Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1819

Chapter 1819

Chapter 1819 I will work harder

Chen Jianghai and Kodak's concerns are completely different.

For Yan Fei, who knew the bottom line of both sides, such negotiation was naturally not difficult.

Chen Jianghai wanted the lens R&D department, and Keda wanted the film company.

In this case, the needs of the two do not overlap at all, and it is much simpler to negotiate.

Qiuhai's bottom line, Yan Fei naturally would not reveal it to Kodak and the others.

There is only one thing he has to do, which is to try to raise the purchase price as much as possible to gain more benefits for Qiuhai.

Although Qiuhai doesn't care about the millions, as the saying goes, no matter how small the mosquito's legs are, it is still meat.

Anyway, Kodak is a domestic company, it is really not for nothing.

At the beginning, Kodak offered 300,000 casually, but Yan Fei naturally disagreed.

This also seems to be expected by Kodak, so everyone quickly started a second negotiation.

After the second negotiation, Yan Fei talked about the price of 2 million, and added a lens R&D department at the same time.

This price is completely acceptable to Chen Jianghai.

In fact, as far as Chen Jianghai is concerned, as long as the lens department can get it, it doesn't matter if he doesn't need a penny.

In Chen Jianghai's view, the current lens department is the greatest wealth, and it must be firmly grasped by this opportunity.

The release of the Forerunner V2 is naturally indispensable for the camera function.

The production and manufacture of these lenses is inseparable from the lens R&D department.

In the recent period, the monitoring system used on the drone is also in charge of the lens R&D department.

In this case, once this department is recovered by Kodak, it is completely unacceptable to Chen Jianghai.

At this time, Kodak did not understand the importance of the lens R&D department to Chen Jianghai.

It is this cognitive asymmetry that led Kodak to focus only on the film company, but did not pay attention to the lens R&D department.

Of course, Kodak, who was busy waving banknotes to acquire the entire industry of Huaxia film, couldn't see anything else at this time.

In their opinion, Kodak is sure to shock the world this time and become the overlord of the film industry.

They are also complacent because of this, there is a feeling that the world is in control.

The price Yan Fei talked about was also within their acceptable range.

Originally, their reserve price was 3 million, and they directly acquired all the film companies and lens R&D departments in Qiuhai's hands.

In their opinion, the lens R&D department is not worth one million at all, and at most it is just a bonus.

Now Qiuhai and the others are willing to pay a price equivalent to one million for this addition, and Kodak naturally has no opinion at all.

After listening to Yan Fei's report, Chen Jianghai nodded in admiration: "You have done a good job in this matter."

After receiving the praise from Chen Jianghai, Yan Fei's face was filled with joy.

Since following Chen Jianghai, Yan Fei has been very cautious, lest he accidentally make a mistake.

Although Chen Jianghai's secretary is very powerful, in fact, only Yan Fei who has experienced it himself knows that this secretary is not so easy to be.

After being Chen Jianghai's secretary for so long, I have never been praised by Chen Jianghai several times in my impression.

In fact, Yan Fei has gradually realized the reason.

The main reason is that he is too young, lacks some mature experience in handling many things, and is not as perfect as he imagined.

In this case, Chen Jianghai did not criticize him excessively, which was already a big deal.

He didn't dare to ask for too much.

In negotiating this matter with Kodak, Yan Fei thought that he had done it well.

However, to be praised by Chen Jianghai really made him overjoyed.

His efforts were finally in vain.

In fact, after one or two years of training, Yan Fei has improved a lot in all aspects.

Overall, Chen Jianghai is quite satisfied with this secretary.

Deeds must be rewarded, and demerits must be investigated.

The people under him have made achievements, and Chen Jianghai, the big boss, will naturally not be stingy with praise.

"Thank you Mr. Chen, I will work harder."

Yan Fei quickly bowed and said while excited.

Yan Fei was still very happy when he was working in Qiuhai.

Although the work was a bit hard and the nerves had to be strained every day, Yan Fei felt that it was totally worth it.

Especially being able to become Chen Jianghai's secretary, I don't know how many people I envy.

During the time he worked in Qiuhai, Yan Fei felt that his abilities in all aspects had been exercised, and his whole person had improved a lot.

Chen Jianghai took Yan Fei with him most of the time. He was both a boss and a teacher.

Under such an opportunity, Yan Fei learned a lot of principles of being a man and doing things from Chen Jianghai, which can be said to have benefited a lot.

Yan Fei knew that such an opportunity was too rare for him.

In his heart, Yan Fei was very grateful to Chen Jianghai.

At the same time, Yan Fei was also secretly puffing up in his heart, that he must make achievements for the other party to see, worthy of Mr. Chen's cultivation of himself.

Now Yan Fei, after a period of training, is fully capable of helping Chen Jianghai deal with some problems.

It can be seen from these subtleties that Yan Fei's ability has indeed improved a lot.

Of course, many things Chen Jianghai gave Yan Fei the opportunity to exercise.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have grown so fast.

Nowadays, most big bosses choose secretaries, usually women, and they want to be young and beautiful.

As for whether he is smart or not, not many people really care.

The bosses often just need the female secretary to be obedient.

In this day and age, the boss's beautiful secretary is more like a vase, just a decoration, and there is no need to do too much.

When it came to Chen Jianghai, this situation did not exist.

Whether it is Qiu Shuyi before or Yan Fei now, what Chen Jianghai looks at first is ability and character.

For Chen Jianghai, if the ability and character are not enough, it is useless to look good.

I have to say that being a secretary here in Chen Jianghai can really exercise his abilities.

And Chen Jianghai is also willing to give them the opportunity to exercise and help them grow.

Even if Qiu Shuyi and Yan Fei leave Qiuhai now, they are still talents who can be their own.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and picked up a newspaper: "Thank me for what?

It was you who did well. "

"Mr. Chen, Xijiang TV has something to discuss with you."

Yan Fei took a deep directly ended the topic and said another thing to Chen Jianghai.

Otherwise, seeing Chen Jianghai pick up the newspaper, he should know that he should go out.

Chen Jianghai looked at an article on the newspaper and asked without raising his head, "What's the matter?"

"The finals of that super girl is coming soon. They want to invite you to present the award to the championship. I wonder if you are free?"

Yan Fei replied quickly.

Chen Jianghai looked away from the content above, put down the newspaper, looked up and asked, "Oh, when is the finals?"