Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1340

Chapter 1340

Chapter 1340 Need help?

However, Chen Jianghai was reluctant to say more, and Bharat did not continue to ask questions.

After all, this already belongs to the category of commercial secrets.

If he simply asked, it happened that Chen Jianghai was convenient, so he would naturally say

I don't want to say more now, so there's no need to hold on.

Anyway, Bharat now firmly believes in one thing, that is, there is absolutely nothing wrong with following Chen Jianghai to buy stocks.

Because of Chen Jianghai's operations in the Siam and Hong Kong stock markets, Bharat also conducted some research.

It turns out that Chen Jianghai definitely has some special source of news channels.

Otherwise, no matter how smart financial experts are, it is impossible for him to operate with such precision.

This is the real stock god!

"Chen, I would also like to thank you. Recently, I also bought a lot of shares in a pharmaceutical company with you, and I just waited for it to continue to rise."

Barratt said with a smile.

Chen Jianghai felt very good about Bharat, and gave a positive answer directly: "Then you can buy it with confidence, and you will never lose money."

Seeing Chen Jianghai's confident look, Bharat became more and more sure of his guess.

If Chen Jianghai did not have a certain source of information, he would definitely not dare to say so.

Bharat is naturally secretly happy: this is all money!

Many people see that money is money.

But for people like Bharat, information is sometimes money.

Even, in many cases, information is more important than money.

Bharat now has a question, that is, where did Chen Jianghai's information come from?

But this question probably will never be answered.

Chen Jianghai is also very proud now that Bharat would thank him for the stock.

This is the famous stock god, Bharat!

If this is said, few people will believe it.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door from outside.

Chen Jianghai showed an apologetic smile, stood up and said, "Mr. Bharat, I'll go see who it is."

Bharat didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded to show that he understood, and then took a shallow sip from the water glass in front of him.

Chen Jianghai nodded, then walked to the door.

"Please come in."

The waiter opened the door and saw that standing outside was Jackson with long wavy hair and huge sunglasses.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai immediately smiled and said enthusiastically, "Welcome, Jackson."

Jackson also smiled and said: "Chen, you are awesome, congratulations!"

When Jackson came in, the waiter shut the door knowingly.

What Chen Jianghai didn't expect was that Bharat and Jackson actually knew each other.

The two greeted each other very well.

"You know each other?"

Chen Jianghai raised his eyebrows.

Bharat smiled and said, "What?

Can't I listen to Jackson's songs? "

"Mr. Barratt, you misunderstood, that's not what I meant."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand.

After a brief chat, Bharat got up and left.

"Let's talk, I'll go outside to meet old friends first."

Bharat pointed to the outside and said.

Jackson personally came to the door, indicating that the two must have something to say.

At this time, Bharat will naturally not stay much.

Chen Jianghai did not hold back and sent Bharat out with a smile.

After sending Bharat away, Chen Jianghai returned to the sofa and sat down.

"Man, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

Jackson shrugged. "Not bad."

Only then did Chen Jianghai realize that Jackson, who took off his glasses, looked tired.

Jackson is now a world-renowned international superstar, and it's no exaggeration to say he's hot.

It is possible for him to run several countries a week, and it is normal to be tired.

No matter which profession, if you want to reach the top, it cannot be too easy.

Chen Jianghai asked, "Jackson, are you happy to cooperate with us Qiuhai?"

The cooperation between the two has been going on for some time.

Don't use people with suspicion, don't use people with suspicion.

Chen Jianghai has been in China all the time, and he didn't interfere much with the situation here, and he gave Smith the full responsibility.

Now I'm just asking casually, I just want to find a topic to talk about.

The relationship between Chen Jianghai and Jackson was not so good as to say nothing.

If there is no topic for this, the two of them will be a little embarrassed.

"Chen, don't worry about this, we are very happy to cooperate."

Jackson replied very succinctly.

Hearing what Jackson said, Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded.

With Smith here in the United States, he doesn't need to worry too much.

At this moment, Jackson's cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone and looked at it, frowning slightly.

"Sorry, I'll take a call first."

Jackson said apologetically to Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand, indicating that he was casual.

After saying a few words quickly, Jackson hung up the phone.

From the conversation just now, Chen Jianghai smelled something wrong.

Jackson seemed a little unhappy about the phone call just now.

Chen Jianghai asked with a little doubt: "Mike, have you encountered any trouble?"

Jackson said a little helplessly: "Yes, the company has been urging me to submit songs. I really can't think of it, and it's a bit of a headache."

Chen Jianghai was not in the industry, and Jackson trusted him enough, so naturally he didn't hide it.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai also understood.

The most important thing for a singer-songwriter, of course, is to perform well-known songs.

However, no matter how powerful a singer is, they cannot escape the torture of lack of inspiration.

Once there is no inspiration, it is not so easy for him to create a satisfying song.

Today's Jackson, may be in such a period.

The company urged him to hand over songs, and he didn't have the inspiration to write songs, which caused him to be like this.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and suddenly asked, "Do you need help?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Jackson subconsciously thought that what Chen Jianghai said to help was to use his own relationship to deal with his company.

Such an approach can only be said to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes.

After all, as a singer, you still need new songs in the end.

Of course, if Jackson really didn't write it, the company would have nothing to do with him.

You can't just do whatever you want to make up for it!

Besides, with Jackson's status, he already has enough autonomy.

Although the company is pressing hard, they will never kill the chicken to get the egg.

Jackson immediately waved his hand and said, "It's I can handle it myself."

"Okay, I originally wanted to write a song for you. Since you think it's okay, then forget it."

Chen Jianghai pouted.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Jackson looked surprised and said with wide eyes, "What?

Chen, what did you just say?

I did not hear it clearly. "

What Chen Jianghai said was a bit unbelievable.

He is obviously an entrepreneur, how can he write songs?