Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1818

Chapter 1818

Chapter 1818 Is the gap so big?

Nowadays, in terms of domestic road construction, most people have only one idea, that is, it can be used.

As for quality, many people are reluctant to ask too much and just let it go.

Ordinary people think like this, as long as I spend the money and this road can be built, that's fine.

For professionals like Zhu Youxin, such a path is not perfect.

A perfect highway should take all aspects into consideration as much as possible.

When he came to design a plan for Chen Jianghai this time, Zhu Youxin knew that Chen Jianghai, who had the money, made it himself.

In this way, it is natural that the more money you save, the better.

Subconsciously, Zhu Youxin adopted the previous plans.

The construction speed is fast and the capital can be saved a lot.

The road built by such a plan will save a lot of money, and in other respects, it can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

Of course, this is because Zhu Youxin has stricter requirements on the expressway he designed and manufactured, otherwise, it will be even more unbearable.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

Cheap and high-quality things often only exist in an ideal state, and some are not realistic.

It now seems that Chen Jianghai is not an ordinary person, and his requirements may be different from those of ordinary investors.

Based on this consideration, Zhu Youxin opened his mouth and asked Chen Jianghai such a question.

Otherwise, he was really unwilling to hold back in his heart.

"Mr. Chen, according to the current plan, the quality can only be said to be average, but it can save money."

Zhu Youxin said very directly.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai frowned.

However, he immediately understood what the other party meant, and his starting point was to save him money.

But what Zhu Youxin didn't know was that Chen Jianghai was also striving for perfection when it came to building the expressway.

At least in terms of quality, it is absolutely impossible to compromise.

Such a large project, once there is a quality problem, it goes against Chen Jianghai's original intention.

He is willing to spend huge sums of money to build this expressway. On the one hand, it is to solve the most important problem of re-employment of laid-off workers. On the other hand, he hopes to promote the economy between the two places.

"Mr. Zhu, you don't need to consider other aspects. All I want is a high-quality expressway. Can you do it for me?"

Chen Jianghai asked in a deep voice.

Zhu Youxin's eyes lit up slightly, but he did not see Chen Jianghai wrong.

However, in this case, he couldn't help reminding Chen Jianghai: "Mr. Chen, if you change to a new plan, the capital investment may be doubled."

When Yan Fei heard this, he couldn't help but blurt out: "Is the gap so big?"

But he reacted as soon as he said it, and in this case, he had no right to speak at all.

For a while, Yan Fei glanced at Chen Jianghai nervously.

However, Chen Jianghai did not seem to be angry because of this, but turned his attention to Zhu Youxin and waited for the expert's following.

Zhu Youxin nodded and said, "Yes, if you want the quality of the construction to be good, it will naturally cost a lot of money."

Yan Fei couldn't help but said, "Mr. Chen, I think it's better to follow the previous plan!"

Today's Qiuhai can be said to be surrounded by enemies on all sides, which is very troublesome.

Yan Fei believes that the most important thing now is to ensure that Qiuhai has enough funds to meet the next challenges.

The highway can be repaired, which can bring a lot of fame to Qiuhai.

In terms of funds, Yan Fei believes that everyone else has done it this way, and Qiu Hai can follow the original plan.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is no need for Qiuhai to be unconventional and spend too much money for a highway.

This is the current situation in China. As a private enterprise, Qiuhai has no need to rush to change.

At least now is not the time, you can wait a little longer.

When Qiuhai solves the current difficulties in the future, and has enough funds as a guarantee to do similar projects, you can choose the one with good quality, set a benchmark, and further gain fame and reputation.

Hearing Yan Fei say this, Zhu Youxin didn't speak, just looked at Chen Jianghai.

Zhu Youxin is very clear that the final decision on this matter rests with Chen Jianghai.

Whether Chen Jianghai will agree or not, Zhu Youxin is also very curious now.

Regarding this issue, Chen Jianghai didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed.

"Qiuhai has always been very strict in terms of product quality.

When it comes to projects such as expressways, naturally, it must be done in accordance with high standards and strict requirements. "

Chen Jianghai made a firm statement.

Zhu Youxin admired Chen Jianghai's remarks very much.

From this point of view, the reason why Qiuhai was able to achieve such a huge success is inseparable from the boss in front of him.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of Chen Jianghai's high requirements for quality that Qiuhai can reach today step by step and create such brilliant results.

Seeing Chen Jianghai say this, Yan Fei didn't speak again.

As Chen Jianghai's secretary, he can indeed make a little comment.

But now that Chen Jianghai gave a positive answer, Yan Fei naturally couldn't refute anything.

Chen Jianghai agreed so readily, Zhu Youxin really didn't expect it.

The reason why he asked this question was because he saw that Chen Jiang trusted him so much, and he was so ambitious that he wanted to bite the bullet and give it a try.

Otherwise, if he kept it in his heart, Zhu Youxin felt that he might not be able to sleep well recently.

But Chen Jianghai was good, he didn't ask how much it cost, and agreed directly.

Through this incident, Zhu Youxin believes that Chen Jianghai is a person worth making friends.

No wonder Zhong Denghua spoke highly of Chen Jianghai on the phone, saying it was all praise.

At first, when he heard Zhong Denghua's praise for Chen Jianghai, Zhu Youxin was a little dissatisfied.

I think this old friend said so many good things for him because he got the benefit of Chen Jianghai this time.

When he first contacted Chen Jianghai, Zhu Youxin still had a good impression of Chen Jianghai, at least he had a good first impression.

Now, this kind of goodwill has turned into a sincere admiration.

Chen Jianghai is indeed a Chinese national entrepreneur who is willing to do practical things and to contribute.

It is precisely because Chen Jianghai is such a that Zhu Youxin made such a suggestion at this juncture.

Otherwise, he just needs to honestly follow the current plan and implement it.

After receiving Chen Jianghai's assurance, Zhu Youxin left happily, and there are still many things that he needs to be busy with in the future.

After working for more than ten years, this project can finally let Zhu Youxin, who has always been holding back his energy, want to do a big project to show his strength.

After Zhu Youxin left Chen Jianghai's office, Yan Fei began to report the results of the negotiations with Kodak.

After knowing Chen Jianghai's bottom line, Yan Fei became much calmer about this negotiation.