Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1820

Chapter 1820

Chapter 1820 Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high

"Mr. Chen, the finals will be around the 20th of next month."

Yan Fei replied immediately.

Hearing this time, Chen Jianghai could not help frowning.

This is not a good time for super girls.

At this time in history, a flood occurred in the Longjiang River.

If the super girls hold the finals at this time, it is definitely a bad choice.

However, Chen Jianghai also knows that there is no need to mention this now.

When it really happened, let Qi Jingyi stop the show first.

In the face of national mourning, entertainment must stand aside.

If the camera system of the drone can be officially activated by then, it will completely allow the TV station to start a new program.

The content of the program is also very simple, that is, the rescue work in the disaster area.

I believe that if there are drones, the situation on the scene can be spread to the whole country.

If Xijiang TV did this, it would definitely not be able to pick out any faults.

It can even receive huge attention and praise from all walks of life, and it will inevitably bring a wave of popularity to Xijiang TV.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai said casually: "I don't know if the finals can be held or not. Let's talk about it later!"

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Yan Fei looked at Chen Jianghai with a surprised expression, and asked in confusion.

Chen Jianghai then realized that he seemed to have accidentally leaked his mouth, coughed twice, and explained casually: "I mean that the finals are still a while away, you can just notify me a few days in advance."

Yan Fei didn't think much about Chen Jianghai's explanation, and quickly took out a booklet that he carried with him and wrote down his words, so that he would not accidentally forget it at that time.

Chen Jianghai was quite satisfied with Yan Fei's habit.

A good memory is not as good as a bad writing.

It's not easy to forget this way.

After finishing this, Chen Jianghai went straight home by car.

For the next two days, Chen Jianghai decided to stay at home and stay with his family.

When their son was at home, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen immediately stopped caring about their careers.

Chen Liye closed the small supermarket directly, while Wang Shufen simply asked someone to help him get vegetables.

For this big family, being able to be together as a family is more important than anything else.

Chen Jianghai, who rested at home for two days, received a call from Zhong Dalong when he went to work on the third day.

Chen Jianghai helped Zhong Dalong build a veteran's home, which will be completed in a while.

Zhong Dalong knew that Chen Jianghai was very busy, so this time he greeted Chen Jianghai in advance.

He hoped that when the Veterans Home was completed, Chen Jianghai would be able to take time out of his busy schedule to attend the completion ceremony at the scene.

Facing Zhong Dalong's request, Chen Jianghai readily agreed without any hesitation.

The reason why Chen Jianghai agreed was to let more people know about it.

Only by letting more people know about it will it get more social attention.

The living environment of the veterans is generally not good, and many people are even poor and sick. Chen Jianghai is eager to change this situation.

However, Chen Jianghai also knew in his heart that a person's strength is limited after all, and it is obviously not enough to rely on him alone.

Only by involving more people can this situation be changed to the greatest extent.

Now, no matter what the news is, it will naturally become a hot topic if it has a relationship with Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai is a person who likes to keep a low profile. For this matter, he is willing to make an exception to make a public appearance.

After all, a person's power is limited.

For public welfare, Chen Jianghai still hopes that the more people, the better.

As the saying goes, when people gather firewood, the flame is high.

With more people involved, the situation can be changed faster.

Zhong Dalong did not expect that Chen Jianghai would agree so happily.

Chen Jianghai is a person who likes to keep a low profile, of course Zhong Dalong knows this clearly.

Before so many TV stations asked Chen Jianghai to record the program, Chen Jianghai did not agree.

Zhong Dalong called Chen Jianghai this time to invite Chen Jianghai to participate in the completion ceremony of the Veteran's Home, but he actually had the mentality of giving it a try.

Although he was very eager for Chen Jianghai to agree, he actually didn't have much expectations.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jianghai agreed without saying a word.

"Mr. Chen, did you agree?"

While excited, Zhong Dalong on the other end of the phone couldn't help but ask another question.

Because this is really unbelievable for him, and he subconsciously wants to confirm it again.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Old Zhong, can I still joke with you?"

"No, no, Mr. Chen, I didn't mean that."

Zhong Dalong couldn't help but be embarrassed for a while, and quickly explained, "It's just that you agreed too quickly, which made me a little unresponsive."

Chen Jianghai laughed for a while after hearing this, and then said, "Old Zhong, tell me the time, and I'll see if there is any conflict in the time."

"It should be around the tenth of next month, see if you have time to come."

Zhong Dalong replied quickly.

It could be heard that he was obviously a little nervous, lest Chen Jianghai would conflict with this time in his schedule and would not be able to come.

Chen Jianghai thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure yet, I'll give you an answer a few days in advance."

After getting this answer from Chen Jianghai, Zhong Dalong didn't say anything more and hung up the phone directly.

Now Zhong Dalong has a lot of things to do.

Moreover, it was enough for him to get such a reply from Chen Jianghai.

Now he can only hope that Chen Jianghai can arrange as much time as possible to attend the completion ceremony of the Veterans Home.

Right now, the construction of the Veteran's Home is in the final stages of finishing, and there are a lot of things that need to be handled by Zhong Dalong.

Fortunately, Zhong Dalong has a group of comrades in arms, all busy with this matter.

Otherwise, if it was Zhong Dalong alone, it would be impossible to complete such a large project.

Not even with money.

Zhong Dalong doesn't have three heads and six arms. With so many things, even if it is 24 hours a day, one person can't be busy at all.

Knowing the purpose of this veteran's home, Zhong Dalong's comrades came to help.

Under such circumstances, the Veterans Home project will progress so smoothly.

Seeing that the Veteran's Home was about to be completed, Zhong Dalong immediately thought of Chen Jianghai.

In his opinion, it would be a bit of a pity if Chen Jianghai was not there when this veteran's home was completed.

It is because of Zhong Dalong knew that Chen Jianghai likes to keep a low profile, but he still couldn't help but make this call.

After Chen Jianghai hung up the phone, he explained to Yan Fei.

Now Chen Jianghai's itinerary is naturally arranged by him.

As soon as something happened, Chen Jianghai would tell Yan Fei the time in advance and let him pay attention to the arrangement.

Don't get into trouble when several things come together.

After arranging this matter, Chen Jianghai put down his mobile phone and went to the grass outside.