you are a fairy descending to earth, what kind of beauty is that!"

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Meng Meihua was stunned for a moment, then her face turned red, and she covered her mouth and laughed.

Seeing Meng Meihua smile, Chen Jiangshan felt relieved.

Chen Jiangshan couldn't help but glared at Chen Jianghai: This kid has a lot of heart, and he really scared him just now.

"You and your brother have completely different personalities." Meng Meihua glanced at Chen Jiangshan who was muffled and laughed.

Chen Jianghai followed with a breath and said, "Yes, my brother is more honest than me, works harder than me, honors his parents, and will definitely treat his wife well in the future. He is a very good husband."

Meng Meihua was dumbfounded when she heard this.

Chen Jianghai's mouth is too good to say, right?

Could it be... Is this what Brother Shan meant?

Thinking of this, Meng Meihua's whole face turned red.

This is because Brother Shan is embarrassed to say it, so let my brother confess to her?

But why take such a big turn...

Strange to say, two people clearly have a good impression of each other, and they can feel each other.

But this layer of window paper has never been pierced.

Chen Jianghai can also see that the relationship between the two people is more than friendship. If the lovers are not full, it depends on who can take the initiative to take the first step.

Since this is the case, let him Chen Jianghai be the old man this month.

Chen Jiangshan said a little embarrassedly at the moment: "Meihua, my younger brother likes to talk nonsense, don't take it to heart."

Hearing Chen Jiangshan say this, Meng Meihua couldn't help but have a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Chen Jianghai was a little speechless.

Brother, you are a pig teammate!

"Sister Meihua, are you free today? My brother wants to invite you to dinner at home." Chen Jianghai said quickly.

According to Chen Jiangshan's urination, he must be embarrassed to say these words.

No wonder they clearly felt each other, but now they haven't succeeded in holding hands, but in the end they have fulfilled others.

So Chen Jianghai did his part to take this errand down.

Anyway, as long as the two of them like each other, it is enough in Chen Jianghai's opinion.

Didn't Sister Meihua's family think his brother had no money?

But is money still a thing for Chen Jianghai now?


Meng Meihua looked at Chen Jiangshan in surprise and asked.

"Well." Chen Jiangshan snorted.

Now the arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent.

"Then wait here, I'll go home and tell my parents."

After Meng Meihua finished speaking, she turned and ran away without waiting for Chen Jiangshan to answer.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but ask, "Brother, haven't you dated anyone before?"

"I made an appointment to go to the park to play."

When talking about this, Chen Jiangshan was not only not embarrassed, but a bit of yearning on his face.

It seems that the date has left him with good memories.

Hearing Chen Jiangshan's answer, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but patted his forehead.

He now knows how much this girl likes her brother.

If they hadn't really liked it, Chen Jiangshan's steely temperament would have left the two of them long ago.

It didn't take long for Meng Meihua to trot all the way back and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go!"

Chen Jianghai suddenly patted his head and said: "Brother, I suddenly remembered that there is still something to do, why don't you go back first?"

"Jiang Hai, what can you do when you just arrived here?"

Chen Jiangshan asked strangely.

Chen Jianghai was really speechless.

What else can I do?

Isn't it to create alone time for both of you?

Otherwise, why would I, the younger brother, work so hard.

"Okay, don't ask so many questions, I'll go first."

After that, Chen Jianghai turned around and left, not giving Chen Jiangshan a chance to ask again.

"Brother Shan, why haven't I heard you say this little brother before?"

Seeing Chen Jiangshan's dull look, Meng Meihua couldn't help but ask a topic.

Speaking of this younger brother, Chen Jiangshan's words were also opened.

"Hey, this kid was ignorant before, and his parents were so heartbroken by him that they almost didn't want to communicate. Fortunately, now that the prodigal son has turned back, he has a successful career. He only brought his younger brother and sister here yesterday. UU Reading wwwww

Meng Meihua blinked her big eyes and said, "I see your brother, it's very interesting."

"Interesting is interesting, but there are too many ghost ideas." Chen Jiangshan pouted.

"Brother Shan, why are you two brothers so different in character?" Meng Meihua asked.

Chen Jiangshan smiled awkwardly: "I don't know either, this kid's personality doesn't resemble his family at all."

On the way back, the two of them were full of laughter and laughter.

But what they didn't know was that there was someone who had been quietly following behind.


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